To this, Kaido replied in surprise, glancing at the boy strangely, full of mockery.

"Just a 6-year-old girl, do you think she can survive without my adoption?"

Kaido's words suddenly choked the boy, and even if he was unwilling, he couldn't refute Kaido's words.

If it wasn't for his own death, Inoue Orihime wouldn't need Kaido to adopt.

"Okay, let's talk about how you died first!"

Looking at the young man's dejected appearance, Kaido pouted, but he didn't mean to comfort him, but asked indifferently.

Kaido is also quite curious about the death of the young man. After all, it was more than six years before his death. It can be said that it is a big change. If it weren't for Kaido's appearance, Inoue Orihime This heroine may not appear in the future.

This is no doubt a little interesting.


Hearing Kaido's words, the boy's eyes widened instantly, he couldn't help clenching his fists, his face was full of horror.

"Yes... a man with short silver hair killed me!"

After being silent for a long time, the young man spoke slowly with deep fear.

Silver-haired man?

Kaido narrowed his eyes slightly, and had some guesses in his heart. In this world, he would kill a 2.0 ordinary person with short silver hair. If nothing else happened, it should be him.

"Tell me carefully!"

Immediately, Kaido showed interest and continued.

Soon, in the description of the boy, Kaido probably knew the identity of the other party.

The leader of Bavint - Kariya God.

The one who killed the boy!


ps: After reading the book review section, a reader's comment is still very pertinent and quite reasonable. However, the rhythm of this book has been finalized. If it is forced to change, it will only be worse.But in the next volume, how about I try to use Kaido's body to fight?Pure power breaks everything.

Also, I find that many people seem to really dislike everyday life?Then I will skip it quickly, how about speeding up the progress of the Death God Scroll?

Also, what will the next world write?One punch?type month?Or Devil's High School? .

Chapter three hundred and seventy-six molesting night one! (first update)


Sitting cross-legged, Kaido rubbed his chin with interest in his eyes.


Also known as "Soul Hunter", it is an accidental product of a research called "Undead Soul" conducted by the Jingling Court Research Institute.

——It is a kind of human-like, non-virtual and non-death, that is, a tragic creature that grasps the power close to the death, but is not recognized by the death and rejected by humans, and is hunted by the virtual.

In the original book, the few remaining Bavints attacked Jingling Court under the leadership of Kariya God, relying on their strategy to play the thirteenth team of the Guardian. Blast to heaven.

"I didn't expect you to be unlucky enough to be targeted by their leader!"

Kaido gave the boy a strange look, and said jokingly.

Bavint in the original book was hidden in the world for many years. It was not until Aizen betrayed Jingling Court that chaos began to appear. I didn't expect the young man to be so unlucky to provoke them in advance, which was considered a tragedy.

Seeing Kaido say this, the boy smiled helplessly, his face full of hatred.

If it weren't for that person, how could he die at such a young age, and his sister wouldn't be targeted by the man in front of him.

"Okay, I'm done asking, it's time for me to send you on your way!"

At this time, Kaido spoke again, his face was full of indifference, and the words he spat out were like ice slag in the extreme north, freezing cold.

"You...what are you doing!"

Startled by Kaido's sudden indifference, the boy subconsciously took a few steps back and looked at Kaido in horror.

"Send you on your way!"

Kaido's eyes were indifferent, and he gently raised a finger and pointed at the boy.

"I don't want Orihime to have someone else in my heart, so I can only make you disappear!"

Kaido said in a cold tone, with no emotion at all, and what he said made the young man beside him terrified.

"You... are you going to kill me?"

Hearing this, feeling the killing intent that Kaido's body began to radiate, the boy's body trembled, and he slumped to the ground in a panic.

"No...impossible...I'm already can't kill my 〃"!"

Having said that, the boy's body was dragging behind him, and his tone was not as firm as he said, full of fear.

"Heh..." Upon seeing this, Kaido smiled contemptuously, staring at the young man with mocking eyes, and said, "What can you understand from a mere ants!"

Saying this, Kaido raised his finger and pressed it lightly, and a majestic and extreme power descended on the boy. It didn't take only one thousandth of a second. The terrifying power instantly crushed the boy's soul, and even the slightest Existence did not flow down, and completely dissipated in this world.

"For the sake of Orihime, you can disappear in peace!"

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