Saying something that made people unclear, Kaido looked into the distance playfully, and there was a Reiatsu full of confusion.

- That is the power of emptiness!

"Let's go, Sakuya!"

With a light word, Kaido took Sakuya and disappeared, but he didn't find that, below, a little red-haired girl saw all this, and her big eyes flashed with longing and joy.

——That is the joyful look of meeting the same kind!


ps: My brother, the new anchor of Mengxin, live on Penguin E-sports, the id is God King R, the eighth season of glory Han Xin (Mengxin does not understand) the anchor that combines strength and amusing (just listen to it), welcome everyone to go Follow or take a look! (ω)

Finally, if you go to see it, remember to say that I recommended it! (funny).

Chapter three hundred and sixty seventh virtual! (Second more)

On an empty grass in Kakuza Town, a beautiful young woman with golden hair, a beautiful and gentle face, and a temperament as warm as the sun, was nervously protecting a somewhat weak yellow-haired boy behind her.

In front of the two, stood a thin man with a hideous bone mask on his head and bone claws on his limbs. An unknown spiritual pressure emanated from the other's body—


After Kaido's changes, any one of them has turned into a human form, even if there are some illusory features, but overall, it can be seen as a broken face.

Of course, the strength has not changed much, and it is impossible to break the face at once.

"What a delicious soul!"

The visitor licked his lips, his eyes flashed with cruel and greedy eyes, he stared at the beautiful young woman in front of him, and wanted to devour the soul of the other party.

Even if Kaido changed the characteristics of Xu, so that they no longer need to devour souls to become stronger, but due to their own instincts, some Xu couldn't help but want to devour souls.

The one in front of him is just such a phantom, still retaining its greedy nature.


Protecting the little boy behind her, the beautiful young woman with blond hair instantly condensed a spiritual bow in her hands, looking at the other party with fearful eyes, full of shock.

"Humanoid void?! Could it be Vastord?!"

The young woman whispered incredulously, holding the spirit bow tightly in her hand, feeling a little despair in her heart.

As a pure-bred Quincy, she naturally knows the division of the Great Void, and understands how terrifying the existence of a humanoid Void is.

Even if it surpasses the ordinary captain, it is far from a monster that she can deal with, let alone, she has to protect her son.

"Ichigo, run to the house right now, don't stop!"

Reaching out to push the little boy away, the blond-haired young woman hurriedly said.


The little boy with yellow hair was blank, looking at his mother with some doubts, not understanding what was going on.

But at this time, he was a little weak in character, but he ran to the house obediently.

"Run? It doesn't matter, it's just a kid!"

Xu grimaced, stuck out his red tongue and licked his lips. He didn't care about the little boy who escaped, even if the other party had a strong spiritual power, but for Xu, the woman in front of him was more delicious.

——What it likes most is to devour the souls of women.

call out!

Just here, a violent sound of breaking the air sounded, and a spiritual light arrow shot out instantly, containing terrifying power, and shot towards Xu's head.

'not good! '

The phantom turned pale with fright, apparently not expecting the woman it regarded as its prey to have such terrifying power, and hurriedly dodged away.


The ground cracked, and the white light arrow directly blasted the soil, and a piece of land was directly lifted out of a pothole, and the violent sound resounded in the surrounding area.

Fortunately, at this time, there were no pedestrians in this place, so I didn't see this amazing scene.


The little boy who was running heard the explosion and quickly turned around and looked back. He saw the astonishing scene and exclaimed.

"It's not Vastord!"

Seeing that she didn't hit the opponent with a single blow, the blond young woman was not surprised but happy. Because she was too shocked before, she didn't feel the strength of the opponent's spiritual pressure for a while, but at this time, after this test, she can already feel the opponent. The strength of the Reiatsu.

It's not strong, it's just strong.

Not to mention her at this level, even any elite Death God can kill the opponent.

This discovery made her involuntarily relieved, and she felt a little joy in her heart, which meant that she had been able to survive.


After feeling that the other party was not a Vastord-class Daxue, the blond young woman suddenly relaxed, raised her spiritual bow in her hand, and bursts of meteors in her hand, which were spiritual arrows capable of smashing stones, whistling in the air at this time , and blasted away at the opponent.

"Damn woman!"

Somewhat annoyed, he roared in a low voice, Xu quickly flickered his figure, and quickly avoided the attack of a spirit arrow. It was so, the dense spirit arrows made it a little tired to deal with it, and it would hit if it was accidentally hit. .

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