bang bang bang...

The ground cracked one after another, violent noises sounded one after another, and pits appeared one after another, which were directly blown away by spiritual arrows.

"Wow, Mom is amazing!"

Seeing such an amazing scene, the little yellow-haired boy immediately clapped his palms with joy and said happily.

Still young, he didn't know what the scene in front of him was, how amazing it was for ordinary people, and some were just happy and strong for his mother.

"Damn brat!"

Xu, who was a little tired of dealing with it at first, heard the cheers of the little boy at this time, and suddenly let out a low growl in annoyance, his figure flashed, he avoided a few light arrows, and rushed directly towards the little boy.

"Stop and die for me!"

Seeing that Xu was going to hurt her child, the blond young woman shouted angrily, and a light arrow shot out with precision, hitting Xu who couldn't dodge, directly shattering one of the opponent's arms.


The severe pain caused Xu to scream in agony, staggered and smashed directly to the ground.

"Go to me... uh!"

Seeing Xu being hit by herself, the blond young woman's face was overjoyed. When she was about to pull the bow and arrow, she suddenly exclaimed, her ruddy face turned pale, and the spiritual bow and arrow in her hand disappeared involuntarily.


The blond young woman couldn't help but let out a scream, her body slumped to the ground, the Quincy in her body was passing by quickly, and it was taken away in less than a while.

Although she used to be a pure-blood Quincy, the beautiful young woman was once attacked by Xubai, and her body was stained with the power of Xu.

The system has become impure.

At this moment, in the face of the activation of the holy friend Habach, the blond young woman was just like the other half-blooded Quincy masters, and her power was taken away without any resistance.


Seeing this scene, the little boy suddenly exclaimed and said anxiously.

"a ha ha ha!"

At this time, there was a loud laugh of joy, and Xu, who was hit to the ground, stood up at this time, looking at the young woman with ecstasy.

"Although I don't know what's going on, but you have no power!

"Give me your soul!" (to Zhao Zhao)

After finishing speaking, the whole person rushed up directly, trying to devour the soul of the young woman.


Seeing this scene, the little boy shouted anxiously, and hurriedly ran over with his short legs.


The sound of flesh being torn apart sounded.

However, before taking two steps, under the shocked eyes of the little boy, the phantom was torn apart by the young blond woman with her bare hands, and countless fragments turned into light spots and dissipated in the air.

Therefore, no shadowy sight is created.

However, an ominous and strange spiritual pressure emanated from her.

That's virtual spiritual pressure, that's



ps: My brother, the new anchor of Mengxin, live on Penguin E-sports, the id is God King R, the eighth season of glory Han Xin (Mengxin does not understand) the anchor that combines strength and amusing (just listen to it), welcome everyone to go Follow or take a look! (ω)

Finally, if you go to see it, remember to say that I recommended it! (funny).

Chapter [-] The shameful Kurosaki Masaki! (third more)

boom! !

The strange and terrifying spiritual pressure instantly suppressed the entire earth. This ominous spiritual pressure was far stronger than the previous emptiness, and it was almost astonishing that it was like a Vastodd appearing.

"Ah ah ah..."

The blond young woman let out a painful scream, and the spiritual pressure in her body was rushing wildly, full of ominousness and despair, like a terrifying monster.

"Mom!! What's wrong with you!"

Seeing his mother screaming in agony, the sluggish little boy suddenly exclaimed, and couldn't help running up, trying to catch his mother.

"do not come!"

Seeing that her child wanted to come over, the blond young woman screamed, and the strong spiritual pressure formed a wave of qi, which directly lifted the little boy's body and smashed it heavily on the ground in the distance.

"it hurts!"

The little boy couldn't help but let out a pained cry, rubbed his butt with his little hand, couldn't help grinning, and almost broke his butt.


Hearing the little boy's cry of pain, the blond young woman, who had already fallen into a frantic state, trembled, turned into dark golden eyes and blinked in confusion, regaining some reason, so as not to be completely blurred.

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