Upon seeing this, Kaido's mouth curled into a smile and said calmly.


ps: I recommend a cute new anchor here. The anchor is my younger brother. Well, he just started live broadcasting these two days, and he has been asking me to advertise for him. Although it is useless, I still recommend it here.

——In the live broadcast of Penguin E-sports, the name of the anchor is called "Lone Xing". I made a mistake before and thought it was Lone Xing (covering his face). No punctuation marks.Alone, these three words are the host's name.

Season [-] Glory to Han Xin (this cute new author doesn't understand what it means).An anchor that combines strength and humor! (You just listen to it).

All in all, readers who like live broadcast and King of Glory, if you have time, you can watch it or click on it! ⊙▽⊙


The three hundred and sixtieth chapters come to the world (first more)

In the present world, Kakuza-cho.

In the sunny sky, a pitch-black black cavity ripped apart the space, gradually opened in the air, and the breath from the virtual circle swept out, and then two slender figures came out of the black cavity.

It was Kaido and Sakuya Izayoi.

"The present world... It's a familiar scene!"

Stepping on the void, Kaido glanced at the city below, and the modern buildings rising from the ground made Kaido's golden eyes flash with a hint of nostalgia.

Kaido himself has not seen a modern city for more than [-] years. At first sight, he really misses it.

"Is this the present world? Lord Kaido!"

The crystal clear pupils glanced at the city that was completely different from the virtual circle and the "imperial capital" of the beasts. There was a hint of curiosity on the cold face of Izayoi Sakuya.

Although she is a clone of Sakuya Izayoi, she also has the pinnacle of maid skills of Sakuya Izayoi, but she has no modern memory of the other party, so she is naturally very curious about such an unfamiliar city.

"Yes, this is the world." Hearing Sakuya's question, Kaido nodded, looked at the earth from afar, and said cautiously, "It is also where we will live in the next few years. !"

several years? !

Sixteen 810 Ye Sakuye's cold face became a little confused, and then he seemed to understand something, and there was a snicker on his face.

"Lord Kaido is because of the battle between Lord Hancock and Lord Nilu!"

With a hint of snickering coldly, Izayoi Sakuya's words of schadenfreude made Kaido's face stiff, recalling what happened before.

——It has been three months since I opened the door of the dimension and took over the subordinates of One Piece World.

After gradually taking over his women and personally going to the One Piece world to shock a wave, Kaido threw Whitebeard and the others to Ten Blades for training, and then accompanied Hancock and the other women in the virtual circle, and was fine. Taste it to remember the loneliness brought about by the separation that lasted for more than a year.

However, although the life surrounded by beauty is beautiful, it also comes to an end. Just after a month, the tragic Shura field broke out.

Nilu and the others, who were originally dissatisfied with the sudden appearance of Kaido's large group of women, burst into jealousy when they saw Kaido accompanying them day and night.

Of course, Nilu and the others did nothing too much. They just broke out a wave of spiritual pressure in front of Hancock and the other women, which almost didn't make them dizzy.

However, it was because of the provocation of Nilu and others that Hancock and other women broke out all at once. In the original world, Hancock and other women, who had already reached the top and were almost invincible, could not swallow this breath?

Immediately, the war between the two sides broke out. Of course, the result was obvious——

Hancock and other women returned after a fiasco.

In the face of Nile and Halibel, who had broken faces at the Vastord level, they often had sex with Kaido, and the two women whose strength had increased significantly, Hancock and other women were undoubtedly hanged and beaten. After a while, only the strong zero was calm, and the rest of the women were rubbed on the ground.

And this result undoubtedly greatly stimulated Hancock and the others. Even if Nilu and the other women didn't do anything hard, the madly abused Hancock and the other women still felt a burst of humiliation.

Facing the powerful strength from Halibel and Nilu and other women, the women who were slack once again ignited a strong fighting spirit, causing them to fall into a crazy training.

Originally, this kind of result is also something Kaido likes to see, but what he didn't expect is that almost every once in a while, Hancock and other girls will go to challenge Nilu and other girls, and then be hanged and beaten. A meal, then go to practice, and then go to challenge.

Over and over again, almost every day, a battle would break out in the Void Night Palace.

This undoubtedly made Kaido a little irritable. After all, except for one or two women who didn't practice much, everyone else went to practice, and battles often broke out, and there was no time to accompany him at all. How can the happy Kaido stand it?

After two full months had passed, Kaido, who couldn't bear their fight, took Sakuya to reality, out of sight and out of mind—

Not to mention that Kaido already had the idea of ​​coming to this world.

Of course, in the face of the battle of the women, Kaido is not incapable of stopping it.It's just that it is always a proud thing to let a group of beautiful women fight for themselves, not to mention that the strength of the girls has also increased, which is also something Kaido is happy to see.

- As long as things don't go too far.

"Hmph, that's all you know!"

Recalling the two months of life, Kaido snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and flicked directly on Sakuya's forehead, making a snapping sound.

"Be careful I can't get you out of bed!"

As soon as the words fell, a blush quickly appeared on Sakuya's cold face, her legs in cotton white knee socks softened slightly, and her whole body suddenly became a little shy.

In the past two months, due to the battle between Hancock and other women and Nilu, there were not many women to accompany Kaido. As Kaido's personal maid, Izayoi Sakuya received Kaido's cannon main force.

It is conceivable that Sakuya was tossed out of bed almost every day. If it weren't for the power of the Moon Timepiece, I'm afraid that Sakuya would not be able to serve Kaido at all.

Hearing Kaido's words at this time, Sakuya suddenly recalled.

"If Lord Kaido is willing... at any time!"

Sakuya's cold face was flushed, and she whispered softly, her expression full of shame.

No matter how cold his character is, Izayoi Sakuya has no resistance to Kaido.

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