With a slap, a little girl with a freckled face and a hairstyle tied with double ponytails, who looked super dragged, jumped up and shouted to a young man with short yellow hair and a weird smile in front of him, there was no difference in his expression. polite.

"Little Hiyori... This has nothing to do with us... There's no need to go to the muddy water... After all..." The short yellow hair showed a weird smile, and said with a little mockery.

"This is the life of those gods of death!"

Hearing this, everyone fell silent for a moment, even the little girl named Hiyori who looked so irritable was speechless, with a heavy expression on her face.

"So, don't worry about each other, we just need to watch the play quietly!"

Gently clasping his hands together, the young man with short yellow hair had extremely cold eyes, his face was extremely gloomy, and the light words spread throughout the factory.

"By the way, wait for that guy Aizen to appear... and settle the account with him!"

As the words of the short-haired youth fell, everyone's faces were extremely gloomy, and the terrifying atmosphere instantly filled the entire abandoned factory, almost suffocating.

At the other end of Kakuza-cho, there is a rather luxurious residence.

"There is a big void coming!"

Sitting quietly on the sofa, the silver-haired young man with a newspaper in his hand raised his head, and his eyes with glasses flashed a hint of surprise.

"Long Xian, is this all right?"

At this time, a young woman came out of the kitchen asked, she was wearing a slim home clothes, showing a perfect body, with a tapered hairstyle on her head, with a worried expression on her face.

—Well, a good home wife!

"It doesn't matter, it's the matter of those gods of death anyway!"

Raising his hand and pushing his glasses, Ishida Longxian's expression was incomparably flat, and he didn't pay any attention to his wife's worries.

"However, there is a big void in Kakuza-cho. I am worried that the god of death may not be able to deal with it, and once the big void is rampant in Kakuza-cho, I am afraid that many people will be affected..."

For her husband's indifference, Katagiri Yee knew exactly what it meant. After all, the hatred between Quincy and the Grim Reaper didn't last a day or two, but it came from the gentleness and kindness of women, which made her unable to bear to look at Kuzamachi's People are threatened by Daxu.

After all, a big virtual is not the same as an ordinary virtual. Even if it is only the lowest-level big virtual, its destructive power is extremely amazing, and it can destroy a building at every turn.

"Don't worry, Ye Hui, even if the Death God in Kakuza Town can't deal with the Daxu that appears, the guy hiding in Kakuza Town will not sit idly by!"

Knowing his wife's kind personality, Ishida Ryūxuan sighed deeply, put down the newspaper in his hand, and explained calmly.

"Huh...is that so? Then..."

Hearing her husband's explanation, Katagong Yee breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to speak, but only halfway through, her gentle face suddenly turned white, and the power of the Quincy in her body was quickly passing away, and it was only a momentary effort. was emptied--

It was as if a terrible being was taking, no, or reclaiming her power.


The perfect body fell heavily to the ground, making a loud noise, and the whole person fell into a coma, making Ishida Longxian's expression on the sofa change greatly, and he said anxiously.

"Ye Hui, what's wrong with you!?"

Saying that, Ishida Ryūxuan hurriedly stood over and hugged Katagiri Yee in his arms. Without any hesitation, he hurried to the door, wanting to go to the hospital immediately.

At the same time, the existences hidden in various places in Kakuza-cho let out a mocking whisper after feeling the aura of the black voice.

"It's the breath of Daxu, and it's a very high-level Daxu!"

"It's so interesting, now that group of death gods are going to be in a hurry!"

"This is not an ordinary Daxu, ordinary death gods can't deal with it!"

Voices full of ridicule and schadenfreude sounded everywhere, as if there was a deep hatred for the god of death, with an emotion of schadenfreude.


Kaido didn't care about hiding the existence of Kakuza-cho, or Kaido didn't care about those ants at all at this time.

"This breath... it's Yohabach!"

At this time, Kaido stepped on the void, his slender body stood in the void, his golden eyes penetrated through the heavy space, and he saw the Palace of Ice located deep in the shadow of Jingling Court. ...There, a terrifying will awakened, and there whispered—

Holy! ! !

Ritual of the King of the Quince, seizing the power of the Quince, Yohabach was activated.

Ordinary people can't sense it at all, even the captain level has no ability, only Kaido can detect it, the force of the Quincy rushes from the Jingling Court, and is captured by an invisible but terrifying will.

That was the power of the hybrid quenchers, seized by the ancestor of all the quenchers, the king of the quenchers, Yohabach.

And the fate of the power being taken away is death!

"Exactly without hesitation!"

The golden pupils shone with a deep light, and Kaido could easily see everything, and he couldn't help but utter a mocking remark.

If he could survive and even strengthen his strength, Youhabach wouldn't mind draining all the Quincy masters' power, even if it caused the demise of all the Quincy masters.

This is Yohabach, the ruthless king of the Quincy.

"Forget it, it's none of my business anyway!"

Blinking his golden eyes, Kaido withdrew his gaze and said indifferently.

Yohabah is ruthless, so why isn't he Kaido?

"However, since the sanctification has been activated, then that one thing happened!"

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