Even so, the man was not careless, his eyes fixed on the glamorous woman in front of him, and he was extremely jealous, because it was the woman in front of him who raised his hand and froze the sea for a radius of hundreds of meters, and completely suppressed himself with strength.

"Assault? No, you don't have the qualifications yet!"

Long silver hair fluttering, delicate and beautiful glamorous facial features, smooth and tender skin like creamy white jade, tall and hot Zero has an indifferent expression, and her hands that are as white as jade have turned into ferocious dragon claws, with an amazing cold air.

"At best, you are just ants blocking the giant's road, and you were trampled to death at will!"

After finishing speaking, before the man was angry, an amazing cold air gushed out from Zero's body, and an amazing change appeared on Zero's body. A pair of frozen dragon wings and dragon tail extended from the back and buttocks, but did not damage the clothes. The colored pupils turned into raised dragon pupils, and a faint blue dragon pattern appeared on that delicate and flawless face, with a hint of wildness.

In the blink of an eye, zero turned into a half-dragon person, but this didn't detract from her beauty in the slightest, but made her even more noble and imposing, like—

Ice Dragon Queen!

"What kind of fruit power is this?! Animal type?!"

The man's face changed greatly, his heart was extremely shocked, and a strong sense of unease came to his heart.

"It's a blessing to be able to die in this trick!"

Zero looked at the man coldly, spitting out his cherry-like mouth, and said plainly with a chilling air.

A pair of ferocious dragon claws raised the long sword, and strands of blue ice flames wrapped around the long sword, forming a dark blue long sword of dozens of meters. to extreme cold.

Ice Flame, one of the abilities of the Ice Dragon Fruit, burns like a flame, but with a chill that freezes everything.

On the frozen sea, the arrogant and beautiful Ice Dragon Queen held a tens of meters of ice flames high, looked at the man coldly, and then slashed with one sword.

"Ice Flame Sword!!!"

The giant sword slammed down, and with the ice flame that freezes everything, it slammed into the pale man.

"Do not!!!"

The sense of crisis of death flooded into his heart, and the man shouted in horror, and quickly raised his mace to block the blow.

However, it was in vain.


Incomparably violent shaking, the entire ice surface was shaking, tearing open one after another huge cracks, and the huge ice flame sword split the sea, splitting hundreds of meters of sea surface, forming a hundreds of meters. long cracks.

"Crack clap..."

The chilling cold froze the sea surface, freezing cracks hundreds of meters long, as if leaving a "scar" in the sea.

"Guru, too, too exaggerated!!"

"As expected of Mr. Zero, he is too powerful!!"

Observing the pirates here from a distance, they all stared at such an amazing scene in cold sweat.

Although after three months of training, their strength has also improved greatly, barely breaking away from the level of cannon fodder, but they are still shocked by this sword.

ps: I don't know why I always want to be harmonious recently. The update is changed to 12:[-] noon and [-]:[-] pm

Chapter [-] "The King's Landing"

ps: I really can't think of a good name, so I just picked one, please forgive me if I don't like it _(:з"∠)_

"You did a great job!"

On the deck, looking at the two women, Zero and 2b, who had already eliminated the enemy and their clothes were covered in blood, Kaido nodded with some appreciation, and was extremely satisfied with their performance.

After only three months of training, they have the strength comparable to a major general, or even close to a lieutenant general, which is enough to see how crazy the two girls have been practicing in these three months.

Even with the help of gravity, and the reason why Kaido used transcendental points to improve their [-]-style, domineering, and physique for them, it is inseparable from the efforts of the two women themselves.

"Yes, Master!!"

Hearing Kaido's compliment, zero and 2b were extremely excited, with smiles on their pretty faces, and their hearts were filled with joy.

Kaido is everything to them except for the two women who have lost everything and only have hatred for the Dragons.

"Okay, now that you have the strength to protect yourself, it's time to take the next step."

He stretched out his hand and embraced the hot and cute 2b in his arms. He lowered his right hand down his back, grabbed the very warm and hot part, and enjoyed it, Kaido said lightly.

Zero, on the other hand, stood aside with a smile, looking at Kaido quietly, without saying anything.

"Boss Kaido, what shall we do next?"

Scratching his head, Jack asked suspiciously, after three months of gravity training, Jack's current strength is also greatly improved, coupled with the further development of the mammoth fruit, it is against old brands such as "Ghost Sword" The lieutenant was not afraid at all.

"Your next mission is to go to the Seven Waters! Find me the best boatmaker and build a pirate ship!" Kaido took out a blueprint and threw it to Jack.

"This is the blueprint of the new pirate ship!"

Jack opened the blueprint in his hand, and on the white blueprint, a boat with a length of several tens of centimeters was drawn vividly on it.

The design of the boat is extremely gorgeous, the hull is black, and the whole body is covered with peculiar patterns. In the direction of the bow, there is a ferocious head of a fierce beast, and two huge curved horns, full of domineering, on the boat, there is a ferocious beast head. The two floors are specially made to order rooms, and the second floor has a spacious balcony corridor.

On the deck is a spacious lawn with a few fruit trees; on the bow, there is a black goshawk in the shape of flying high, which is the mount raised by Kaido; There are also various entertainment facilities on the deck.

This is Kaido specially let the pirates who know how to draw, and the drawing is the blueprint of the "King's Landing" pirate ship.

This is a giant pirate ship that Kaido designed for himself, and is expected to be [-] meters long and [-] meters wide.

After all, overthrowing the world government cannot be achieved overnight, and it will take at least ten or twenty years.

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