"Yes, just wait!"

Facing everyone's doubts, Urahara Kisuke said with a calm expression and a confident tone.

"With the movement we made, the other party must have noticed it long ago. The reason why it didn't appear at this time was because he was watching us!"

"As long as we wait patiently for a while, the other party will come out soon!"

The voice fell, and everyone suddenly realized that they all nodded 4.0 in agreement.

With the movement they made, the other party would not notice it for no reason. As long as you wait patiently, the other party will appear on his own for a long time.


Three full hours have passed.

The enchantment of nothingness still enveloped the apartment, repelling all outsiders, and the existence inside was completely unplanned, which made everyone who had been waiting for a long time extremely annoyed.

Especially Urahara Kisuke, his face was even more gloomy, and his heart was even more full. He had sworn before that the other party would appear soon. What happened?

It had been three full hours, and the other party still did not appear. This was undoubtedly a heavy slap in the face, making his face dull.

However, Urahara Kisuke didn't know that the green hat that was originally on his head had now faintly glowed with green light.


Chapter [-] Tweet it!Red Princess! (first update)

- Om!

Just when everyone was a little impatient, a dazzling light flashed, and then a thin enchantment emerged, covering the entire apartment.


"It turned out to be a normal body, is the other party going to come out?"

"Everyone be alert!"

Seeing the sudden vision, Hirako Mako and the others couldn't help but stunned, shouted loudly, and their whole body began to be on guard.

"I didn't expect that in just a few hours, there will be a group of little mice here!"

An indifferent voice sounded around, silently, and a slender figure appeared in front of them, like a ghost, which made Hirako Mako and others look condensed, and they were all a little shocked.

'So fast! ! '

'There is absolutely no way to see when it will appear! '

Seeing the sudden appearance of Kaido, Hirako Mako and the others were all in a cold sweat, their hearts became heavy, and they were a little uneasy about this action.

——Just this silent speed is very troublesome.

"Night one!"

Seeing Kaido's appearance, Urahara Kisuke 13's eyes flashed, and he couldn't help but stand up and asked in a deep voice.

"Night one?"

Kaido looked surprised, glanced at Kisuke Urahara, and asked.

"Are you Urahara Kisuke?"

Wearing a green striped hat and green coat, with light yellow hair and a decadent face, he looks like a wretched middle-aged uncle.

——There is no doubt that the man in front of him is Kisuke Urahara.

"Yes, I am Kisuke Urahara!"

Urahara Kisuke raised his green hat, stared at Kaido with incomparably sharp eyes, slowly held his Zanpakutō, and asked coldly.

"Where's Ye Yi? Where was she hidden by you?"

Saying that, Urahara Kisuke stared at Kaido tightly, and if he moved slightly, the Zanpakutō in his hand would slash directly.


The faces of the people scattered on the side were solemn. Although they did not intervene in the conversation between the two, their eyes were still fixed on Kaido, ready to act at any time.

A depressing atmosphere shrouded this place, and the unconscious release of more than ten captain-level spiritual pressures made this place full of heavy pressure. Once ordinary death gods set foot, they would be directly crushed to the ground and unable to move.

"Ye Yi? You mean that black cat?"

Looking at the murderous crowd, Kaido's expression remained unchanged, he folded his hands, glanced up and down at Kisuke Urahara, and asked indifferently.

"...Well, yes, it's a black cat!"

Hearing Kaido's words, Urahara Kisuke's face brightened and he said in a hasty tone.

"Who are you? You care so much about her?"

Looking at Kisuke Urahara who couldn't contain his joy, Kaido frowned slightly and asked with some doubts.

—— Kaido is really confused about this.

Although in the original work, Yeichi and Urahara Kisuke are just companions, and there is no ambiguity, but that is only the original work, and the reality cannot be completely confused, not to mention Urahara Kisuke's attitude, the two may not have some relationship.

Of course, Kaido can be [-]% sure that Ye Yi is the first time, after all, the incomparably jerky kissing skills and the red blood that flows out are enough to show all this.

However, the taste is really good.

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