Hearing this, Urahara Kisuke frowned slightly, his face a little puzzled, but he soon realized that he could not help straightening up, and said in a bit of surprise.

"Is that the little girl who has been following behind you?"

In his memory, there is indeed a figure of a little girl. In Kisuke Urahara's impression, the other party seems to be always by Yoichi's side, just like a follower, and he is very hostile to him.

The golden cat pupil looked at Kisuke Urahara a little dissatisfied, and Ye Yi said, "Yes, just about a year ago, Broken Bee and Aizen's lackey Toxian asked for two captains, with a group of death gods. The circle attacked the troops and went to the virtual circle to attack the virtual, but only after less than a day, he disappeared there, and not even a bit of news was transmitted to the soul world."

"It wasn't until the man appeared in Jingling Court a few months ago that he really knew the answer. From his mouth, we learned that except for the other two female vice-captains, the rest of the troops may have been wiped out."

"However, if it's not what I expected, the little broken bee should not die!"

Although it was a guess, Yeichi's tone could almost confirm that the broken bee was still alive, which had to make Urahara Kisuke's eyes widen and asked with some doubts.

"Yi Yi, why do you think Broken Bee is still alive?"

This is where Urahara Kisuke is puzzled. Many captains who can defeat Jingling Court, even Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, the mysterious first team have been defeated by the opponent. Urahara Kisuke does not understand why Yeichi thinks that the broken bee can survive from the opponent. .

"Because that guy is a pervert!"

Ye Yi gritted his teeth.

"You must know that all the male death gods in the entire virtual circle expedition troops were killed, only two female death gods survived, and the other party only came to Jingling Court for a month or two, and abducted all the members of the female death god association. , even a woman like Captain Uno Hana is fascinated by the other party, I don't believe that the other party can ignore the beauty of Little Broken Bee!"

Speaking of this, Ye Yi's tone was full of resentment...

"That bastard!"


Hearing Ye Yi's resentful words, the two of them fell silent and did not interrupt.

"Phew... I've decided, I'm going to the virtual circle!"

He scolded Kaido fiercely, Ye Yi sighed lightly, glanced at the two of them with a complicated look, and said plainly.


Hearing this, Urahara Kisuke and the two suddenly turned pale with shock, and they were about to persuade.

"Don't persuade me, I have already decided!"

When she saw the two of them, she was about to persuade her. Ye Yi waved her cat's paw and flatly refused.

"Little Broken Bee is missing in the virtual circle, I have to go!"

"Don't worry too much, you all know my speed. If I want to leave, it's impossible for the other party to leave me!"

"not to mention--"

Having said that, Ye Yi took an elegant catwalk, and his golden pupils stared at the sky in the distance playfully.

"I'm not so reckless to go directly to the virtual circle. Before that, I will go to Heiqiang to check it out."

Saying that, Ye Yi glanced back at the two of them, and walked lightly on the catwalk, and the petite cat body disappeared in an instant. The speed was so fast that even Kisuke Urahara could only capture a faint shadow.

Its super speed is worthy of being called "Shen Shen" Yeichi!

"Don't worry, even a Vastord-class Daxu can't keep me!" 2.7

Ye Yi's dull voice came from afar, making the faces of the two of them extremely complicated.

How could they not be worried!


After being silent for a long time, Urahara Kisuke stood up, his face was full of seriousness, he turned and walked in the other direction.

"Manager Urahara, where are you going?"

Behind him, the tall man asked.

"Go to them, after a hundred years of silence, they should also exercise their muscles and bones!"

As the dull voice slowly came out, Urahara Kisuke's figure gradually disappeared at the entrance of the alley.


ps: In view of the fact that the previous advertisement was too long, to avoid being considered to be a word count, I decided to shorten it-

My brother, Mengxin anchor, live broadcast on Penguin E-sports, id is God King R, eight seasons of glory Han Xin (Mengxin does not understand) An anchor that combines strength and amusing (just listen to it), welcome everyone to pay attention or have a look! (ω).

The [-]th chapter starts the sanctification! (first update)

Somewhere outside of Kakuza-cho is an abandoned factory where a large barrier stands.

"this is?"

"There is Daxu who has come to the world!"

"Oh, it's really strange!"

In the factory, several young men and women dressed in modern clothes were sitting all over the place. At this time, they all raised their heads with different expressions, and looked at the distant sky in surprise, full of surprise.

Although they are in the enchantment, they can hide their own aura as much as possible, making it difficult for people to detect it, but it does not mean that they cannot perceive the aura outside.

In fact, the aura that appeared outside, to them, was like a bright light in the dark night, and it should not be too clear.

"Hey, bald man, do you want to go and have a look!"

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