Seeing Zero's delighted look, Kaido smiled slightly and said softly.


Slightly choked in response, Zero stepped on his slender legs and walked in front of Kaido, then his tender body threw himself into Kaido's arms, a pair of jade hands embraced Kaido's waist, and his body was firmly against Kaido, Almost squeezed into his arms.

"It's not a child anymore, as for this!"

Seeing Zero's enthusiastic appearance, Kaido smiled helplessly, and put his big hand on Zero's head, rubbing her hair lightly.Although his mouth was ruthless, Kaido's heart was warm.

Because of zero's performance, it is obvious that the other party really loves Kaido and hangs on Kaido wholeheartedly, so he does this.

Your Majesty's woman!

Can not offend!

Seeing the gestures of the two, many Ten Blades' eyes flashed, and their hearts were suddenly shocked, and instantly divided this woman into a position that could not be provoked and the position of Nilu, Halibel and others.

Everyone doesn't care about the silver-haired woman being Kaido's. After all, Kaido has no reason to let go of such a beautiful woman.

As for Nilu on the side, seeing the two of them doing this, her mouth pouted slightly, and she seemed a little jealous, but Halibel and Broken Bee didn't seem to be moving on the surface, as if they didn't care.

Of course, if he saw their clasped hands, he might not think so.



Just as Kaido and Zero were hugging, the whirlpool glowed again, and silhouettes walked out of it, there were a dozen or so, all of them were women, which shocked everyone in an instant, almost blinding their dog eyes. .

Because the women who appeared in front of them were all peerless beauties, and none of them were inferior to Nilu and other women, especially the one who walked in the front was extremely tall, wearing a pink flower: petal cheongsam, with hip length. Hair, a woman with magical beauty, makes everyone unable to look away.

Even the lazy Stark, the rude and incomparably rude, and his eyes were involuntarily attracted to the past, and it was difficult to resist Hancock's charm, but only Ulquiorra, who didn't care about anything, remained expressionless. look.


As soon as Hancock, headed, walked out, he saw Zero hugging with Kaido, his eyes lit up, and he let out a coquettish cry, like a child pounced directly, ignoring that the two were still hugging and shouting. Prohibition: Avoid calling.

dad! !

Hearing Hancock's name, everyone who originally thought that the other party was a Kaido woman was shocked, especially seeing that Hancock kissed Kaido without hesitation, it was even more thunderous. Feel.

As expected of His Majesty!

The crowd with faint twitches at the corners of their mouths suddenly said with admiration in their hearts that Kaido was almost thrown to the ground, and even his own daughter was taken down.

As for whether the two sides are father and daughter, everyone doesn't care much. After all, Yi Xu's three views are obviously different from human beings. Although they don't like this kind of thing, they don't care too much.

" girl..."

Kaido put his arms around Zero with one hand and Hancock with the other. After a long kiss, he released Hancock and said helplessly.

Obviously, he didn't expect that Hancock would call out the name "Love: Fun" in public.

"Humph... Who told you to leave for so long!"

With a light humming in his mouth, Hancock's devilishly beautiful face had a clear dissatisfaction on his face, obviously a little dissatisfied with Kaido's departure.

If it weren't for the time gap between the two worlds being more than a hundred times, and even more than a year passed on one side and less than a month on the other side, I'm afraid that Hanku would have been fried with 143 grams long ago.

The little revenge at this moment was just to express the girl's dissatisfaction.

"Isn't it even a month away? You are too impatient!"

The right hand tapped Hancock's buttocks, Kaido's mouth curled into a playful smile, and he lowered his head to her ear and said softly.

"Do you miss me very much? It doesn't matter, I'll let you be satisfied tonight: Satisfaction!"

His tone was ambiguous: ambiguous and playful, especially the two 'good' words were biting extremely hard, which made Hancock blushed suddenly, his heartbeat suddenly became so much faster that he almost suffocated past.

"Master Kaido!"

Just when Hancock was flustered, a voice opened his mouth to attract Kaido's attention.


ps: Damn, this is nothing to cross the line, because Mao didn't give it.

Here I recommend a cute new anchor. The anchor is my brother, um, he just started live broadcast these two days, and he has been asking me to advertise for him. Although it is useless, I still recommend it here.

——On the live broadcast of Penguin E-sports, the anchor's name is Duxing.Season [-] Glory to Han Xin (this cute new author doesn't understand what it means).An anchor that combines strength and humor! (You just listen to it).

All in all, readers who like live broadcast and King of Glory, if you have time, you can watch it or click on it! ⊙▽⊙


Chapter [-] Whitebeard and others who came to the world of death! (Second more)

When Kaido looked away, he saw Miss 2b, who couldn't see her expression because of her blindfold, but you could hear the resentment in her tone.

Well, 2b!

"Ha ha……"

Seeing this, Kaido smiled slightly, let go of Hancock and Zero, and then opened his hands to embrace the resentful girl in front of him, and his increased strength almost squeezed the girl's beautiful body into his arms. .

"Long time no see, little girl~"

Whispering with a doting touch echoed in 2b's ears, the hot breath directly made the girl blushed, her delicate body was weak for a while, and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Kaido held him in his arms, so it wasn't like this. shame.

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