Feeling Kaido's warm embrace, Inoue Orihime howled loudly, as if to cry out all her grievances. Tears were like a dam bursting, and Kaido's chest was instantly wet.

"Be good...don't cry, tell me everything about you!"

Holding the crying little girl Orihime Inoue, Kaido patted her back and said softly.


"I see!"

After a long time, Orihime Inoue was appeased, and after the other party explained the reason, Kaido nodded slightly, with a look of interest on his face.

According to Inoue Orihime, Kaido knew what happened, just like the original, due to domestic violence, her brother ran away from home with her only three years old, and lived with each other outside for three years.

If it was according to the original book, the two should have lived with each other for nine years, and then one day his brother would die in a car accident.

However, reality is never anime. Just two days ago, her brother disappeared and never appeared again.

If it hadn't been for the food at home, I'm afraid she would have starved to death, so, after two days, the food had already been eaten up, so she came out to look for her brother, but she was looking for a long time. Inoue Orihime, who was tired and hungry, thought that her brother didn't want her anymore, and cried directly out of anxiety.

'It seems that the original plot is not necessarily credible! '

' Not to mention, there is my super butterfly that can generate a tornado by flapping its wings! '

Raising his hand and rubbing his chin, Kaido thought to himself that after Orihime Inoue, Kaido didn't really believe in the so-called original plot, although Kaido didn't need to be familiar with the so-called original plot at all.

'However, the little guy probably won't know that her brother is actually dead, instead of abandoning her as she thought! '

Thinking of this, Kaido cast a playful glance at the remorseful and unwilling young man beside him, and laughed maliciously in his heart.

Kaido won't be so kind to explain anything, he is not a Madonna-type protagonist, on the contrary, he is a standard villain, but a villain who does all evil!

For such a lost little girl, for Kaido, it is naturally the most suitable to keep by her side.

"If you don't mind, I'll be your brother!"

Kaido, who was full of malice in his heart, did not change his expression, and said to Orihime Inoue with a gentle expression.


The cute little face froze for a moment, and Orihime Inoue obviously did not expect that the handsome big brother in front of her would be willing to adopt her. You must know that there are very few oil bottles like her unless they are malicious lolicons. People will accept her—

Of course, the still young Orihime Inoue didn't understand this at all, nor did he understand what kind of evil heart was hidden under Kaido's gentle face.

All she knew was that she was no longer an unwanted child.

"Of course, since your brother doesn't want you, then I want it!"

Kaido smiled and hugged Orihime Inoue's petite body, his golden eyes looked at her softly, and said gently.

"Do you want to?"


Tears filled her lovely face again, and Orihime Inoue hugged Kaido tightly, nodding her head again and again, her face full of joy.

Looking at this scene, Sakuya looked at the anxious boy beside him, and then at the little girl who was being held by Kaido, and suddenly realized

"As expected of Mr. Kaido!"


ps: Gentlemen, I like Luo (young) Li (female)! .

Chapter [-] The seriously injured Kurosaki Isshin! (third more)

In the evening, the dim sunlight shone diagonally across the world, and the entire sky was a crimson color, and the remaining light pulled a long shadow out of a building.

"Brother, this is my home!"

In an ordinary building, Orihime Inoue: A small body is held in Kaido's arms, a childish: tender and lovely face with a lovely red: halo, holding the black cat Yeichi in one hand, and the other He pointed at the door in front of him and said happily.

Along the way, after being enlightened by Kaido and under the halo of his brother, Inoue Orihime was no longer prepared for Kaido. .

Just like at this moment, the petite: small body is tightly hugged by Kaido, a pair of fair and soft: soft feet are placed on Kaido's arms without hesitation, holding the still unconscious Yoichi in his hands, childish: tender and cute His face is full of smiles~.

"Oh? Then let me visit Koori-hime's house!"

Holding Zhi Jijiao's small body in both hands, feeling the body: incense emanating from the little loli, Kaido enjoyed it very much, and couldn't help laughing.


It was naturally impossible for a mere gate to block Kaido, and the door was opened by Kaido just by turning the doorknob.

"Brother is amazing, he opened the door at once!"

Seeing that Kaido opened the door so easily, Inoue Orihime's eyes lit up, patted her fleshy little hands, and her face was full of cute smiles.

He didn't care at all that Kaido was able to open the locked door. The young soul watching this scene almost vomited three liters of blood.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing Orihime so happy, Kaido couldn't help but smile. The smile of a cute girl is always pleasant, especially for a cute little loli like Orihime.

After all, little loli is the best creature in the world, an angel!

Pushing open the door and walking in, Kaido scanned the room with his eyes, taking in everything in the room.

This is an ordinary small room, with only one room, one living room, a small kitchen, and a small bathroom. The furniture is extremely rudimentary, except for some necessary supplies, not even a small toy.

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