Looking at the disappearing boy with a grim expression, Kaido said indifferently, his expression not fluctuating at all.

"In return, the person who killed you, I will solve it for you!"

Although the boy was Orihime Inoue's older brother, Kaido didn't let him go.

There is no other reason, but I just don't want to let Orihime have someone else in her heart. Even if that object is her brother, he has already disappeared anyway, so let's disappear more thoroughly!

This is not how much Kaido loves Orihime Inoue, so much that he does not allow the other person to keep others in his heart.

It's just because of possessiveness. As a pet kept by Kaido, Kaido does not allow people who are unsightly to appear around her, especially Hao Inoue, who has a strong desire to protect his sister.


Time passed slowly, and after the existence of Hao Inoue was resolved, Kaido sat on the ground bored, his fingers teasing the black cat Yeichi who was still in a coma. Loli's cute screams and playful sounds came out, but Kaido didn't go in either.

It's not that Kaido's sex has changed suddenly, it's just that it's not necessary for the time being.


After a while, the door to the bathroom was opened, and as the mist spread, a petite figure in a child's pajamas ran out with a pair of short legs, orange-red hair fluttering in the wind, and a tender face with a With two blushes, she looks extremely cute.

"elder brother!"

Laughing happily, Orihime's petite body swooped over and fell directly into Kaido's arms.

"Brother, why don't you come in and wash with me!"

Blinking innocent eyes, Orihime raised her head and pouted her mouth slightly in dissatisfaction.

"Ha ha……"

With a chuckle, Kaido stroked Orihime's wet hair and said calmly.

"That's because my brother has something to do just now! Let's get together next time!"

"Little Orihime!"

Saying that, Kaido gently squeezed Orihime's tender and lovely face, his face was full of doting, as if he was playing with a small pet.

"Well, it must be next time!"

Staring at Kaido, Orihime blinked, as if confirming the truth, then stretched out her fleshy little hand and said.

".々 Pull the hook!"

Seeing this, Kaido raised his eyebrows slightly and laughed a little in his heart, but he didn't expect Orihime to be so childish.

"Okay, pull the hook!"

Two fingers, one big and one small, were pulled together, and both faces were filled with bright smiles.


The night gradually darkened, the full moon gradually rose to the top of the sky, the dark night enveloped the entire city, and midnight was coming.

"Da da da……"

Sitting cross-legged on the floor of the living room, Kaido tapped the table next to him with one finger, and teased the black cat Yeichi who was still in a coma with the other. His golden eyes stared at the night outside the window, which was extremely deep, dazzling and dazzling.

Sakuya knelt down behind Kaido, a pair of slender palms were massaging Kaido's shoulders, her delicate face was extremely indifferent.

As for Orihime, she fell asleep early and was sent to the bedroom by Kaido to sleep.

"Yiyi, haven't you woken up yet?"

At this time, Kaido, who was staring straight at the night, said abruptly, his golden eyes moved to the black cat, and his eyes were full of playfulness.

The voice fell, and the black cat's body was still lying there softly, as if it had not woken up yet.

"Don't you want to wake up!"

Seeing this, Kaido smiled contemptuously, and with a slight hook with his right finger, he turned Yoichi's cat body over, exposing his belly upwards.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing Ye Yi and still unwilling to wake up, Kaido laughed playfully, his white fingers caressed gently on his belly, feeling the slightly trembling cat's body, Kaido's smile became more playful.

In the end, Kaido's fingers gradually descended and pressed on the middle part——

Meow! ! !

In an instant, with a sharp cat meow, Ye Yi's cat body exploded instantly.


ps: I'm guilty of being broken for four days at once! (despair).

Chapter [-] Masked Army! (Second more)

"Finally awake?"

Kaido smiled and looked at the frying hair all over his body, his golden cat pupils shrank violently, staring angrily at his black cat Yeichi, and said somewhat jokingly.

"You pervert!"

Ye Yi was so furious that he flew over and rushed towards Kaido with a pair of sharp cat claws.

"It's not a wise thing to be too angry and lose your mind!"

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