Seeing that the long legs were about to kick Kaido's head, a white palm stretched out, directly caught the attack, and held it in his hand.

“Nice scenery!”

Holding Ye Yi's long and well-built legs in one hand, Kaido looked at the beautiful scenery between his legs (um), his eyes lit up, and he said with some playfulness.

"Thank you, Miss Ye Yi, for her gracious demonstration!"

Looking at Kaido's playful expression, thick shame and anger surged up, and a blush quickly flew on the wheat-colored face: dizzy, followed by thick anger.

"You bastard!"

Withdrawing his fist, Ye Yi's other foot instantly flew up and kicked Kaido's face. Ye Yi, who had almost lost his senses, didn't know how stupid this action was.

The next second, her other foot was also caught in Kaido's hand, and with a slight force, Kaido smashed Yeichi's body on the floor, making a loud noise, and then Kaido's The body also deceives itself.

"You lost, Miss Ye Yi!"

Looking down at Yoichi, who was embarrassed and angry, Kaido smiled playfully.

"You bastard, let me go!"

Even though he was suppressed by Kaido, Ye Yi still did not give up, but roared angrily, and his fit body began to struggle violently.

"You're a little rude!"

Kaido's golden eyes slowly cooled down, his tone was a little indifferent, and then in Ye Yi's shocked eyes, he lowered his head and said nothing.


Unable to help his eyes widen in shock, Ye Yi stopped struggling and looked at Kaido in astonishment, forgetting to resist for a while.

"You bastard!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????????


"No... no!"

With Ye Yi's begging for mercy, an extreme sport of riding horses and whips began to unfold. ... Kaido rode on the rebellious rouge horse, fully demonstrated his superb skills and strength, and pressed the rebellious horse down, launching a fierce battle.

——This is a battle without suspense!


On the other side, Urahara Kisuke and the others, after advancing at full speed, finally approached the location of Kaido's room.

brush brush --

One after another silhouettes appeared in unison around an apartment like a ghost. In this dark night, it was enough to scare ordinary people to death.


Of course, people without spiritual power can't see the existence of the god of death, even if they stand in front of ordinary people, they can't see it either.

"It's here!"

Urahara Kisuke pinched the folding fan and stared at the room with serious eyes, his expression extremely cautious.

No matter how anxious he was about Ye Yi's situation, he still harbored great fear in the face of the master who released the terrifying spiritual pressure.

"Ye Yi's spiritual pressure is extremely chaotic, what happened?!"

Hirako Mako frowned, and asked with some doubts, he could sense Ye Yi's spiritual pressure, and it was extremely chaotic at this time, as if something had happened.

"No matter what happened to him, just go in and see if you can!"

The silver-haired youth on the side smashed his fist heavily, said with a grin, staring at the apartment in front of him, a powerful spiritual pressure slowly radiated out.

"Don't be impulsive!"

At this time, Huling Tezhai spoke indifferently, staring at the red mist with a cautious expression, and his tone was extremely dignified.

"It's not easy here!"


ps: After careful consideration, I decided to make up for the three days that I lost (heartache). Calculated as three shifts a day, I owe nine chapters in three days.

Therefore, after updating three chapters every day, I will add another chapter to repay, for a total of four chapters a day, until the owed updates are paid off.

Of course, if there is an emergency and I can't finish it on time, please forgive me! (lie)

What's going on recently, can't get past this? ! .

Chapter [-] Urahara Kisuke with a green head! (Second more)

not simple?

Hearing this, everyone's faces became solemn, and there was no intention to act rashly.

After all, they had clearly felt the terrifying coercion that afternoon, and knew how terrifying the other party was, and this was most likely the other party's base camp, so naturally they did not dare to act rashly.

Breaking the Way No. [-]: Bai Lei!

In the slightly stunned eyes of everyone, Kuling Tezhai raised his finger, and a powerful spiritual pressure surged out, followed by a burst of white lightning that shot into the sky, tearing a bright white trajectory in the dark night. bombed the apartment.

Even if it is a low-level ghost chanted by Shattering Chant, in the hands of the great ghost daoist Huling Teezhai, it still shows a terrifying power that is enough to penetrate a mountain in an instant.


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