Crossed the island at an astonishing speed, came to zero on the coast, looked down at the sea from above, and then let out a terrifying dragon roar.


The figure swelled rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge ice dragon more than thirty meters high.

"Ice Dragon Breath!!"

Sen Ran's breath spit out, with the severe cold air that freezes everything, and instantly freezes hundreds of meters of sea surface, forming a thick layer of ice.


With a huge roar, the huge dragon body flashed, walking in the air, trying to adapt to the terrible power brought by the ice dragon fruit.

"Is the ice dragon fruit interesting!"

Raising his head, his terrifying eyesight easily crossed the distance of hundreds of meters, and clearly saw the huge ice dragon with its teeth and claws. Kaido said something softly and ignored it. Under the pressure of ten times the gravity, doing squats.


Chapter [-] The battle of the two women

Time passed unknowingly, and three months had passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, a certain piece of frozen sea.

"Qiang!!" "Qiang!!" "Pfft!!"

On the frozen sea, a fierce battle is going on. No, it is a battle. In fact, it is more appropriate to use slaughter. 2b has short silver hair fluttering, and his body is ethereal. He holds a long knife and is slaughtering a group of pirates. .

Like a silver death god, every time the long knife in his hand slashes, it will take away a fresh human life, blood splashes, and the frozen ice surface is dyed bright red.

"Damn it!!"

"Fight with her!!"

"Damn woman!!"

A group of pirates charged with swords, shouting angrily, trying to fight 2b desperately, but 2b just flickered, and easily avoided them one by one, stabbing a long knife in their hand, piercing a pirate who rushed up, Blood splattered.

"Who are you? Why are you attacking us?"

The pirate said in despair, his chest was pierced by a long knife, and the blood flowed continuously, and it seemed that he could not survive.

"Kill your people!"

The gorgeous eyes were devoid of any emotional color, 2b said coldly, her beautiful appearance was incomparably glamorous, and the long knife in her hand slashed the pirate in front of her directly.

"Six Styles Sword Flash!!"

After slashing the pirates in front of him, Juhar 2b looked at the pirates who were a little frightened, and swung his long knives in series, slashing dozens of flaming slashes in a row, slashing at many pirates.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

One after another, blazing slashes slashed at the pirates at an astonishing speed, and they were easily cut off.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

The screams kept ringing. Under the attack of 2b, there was no way to fight back, blood splashed, and the large ice surface was dyed red.

"Tsk tsk, she really deserves to be the eldest woman, she has become so powerful in just three months!"

On the sea [-] meters away from the frozen ice surface, a pirate ship was quietly parked there. Jack, who was quietly observing the one-sided battle on the deck, said in amazement.

Three months ago, 2b was just a delicate princess with no power, but under Kaido's hands for only three months, she had a powerful battle.

According to Jack's estimate, it even surpassed Jack's previous vice-captain, the "Blood Knife" Jason who was run over by Kaido with one finger.

"I think that woman over there is even scarier!"

Holden, who was standing a little silent on the side, said suddenly, his eyes looked at the battle on the other side with a solemn expression.


The ferocious Ice Dragon Claw collided with a long sword and a huge mace, making a violent clash of gold and iron.


A strong air wave burst out from between the two, cracking the ice surface and cracking out the cracks.

"Boom, boom, boom!!"

Incomparably tall and powerful, the man's complexion changed dramatically, he felt a terrible force coming from him, his body was so shaken that he couldn't help backing away, he stepped out of holes on the ice, his right hand holding the mace couldn't stop. Trembling, looking terrified.

"how is this possible?!"

He looked in horror at the beautiful woman in the princess dress, and was shocked. He was known for his strength, but he would lose to a woman in strength.

"Who are you and why did you attack us?"

The man asked in a deep voice, he is a pirate captain, and he usually leads his own pirate group, burning, killing, looting, doing all kinds of evil, but his strength is still strong, and he has not committed tragic things such as massacres.

Therefore, he usually lives in a dashing manner, and has not been paid too much attention by the navy, so he has not been targeted.

Unexpectedly, they, who are not particularly famous, would be targeted, especially when the other party just sent two women and killed them.

'This time it's over! '

Looking at the corner of his eyes, the man thought bitterly when he saw the girl with short silver hair and her subordinates who were almost slaughtered.

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