Urahara Kisuke squeezed the folding fan in his hand tightly, his eyes full of anger.

As long as he thought that Ye Yi fell into the hands of a mysterious person, Urahara Kisuke only felt a burst of intense anger burning in his heart, almost burning out.

"Huh... calm down... I want to calm down..."

Taking a deep breath, Urahara Kisuke muttered a few words to himself, forcing himself to calm down.

"Now I have to find them first!"

"Only by letting them go out together can we be sure to deal with the person who took Ye Yi away!"

Urahara Kisuke, who quickly made a decision, flickered, disappeared in place in an instant, and went in one direction at high speed.

Just as Urahara Kisuke was leaving, Kaido, who was walking on the other side, stopped with a strange expression on his face, and looked at the alley in front of him in surprise.

"Woooo (very good) woo..."

There, a little girl with long orange-red hair was squatting and crying non-stop. Tears kept falling like pearls, messing up the little girl's fair and beautiful face.

Next to the little girl, there was a boy of medium stature with a worried face, but what was surprising was that the boy's figure was quite illusory, as if it didn't exist at all, and the little girl didn't see him at all.

Because the surrounding is a remote street, there are no pedestrians passing by, and naturally no one found the crying little girl and teenager.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this is really lucky!"

Staring playfully at this strange pair, Kaido's mouth evoked a playful smile.


ps: Lolita cultivation! !

My brother, Mengxin anchor, live broadcast on Penguin E-sports, id is God King R, eight seasons of glory Han Xin (Mengxin does not understand) An anchor that combines strength and amusing (just listen to it), welcome everyone to pay attention or have a look! (ω).

Chapter [-] Adopt Inoue Orihime! (Second more)

"Master Kaido, are you?"

Seeing Kaido stop suddenly, Sakuya blinked and asked with some doubts.

"Just met a funny little girl!"

With a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, Kaido stared at the little girl silently for a while, and then stepped up.

"Little sister, are you alright!"

Walking to the crying little Loli and crouching down, Kaido directly ignored the boy next to him, said in a soft tone, then stretched out a big hand and stroked the little Lolita's orange-red head, showing the legendary head touching kill.


The crying little Loli heard the soft voice and the gentle touch on her head, so she couldn't help but stop crying, raised her head tearfully, her little face full of tears timidly facing Kaido.

"Big... big brother..."

As soon as she saw Kaido's appearance, Little Loli was stunned for a while, and even the crying stopped, her mouth opened slightly, and she looked very surprised and cute, obviously stunned.

"What's your name?"

Squatting in front of the little loli, Kaido asked in a soft tone, the big hand did not stop, but gently stroked the soft hair, and the smooth touch made Kaido slightly enjoy.

"I... My name is Inoue Orihime!"

Hearing Kaido's question, Inoue Orihime suddenly came back to her senses, her lovely pretty face flushed, she looked at Kaido timidly like a small animal, and said sobbing.

'Sure enough! '

Hearing Xiao Loli's words, Kaido's eyes narrowed slightly, a flash of light flashed in an instant, and he said secretly in his heart.

At the moment of seeing Little Loli, Kaido almost confirmed the identity of Little Loli, and seeing the other person admit it in person at this moment, it is even more like a fake.

Just why is she here?

What happened to the young soul next to him?

Should be her brother, right?

Thinking of this, Kaido had a lot of doubts in his heart. You must know that Orihime Inoue in the original book was 12 years old when her brother died in a car accident. Now is far from the time.

Looking at the appearance of the little loli, she is only about 6 years old, a proper little girl!

"Then why are you here? Where's your family!?"

Kaido, who was puzzled in his heart, didn't have a trace of strangeness on the surface, but was as gentle as always, with a smile like a spring breeze on his face, which made people feel good at a glance.

Of course, there are also Kaido who know how hypocritical his smile is, and the boy on the side obviously sees Kaido (bdea)'s bad intentions, his face is very anxious, and he wants to stop Kaido.

However, it is a pity that he, who is already a soul, can't touch Kaido at all, but.This can also be said to be his luck.

After all, if he could touch Kaido, the moment he touched it, his soul would shatter and disappear in an instant, and the opponent's fragile soul would not be able to bear Kaido's existence at all.

"Brother... Brother doesn't want me anymore... woo woo woo..."

As soon as Kaido's words were spoken, Inoue Orihime's calm emotions erupted again, her cute little mouth pouted slightly, and her tears fell again, like crystal pearls, madly falling. .

"Why not you?!"

Kaido reached out and hugged Inoue Orihime in his arms, and asked in a gentle tone, like a warm big brother.

"Wow wow wow..."

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