In the narrow living room, Orihime puffed up her face, swallowed her last bite of food, and showed a happy expression on her face.

"Really delicious!"

This is the best compliment that Orihime, who is only 6 years old, can express. She has been living with her brother since she was 3 years old, and has never eaten delicious food, so it is no wonder that she feels this way.

After all, Sakuya is the most perfect maid, and her cooking skills are also the best in the world.

"Miss Orihime can like it!"

Kneeling to the side, Sakuya showed a faint smile, her cold face no longer as cold as before.

After a few hours of getting along, Sakuya was also touched by the cuteness of Orihime, and she also fell in love with her.

Not to mention, she is still Kaido's younger sister, and that alone is enough for Sakuya to take it seriously.

"Well, since you've finished eating, take a break and then go take a shower!" "Eight-five-zero"

Kaido, who was sitting on the side, looked at the two with a smile, and then stretched out his right hand to wipe off the rice grains from Orihime's mouth.


In an instant, Xiao Orihime's face turned red, her whole body became a little shy, and she was very embarrassed.

"Yes, my lord!"

Sakuya bowed slightly, and immediately began to clean up her rice bowl.Although in front of Orihime, Sakuya did not use the power of the moon timepiece, but the elegant movements of the flowing clouds were as perfect as art, and the eyes of Orihime were full of gold stars.


Compared to Orihime's admiration, Kaido's gaze was much bolder, his sharp gaze swept across Sakuya's delicate body, as if piercing through the maid costume, and the fiery meaning was almost as if he wanted to. Sakuya was on fire.


Facing Kaido's gaze, Sakuya's expression did not change, and she continued to move smoothly, cleaning up the messy table, as if she didn't notice it, but, if you can look carefully, you can still I found that the crystal-like jade ears had become ruddy at this time, and there was a slight blush on the cold face.

However, after being a maid under Kaido for several years, she was already immune to the behavior of the other party's ghosts and animals, so she didn't waver much. She quickly packed her things and walked to the kitchen.

After a while, Sakuya, who had already packed her job, walked to the bathroom and began to put hot water. After a while, misty mist began to fill the bathroom.

"Sir, the hot water is ready!"

Coming to Kaido, Sakuya said lightly.

"Well, then take Orihime to take a bath!"

Lying on the ground lazily, Kaido supported his head with one hand, and with the other hand, he and Orihime teased the unconscious black cat Yaichi, and had a lot of fun.

Maybe it was Kaido's hands that were a little too heavy before, which caused Ye Yi to not wake up until now.

"Yes, my lord!"

Sakuya bowed, then picked up Orihime beside him, and was about to walk towards the bathroom.

"Hey...I want to wash with my brother!"

Xiao Orihime, who was held in Sakuya's arms, puffed up her face slightly, and said with some dissatisfaction, but she was still gentle and kind, and she didn't make trouble like other bear children and didn't want to take a bath.

wash together?

Kaido's eyes narrowed slightly, a flash of light flashed in an instant, and his heart moved slightly.

Bathroom play is a good activity.

However, before that, there is still a little trouble to solve!

Thinking of this, Kaiduo glanced at the anxious boy next to him, and suddenly made a decision in his heart.

"Well, Orihime, you go to Sakuya-san to prepare first, and I'll be there soon!"

Kaido showed a smile and said to Xiao Orihime, which instantly made the boy beside him directly angry.

"it is good!"

Hearing Kaido say that, Orihime instantly showed a big smile and went to the bathroom with Sakuya.

"Uh huh..."

Watching the two women walk into the bathroom, Kaido turned to look at the boy beside him, his eyes full of playfulness.

"How? How does it feel when your favorite sister is taken away?"

Kaido's words were like thunder, and instantly struck the young man's heart, causing him to involuntarily widen his eyes, his face full of astonishment.

But soon, he came back to his senses, looked at Kaido with playful eyes in shock, and said in shock.

"Can you see me?"

The young man naturally knew that he was dead. At this time, he had already turned into a soul and could not be seen by others. He had already experimented with this matter, but he did not expect Kaido to be able to see him.

"Why not? Your figure is as obvious in front of me as a light in the dark night, and I'm not blind!"

Hit a Hache, Kaido said casually, with a face full of indifference.

"Then why did you treat Orihime like that!"

The boy's face suddenly turned hideous, he glared at Kaido, and said angrily...  

"Why? Do you want me to watch her die?"

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