"What right do you have to ask her? Who do you think you are?"

With a cold tone, Kaido looked down at Yeichi, his tall body was so oppressive that he almost couldn't breathe.


Ye Yi took a few steps back, and was a little panicked by Kaido's pressure. In the end, he was just a cat's body, without the domineering and power of a human body.

"Hmph, why? Broken Bee is my personal guard, but my junior!"

But soon, Ye Yi, who was a little embarrassed in his heart, took a step forward, and the petite cat raised his head and retorted loudly.

"Hehe... So you abandoned her in the first place? You just walked away without even the slightest news?"

Upon seeing this, Kaido smiled contemptuously, with a mocking look on his face. Although Kaido knew that Ye Yi was compelled to do so, he was unwilling to injure Broken Bees, but Kaido would not care about this. If it could hit Sifengyuan Ye Yi, Kaido wouldn't mind.


Ye Yi took a step back again, and the momentum that had been forcibly propped up directly wilted.

"Do you know that Broken Bee hates you? She admired you so much at the beginning? Even if you defected to the Soul Society, she would still follow you, but what about you?"

Seeing Ye Yi like this, Kaido sneered and continued to pursue the victory with a questioning tone.

"You betrayed her and abandoned her still young in the Soul Soul World alone!"

"What qualifications do you have to be her senior now? What qualifications do you have to take care of her?"

The repeated questions shot into Ye Yi's heart like a sharp arrow, causing her cat body to retreat step by step, her black cat face with a deep regret.

"I...I didn't mean to...I don't want to implicate her either!"

The black cat's face had a strong look of loss, and Ye Yi was a little lost, completely lost his previous momentum.

"Hmph, it's too late to say this now!"

With a cold snort, Kaido did not continue chasing, but narrowed his eyes slightly, staring up and down at Ye Yi's cat body, a little playful.

"However, who gave you the courage and confidence to come out and face me even though you knew my identity. 々?"

"And it's still in the state of a cat's body!"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Yi's heart suddenly became terrified, and a chilly air emerged from the bottom of her heart, and rushed to the top of her head, making her whole body full of chills.

'not good! '

boom! !

Ye Yi, who didn't know well, had almost no hesitation. The petite cat body instantly burst out with a terrifying spiritual pressure, and he was about to use Shunbu to escape.

"Can you get away?!"

Upon seeing this, Kaido smiled playfully, and the terrifying coercion far surpassing Ye Yi's unknowingly thousands of times swept out in an instant, instantly shattering the small barrier that Kaido had set up before, directly sweeping the entire Kongza Town, and quickly spread to the whole of Japan.

Just for a moment, the entire hidden existence in Japan could feel the terrifying pressure like a god, like a high god looking down on all beings, as if raising their hands could crush them, making them shudder.

However, the coercion came and went quickly. It was just an instant effort, and it disappeared quickly, almost making people think it was an illusion.

But all the people who have experienced it will not think that this is an illusion, and the terrifying coercion is still vivid in their minds.


Bearing the brunt, facing Kaido's terrifying coercion, Sifengyuan screamed at night, and hair exploded all over his body. He was instantly dizzy, and Shunpo, which was about to be performed, also stopped.


The fair-skinned fist struck like lightning, hitting Ye Yi's head directly. The terrifying force knocked her unconscious, but it didn't hurt her in the slightest, showing an extremely amazing subtle skill.

"Hey, catch a little wild cat!"

Reaching out and picking up the fainted Yeichi, Kaido stared at the petite cat's body with some playfulness.

"Master Kaido, it has been solved!"

Following the static movement of the world that only Kaido could perceive, Sakuya's tall and graceful figure appeared straight, with a cold expression on her delicate face, and there was no doubt about the pressure Kaido had burst out before.

"Well done, Sakuya!"

Kaido praised with a smile, and fell in love with Sakuya, the perfect and dashing maid.

"It's my honor to do things for Lord Kaido!"

Sakuya crossed her stomach, bowed slightly, and said in a soft tone.

"Okay, let's go, it's time to find a place to live!"

With a wave of his hand, Kaido carried Yoichi, turned and walked in the other direction. Behind him, Sakuya followed closely.


After a long time, a figure suddenly appeared here, his face was full of gloomy color, it was Urahara Kisuke.

"That was definitely Ye Yi's Reiki just now!"

Urahara Kisuke frowned, his face was extremely gloomy and with deep anger, although Kaido's coercion was extremely terrifying and overwhelmed everything with a domineering attitude, Urahara Kisuke still captured Yeichi's spirit in an instant. Pressed, and rushed over very quickly.

It's a pity that by the time he came over, Ye Yi's spiritual pressure had already disappeared for a long time.

".々Who is it! That coercive master is definitely the murderer who made Ye Yi disappear!"

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