Sitting opposite Urahara Kisuke, a young man with short yellow hair and a weird smile said.

The young man with short yellow hair is the leader of the Mask Corps, named Hirako Mako, and a friend of Urahara Kisuke.

"Looking at you, you must be too excited!"

Saying that, the young man stared at Kisuke Urahara with some playfulness, his face full of ridicule.

Hearing this, the surrounding members of the Masked Corps immediately focused their attention on Kisuke Urahara, full of different expressions.

"Um cough cough..."

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on his face, Urahara Kisuke, who has always been extremely thick-skinned and unscrupulous, turned red in a rare blush, then coughed a few words and said sternly.

"Then trouble you all!"

Although Urahara Kisuke didn't know about the enemy who captured Yoichi, he could guess how terrible the opponent was. The terrifying Reiatsu that shook the whole of Japan in the afternoon was enough to show everything.

However, everyone still helped themselves without hesitation, and this alone was enough for Kisuke Urahara to thank him.

"You're welcome, if it weren't for you, we would have died a hundred years ago!" To this, Hirako Mako said lightly, looking a little melancholy.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!"

"If you don't go there quickly, maybe the Reiatsu of Yeichi will disappear again in the next moment, which will be bad."

As soon as the words fell, Urahara Kisuke's face changed slightly, and then he nodded with a serious face, and his body rushed out first.

"Ha! Guys, this is the first time our Mask Corps has been dispatched!"

Seeing Urahara Kisuke rushing out, Hirako Mako grinned strangely and said loudly.


In response to Hirako Mako was a neat answer, full of vigor.

"lets go!"

With a big move, Hirako Mako's figure rushed out instantly, and everyone behind him followed without hesitation.


ps: Fishing is a wonderful mentality. Originally, I just wanted to take a day off, but I didn’t expect it to get out of hand. I touched the fish for four days. I am guilty! (covers face)

I'm dizzy, this is nothing to cross the line, why can't I pass! ! ! .

Chapter [-] Overwhelms Ye Yi! (first update)

boom! ! !

Another violent collision, a terrifying explosion echoed in the living room, and the gust of wind blew the few pieces of furniture around.

If it wasn't for Kaido's power, let alone a living room, the entire building would be collapsed at this moment.


Chi () took a few steps back, Ye was gasping for breath, his golden eyes stared at Kaido fiercely, full of resentment, especially when he saw Kaido's undisguised hot gaze, In my heart, I was even more embarrassed: annoyed.

Although she usually behaves very boldly, it does not mean that she is a casual woman. ... In fact, until now, Sifengyuan Yeyi is still a virgin, even the first kiss is still preserved, and the situation where the red body is facing them has never appeared.

However, almost all of this was taken away by the man in front of him, the first time he was toyed with his body (cat body), the first time he was touched in the most private (secret) place, and the first time he saw his body.

All kinds of first time were taken away by the man in front of him, which made the senses of the pair of men in the night become very complicated.

——There is resentment, anger, killing intent, and a hint of shyness. In short, it is very complicated.

"Hehe...that's not going to work?!"

Seeing Ye Yi stopped, Kaido looked at her with a smile, his tone full of ridicule.

Sakuya, who was standing behind her, also looked at the embarrassed Yeichi with some playfulness. She knew her master's bad taste and understood that Yeichi had fallen into Kaido's claws at this time, and let him play(:).

"Stop being complacent!"

Seeing Kaido's mocking look, Ye Yi shouted angrily. At this time, Ye Yi didn't want to run away, she just wanted to teach the man in front of her a hard lesson.

- Instant coax! ! !

boom! !

The violent spiritual pressure turned into white lightning, and the shoulders of Ye Yi cracked open, forming a white spiritual pressure coat wrapped around Ye Yi's body.

- Instant coax.

As it was created by Sifengyuan Yeyi himself, at this moment, it is much more astonishing than Broken Bee, comparable to the real solution.

"Just give me the next step, you bastard!"

The right foot stomped heavily on the floor, and the terrifying power directly smashed the floor that blessed Kaido's power. In the next instant, the terrifying speed brought by the pure physical power made Ye Yi come directly to Kaido, and immediately The fist slammed down directly.


A white finger stood in front of the fist, blocking the fist that was several times stronger than before, Kaido still had a relaxed expression.


Seeing this, Ye Yi was not discouraged, but shouted loudly, and a roundabout kicked straight across, his slender long legs were extremely powerful, like a halberd, with a fierce and unparalleled aura.


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