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The angry questions came out of Urahara Kisuke's mouth one after another, making Yeichi, who was already angry, to soften.

Ye Yi could naturally see that Kisuke Urahara was worried about her, worried that she would be targeted by Aizen when she secretly went to the Soul World alone, and because of this, Kisuke Urahara was angry. Thinking of this, Ye Yi sighed slowly. , My heart softened, and the black cat face turned his head a little embarrassedly,

"Hug... I'm sorry!"

It was probably the first time to apologize. Ye Yi's words were a little weak, and he was no longer domineering. The black cat's face was also a little flushed. Of course, because it was black, he couldn't see it at all.


Urahara Kisuke, who had never heard an apology for the night, was also slightly stunned at this time, with a look of shock on his face, but he forgot to speak.


One person and one cat looked at each other, and for a while, the atmosphere became a little more subtle.

"Yiichi, the manager of Urahara is right. At this time, Aizen is looking for our traces. If you go there rashly, it is indeed very dangerous."

See the atmosphere a little embarrassing.The tall middle-aged man on the side also spoke in a timely manner.

"Speaking of which, did Ye Yi discover anything in the Soul Soul Realm this time?"

The words of the tall middle-aged man directly broke the delicate atmosphere and diverted their attention.

"Ye Yi, what happened in the Soul Soul World?"

Lying on the ground, Urahara Kisuke asked curiously, and the tall middle-aged man also looked at Yeichi curiously, full of curiosity.

Facing the doubts of the two, Ye Yi said with a calm cat face and a low and shocking tone.

"This time..."


ps: I recommend a cute new anchor here. The anchor is my younger brother. Well, he just started live broadcasting these two days, and he has been asking me to advertise for him. Although it is useless, I still recommend it here.

——In the live broadcast of Penguin E-sports, the name of the anchor is "God King R", yes, he changed his name again (covering his face), no punctuation marks.God King R, these three words are the name of the anchor.

Season [-] Glory to Han Xin (this cute new author doesn't understand what it means).An anchor that combines strength and humor! (You just listen to it).

All in all, readers who like live broadcast and the glory of the king, if you have time, you can watch it, or click on it! ⊙▽⊙.

Chapter [-] Shocked two people! (third more)

"Suddenly, an amazing monster came to the Soul World..."

"The other party claims to be the king of the virtual circle, and it is very likely that he is a terrifying Daxu, whose strength is exaggerated to the extreme. As soon as he arrived in the Soul Soul Realm, the other party smashed the gate forged by the murderous stone, and easily defeated Jingle Chunshui as the leader. The many captains of the team joined forces!"

"Even, the other party defeated Captain Yamamoto. Captain Yamamoto himself even used the Swastika, but he was still no match for the other party."

Ye Yi took an elegant catwalk, gracefully jumped off Kisuke Urahara's body, and said in a hoarse and low voice. The cute cat's face was full of seriousness, and it looked quite happy, which made people laugh.

However, Urahara Kisuke and the two did not want to laugh, and their faces were full of solemnity at this time.

No one knows the strength of the captain level better than them, not to mention that there are veteran captains such as Jingle Chunshui, any one of them is a difficult role.

Especially the veteran captains such as Jingle Chunshui with more than [-] years of "[-]" qualifications, their strength is so powerful that even Urahara Kisuke has no absolute confidence to defeat the opponent.

However, that mysterious figure easily defeated the alliance of several captains, and even defeated Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai who used the swastika!

Who is Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai?

That is the strongest god of death in the corpse soul world for more than [-] years. Its own history is almost equal to the corpse soul world itself. Just using the first solution, the whole corpse soul world can't find a match with Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai. exist.

Not to mention the Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai who showed the solution, Urahara Kisuke really can't think of anyone else who can match it head-on.

However, he was still defeated by the opponent. Such a terrifying monster made Urahara Kisuke feel extremely difficult and even desperate.


As if feeling that the shock was not big enough, Ye Yi's pair of golden cat pupils glanced at the two of them lightly, and said in a lazy tone.

"The other party also defeated the mysterious Zero Division, and even killed one and captured one."


As soon as the words fell, the sound of Urahara Kisuke and the tall man gasping for air came from the side, obviously shocked by such a terrible record.

"So the corpse soul world?"

His face was full of shock, and after a long time, Urahara Kisuke seemed to have come back to his senses, and hurriedly asked.

"There is nothing wrong in the soul world!"

The golden cat eyes dissatisfied Hiyagi glanced at Urahara Kisuke, and Yeichi said angrily.

"If something goes wrong in the Soul Society, I can't be so calm!"

"The other party doesn't seem to plan to destroy the soul world, and even Jingling Court doesn't have many death gods killed!"

Hearing Yeichi's words, Urahara Kisuke and the two were relieved. Although they did not have a favorable impression of the central forty-six rooms that dealt with them, it did not mean that they hoped that the Jingling Garden would be destroyed.

After all, that is their hometown!

"However, Little Broken Bee is gone. According to my guess, Little Broken Bee should have been caught by the other party. After all, Little Broken Bee disappeared in the virtual circle."

Seeing the two of them relieved, Ye Yi was not only unhappy, but his face became heavier, and there was a hint of anger and resentment, and the words that he said shocked the two.

"Broken Bee?!"

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