"Hmm...there will be time tonight... eh?"

Looking at Sakuya, who had a charming and seductive expression, Kaido couldn't help but move his index fingers. Facing such a delicious beauty, even Kaido couldn't hold back, but at this moment, Kaido suddenly frowned. Looking at the sky in the distance, he wondered.

"this is……"


ps: I recommend a cute new anchor here. The anchor is my younger brother. Well, he just started live broadcasting these two days, and he has been asking me to advertise for him. Although it is useless, I still recommend it here.

——In the live broadcast of Penguin E-sports, the name of the anchor is "God King R", yes, he changed his name again (covering his face), no punctuation marks.God King R, these three words are the name of the anchor.

Season [-] Glory to Han Xin (this cute new author doesn't understand what it means).An anchor that combines strength and humor! (You just listen to it).

All in all, readers who like live broadcast and King of Glory, if you have time, you can watch it or click on it! ⊙▽⊙


Chapter [-] Urahara Kisuke and Black Cat Night! (Second more)

Kakuza-cho, Urahara store.

The sun was shining brightly through the window, illuminating the small grocery store, with expired products displayed on the surrounding shelves, and at first glance it looked like a completely useless grocery store.

In front of the door of the grocery store, a middle-aged man wearing a man with a sloppy body was leaning in front of the door. A pair of deep eyes were looking into the distance at this time, his eyes were extremely deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Manager Urahara... can you feel it?"

At this time, a tall middle-aged man gradually walked to Kisuke Urahara, his eyes full of solemnity under the reflector glasses.

"Well... it's very clear, just like sunlight in the dark, yes-so clear."

Facing the middle-aged man's question, Urahara Kisuke's face was not as condescending as usual, and he looked extremely serious and deep, making it impossible to see what he was thinking.

As early as the moment the black cavity appeared, Urahara Kisuke had already sensed it.

"Someone opened the black cavity, is it the big virtual of the virtual circle?"

The middle-aged man asked again, with a hint of doubt on his calm face.

The present world is different from the Soul Soul World. Although there are many ordinary people with high-quality spiritual pressure, most of the existences who come here to hunt are ordinary virtual ones, and very few big ones come.

Not to mention, in their perception, the black cavity level across the sky is definitely not an ordinary Kirian or even Achukas can open——

At the very least, it is also a Vastodd-class big virtual.

Located at the top of the virtual circle, the highest-level big virtual.

"I don't know, the comer is definitely not simple... I have an ominous hunch!"

Facing the question of the tall middle-aged man, Urahara Kisuke did not answer, but said with a heavy face, looking a little worried.

The Great Void in the virtual circle generally does not come to the world, even if there is, it is only the lowest level of Kilian, and the stronger Great Void, not to mention none, but it is extremely rare.


At this time, a hoarse and low voice came, attracting the eyes of the two.

Then I saw that on the wall of the grocery store, a black cat with a graceful figure, golden eyes, and a black body went out. At this time, it was lying there lazily, and the black cat appeared on the face A dignified color.

A black cat not only spit out human words, but also made a solemn expression. If anyone saw this scene, it is estimated that they would be shocked, and maybe even scared away.

After all, in this country, the legend of Maoyou is widely circulated and extremely famous.

"It's Mr. Ye Yi!"

Seeing the black cat spitting out words, Urahara Kisuke didn't panic at all, his expression was very calm, and he even shook the folding fan in his hand with interest, making an expression of surprise.

"It's been a long time!"

Therefore, the tone of surprise made Ye Yi a little annoyed, the graceful cat body stood up, and then took a gentle catwalk, slowly walking a few steps, and in the somewhat puzzled eyes of Urahara Kisuke, he jumped directly. Towards Urahara Kisuke, the speed was as fast as thunder, and in the blink of an eye, it landed on his face, and a pair of sharp cat claws grabbed it directly.


"Ah ah ah..."

A shrill scream suddenly sounded, and in the speechless eyes of the tall, middle-aged man, Urahara Kisuke was caught by a black cat and fell to the ground. Several scars were scratched by the cat's claws on his sloppy face, and he was rolling on the ground at this time. With that, the deep demeanor of before is completely gone, like a crippled person.

"Hmph, what time is it, you still have the time to joke around?"

He grabbed Urahara Kisuke to the ground, and the black cat night a graceful and petite cat body stepped on Urahara Kisuke, looking down at him condescendingly, with a hint of anger on the cat's face, and a clear female voice spit out, full of domineering.

"Hug... I'm sorry, Yeichi!"

Covering his face, Urahara Kisuke, who was lying on the ground like a salted fish, said with some 'pain'. After being attacked by Ye Yi, there were even more scars on his sloppy face.

"Yi Yi, what's the matter with you?"

Ignoring Kisuke Urahara who was like a salted fish, the tall man asked the black cat night in a deep voice, his face was full of solemnity, and it was two extremes from Kisuke Urahara on the side.

"Well... I quietly went to Yilai Corpse Soul Realm before... It happened there..."

Seeing the greetings from the middle-aged man, Kuroko Yagi restrained his anger, walked gracefully on Kisuke Urahara, and explained slowly at the same time.

"Night one!!!"

However, before Yuichi finished speaking, Urahara Kisuke's serious and angry shout came, which directly interrupted the black cat Yuichi who was explaining, making her look at Urahara Kisuke a little annoyed, just about to get angry At that time, he saw Urahara Kisuke looking worried and fearful.

"Do you know how dangerous the Soul Society is? How much does that guy from Aizen want to find us? In such a dangerous situation, you ran over alone!"

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