Said lightly, Kaido raised his finger and pressed it on the black cat's head, and the majestic force swept out instantly, directly pressing the screaming Yeyi to the ground, no matter how hard she struggled. usefulness.

"Have you calmed down yet?"

After a long time, looking at Ye Yi who stopped struggling, Kaido said lightly.

"What the hell do you want to do!"

The golden cat eyes stared at Kaido, Ye Yi said angrily, his tone full of killing intent and anger.

"I didn't want to do anything, I just wanted you to be my pet!" Kaido shrugged and said slowly, staring at Ye Yi with golden eyes.


"Think beautifully!"

Ye Yi sneered, and the black cat's face was full of mocking sneers.

Make her "Shen Shen" Ye Yi become someone else's pet?how is this possible!Just wishful thinking!

"That's up to you!"

 730 Kaido said lightly, raised his hand and pointed, suddenly Ye Yi's cat body emitted a dazzling light, illuminating the whole room, and then a graceful figure gradually appeared in the light.

"This...this is!"

When the light dissipated, his body was red: Kueh's Ye Yi widened his eyes in astonishment, looked at himself in disbelief, and murmured.

"'re in good shape!"

Seeing the appearance of Ye Yizhen's body, Kaido's eyes lit up, and he whistled immediately, his tone full of jokes.

The wheat-colored skin is full of Jiankang's color, and Ye Yi's wild body makes people a strong desire to conquer.

"Damn, go to hell!"

Ye Yi, who was originally stunned at the fact that he had changed back to his real body, heard Kaido's joking words and that Chi: Kueh Kueh's eyes, Ye Yi instantly became angry, and the shyness that rose in his heart was instantly abandoned, and his whole body was instantly abandoned. A powerful Reiatsu burst out!


The wheat-colored fist slammed into it instantly, and the violent fist wind blew the whole living room into a loud noise. If it wasn't for the protection of Kaido's power, the violent sound would have resounded all over the world at this moment.


A white finger was placed in front of the fist, and it was easy to block the punch that was enough to crack the monument.

Even so, the gust of wind set off by the fist waves still howled the entire living room, blowing many things out.

Sakuya's figure at the moment has already stood up, and she took two steps back slightly, avoiding the battle between the two, with a pair of indifferent eyes staring at the red figure: Kueh's Ye Yi, flashing a strong cold light.

For anyone who shoots Kaido, Sakuya has the intention to kill. If it wasn't for the woman Kaido liked, Sakuya would never allow the opponent to shoot Kaido.

Even so, Sakuya was very dissatisfied with Yoichi.

"This is your power? Too weak!"

His body was still sitting cross-legged with no sign of moving, Kaido whistled lightly, staring at the frightened Yeichi with a playful look, and mocked.

"Damn bastard!"

Seeing Kaido's mocking appearance, the anger instantly detonated Ye Yi's anger. At this time, she no longer cared about her body. Hit Kaido from all kinds of tricky angles.

Every blow made a violent explosion, and every punch set off a violent gust of wind.

Being promoted to captain by pure white fight, Ye Yi's white fight is extremely terrifying, it can be said that it is second only to Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, and has the strength comparable to the captain level.

At this time, Ye Yi's full-strength shot was absolutely astonishing.

bang bang bang...

The violent collision sounded one after another, echoing in the narrow living room, and each sound was shocking.


Meanwhile, at the Urahara store on the other side.

"Huh?! This is Ye Yi's Reiatsu?!"

Urahara Kisuke, who was sitting cross-legged at the door of the small shop, widened his eyes in astonishment and squeezed the folding fan in his hand, his face full of surprises.

After spending a full afternoon and exhausting all means, Urahara Kisuke, who still could not find any trace of Yeichi, was almost in despair, but he did not expect that Liu An Hua Ming Ya Village would sense Ye Yi at this moment. A spiritual pressure.

Of course, this is also the reason why Kaido didn't forcibly cover it up, otherwise Kisuke Urahara would not have been able to sense it.

"Manager, if you feel it, do you want to go and save Ye Yi!"

On the side, some tall and middle-aged men who were taciturn asked, it was the former "great ghost priest" who followed Urahara Kisuke and was wanted by the Soul Society.

"Of course, I've been looking for it all afternoon and can't find it. Now that I've finally found whereabouts, of course I have to rush over immediately!"

A spotted girl with double ponytail hair jumped up and said excitedly.

It was one of the members of the Mask Corps who lived in seclusion in Kakuza Town, and was invited by Urahara Kisuke at this time.

"Yes, I finally sensed Ye Yi's spiritual pressure. At this time, I have to rush over to save her!"

A young man with short silver hair also spoke up, his face flat and steady.

"Hey, Urahara Kisuke, it's time to go!"

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