'This man...how much terrifying power does he possess! '

Standing on the side, the petite Broken Bee looked at Kaido with a complicated expression, with a hint of shock on her delicate face, and she was a little numb to Kai's endless power.



After a long time, the power of time and space wrapped around his body gradually disappeared, Kaido opened his golden eyes, and said with a pity.

The terrifying aura that was originally exuded has now become even more unfathomable, like a bottomless abyss, which is shocking.

"It's still far from being able to comprehend the entry into the rules of time and space!"

Although the power of all things can parse the time and space rules on the gate of the dimension, it also gives Kaido some benefits, but if you want to really understand, the difficulty is still horribly high, even with the power of all things, Kaido Don't even think about comprehending it for a while, if you want to get started, it's even worse.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

According to Kaido's estimation, it will take at least a hundred years of constant comprehension to be able to get started.

——This alone is enough to make Kaido give up.

Although the rules of time and space are extremely powerful, it is not necessary for Kaido. If there is, it is not bad. If not, Kaido will not force it.

Not to mention that it took hundreds of years to change a new entry.

"Forget it, the next step is to open the door of the dimension and connect the two worlds."

Suppressing the regret in his heart, Kaido turned his attention to the gate of the dimension, and he no longer insisted on the rules of time and space, showing his broad mind.

"Turn on!"


Just do what he said, Kaido stretched out his hand, and an invisible force spread out, making the gate of the dimension that originally stood above the desert shook.

——The huge volume of up to [-] meters shakes the surrounding desert for thousands of meters, like the earth is shaking, and it is almost unsteady.


Accompanied by the deafening sound, the two doors slowly pushed inward, and a faint ray of light appeared quietly as the door opened, making people squinted slightly and watched with a somewhat shocked expression.

In the end, when the huge portal was completely opened, like a link to an unspeakable different dimension, a swirling vortex appeared, spinning inside the portal.

"This is the gate of dimension?"

"Is it really possible to get in like this?"

"It doesn't look very safe."

Seeing the scene inside the portal, the faces of many Ten Blades changed slightly, all of which were a little difficult.

It's not that they are timid, but the doorway that revolves like a vortex in front of them exudes a terrifying aura. The so-called black cavity is scum in front of this doorway.

"Not bad!"

Kaido responded indifferently, and then ignored the crowd, the power surged around his body, and an illusory human figure emerged from Kaido's body, and its appearance was exactly the same as Kaido.

- phantom figure

It carries Kaido's consciousness, but does not have any entity or attack power, but against it, no power can attack the illusory humanoid.

As soon as the phantom humanoid appeared, he walked directly into the portal under the control of Kaido and went to the world of One Piece.


The [-]st chapter connects the two worlds, the women who come (first)


After a long time, the door of the dimension made a light sound, and the original swirling vortex began to emit light, as if something was about to come out, so that everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes with anticipation in their eyes.

The mysterious other world and the mysterious visitors from the other world are extremely mysterious to everyone in the virtual circle, and they are naturally full of curiosity.

Kaido stood with his hands behind his back, his golden eyes staring at the gate of the dimension tightly, and he didn't care what everyone thought. For Kaido at this time, there was nothing he cared more about than seeing the girls in the One Piece world. matter.


After a while, Kaido's eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice, with a little joy in his voice.

Sure enough, not long after Kaido's words fell, the gate of the dimension shined brightly, and then a slender figure stepped out of it, attracting everyone's attention.

- This is an extremely stunning peerless beauty

With long silver hair like Kaido's shawl, her scarlet eyes are incomparably cold, and her delicate face is indifferent and indifferent. 13 She is wearing a long white dress, and her whole body exudes a terrifying aura. An aloof and glamorous goddess is like a bright eye.

Even standing in the crowd, she is the most eye-catching existence.

Even the Ten Blades who don't care much about women's sex, their eyes lit up when they saw this woman, and their hearts were faintly moved.


As for Broken Bee, Nilu, Harribel, etc., when they saw the silver-haired woman appear, they instantly became vigilant. It came from the woman's intuition. They knew that the relationship between the woman in front of her and Kaido was definitely not simple.

What's more, the beauty of the other party made them feel a little jealous in their hearts.

"Master Kaido!"

Stepping out of the gate of the dimension, zero did not pay attention to other people, but stared at Kaido standing at the front at first glance, even if Kaido's appearance had changed a little at this time, but zero was still in an instant He recognized Kaido, and his eyes were full of joy.

"Long time no see, zero!"

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