——Licking his lips slightly, Kaido sighed in his heart after recalling the wonderful movement before.

As expected of a sexy and hot little wild cat, it is really intoxicating!

Urahara Kisuke didn't know what Kaido was thinking. Hearing Kaido's words, Urahara Kisuke's face darkened slightly, and he seemed a little silent, but he quickly recovered, looked at Kaido coldly, and said indifferently.

"I'm her friend, please hand her over!"

Hearing this, Kaido's face was a little strange, and he understood in his heart.

'It turned out to be unrequited love! '

Kaido gave Urahara Kisuke a pitiful look, and in his somewhat inexplicable expression, he said with a strong malice.

"This can't be done! Ye Yi is very tired now and is sleeping!"

Saying that, Kaido also opened his hands and made a helpless look.


Urahara Kisuke frowned, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, and asked in a deep voice.

"What did you do to her!"

Urahara Kisuke's tone was low and hoarse, and he vaguely guessed something when he was uneasy, and anger appeared on his face.

"Humph... her body is great!"

Looking at Kisuke Urahara who was a little frightened, Kaido laughed maliciously and said in a playful tone.

"I am very satisfied!"

At the end, Kaido also showed a kind smile, and looked at Urahara Kisuke with some pity in his eyes.

- Your body is great? ! !

boom! !

Kaido's words were like a nuclear bomb exploded in Urahara Kisuke's heart, causing Urahara Kisuke to be a little stunned, no longer indifferent and cold before.

brush brush --

Even Hirako Mako and the others could not help but widen their eyes when they heard this, and focused their gazes on Urahara Kisuke with a faint hint of pity.

200 creaking...

Feeling the eyes of everyone, Urahara Kisuke tightly held the Zanpakutō in his hand, and his sanity was overwhelmed by unprecedented anger, and the terrifying Reiatsu madly vented out, sweeping the entire world.

"Tweet! Red Princess!"

Looking at Kaido coldly, Urahara Kisuke said word by word, and then the powerful spiritual pressure increased wildly, and the Zanpakutō in his hand instantly changed its shape.

boom! !

A scarlet crescent crescent cut out in an instant, cut open the atmosphere, and killed Kaido in an instant.

"Are you angry?"

In response, Kaido smiled lightly, calmly raised his right hand to block in front of him, the scarlet crescent crescent slashed, was pinched by Kaido's bare hands, and then lightly grasped it, and it collapsed into pieces.

"The Eighty-Eighth Eighty-Eighth: Flying Dragon Strikes Thief, Thunder Cannon Shocking the Sky!!"

Almost when Kaido crushed the crescent slash, Urahara Kisuke raised his right hand and instantly released the No. [-] break.

boom! !

I saw Urahara Kisuke wrapped around a powerful Reiatsu, and a blue light beam wrapped in lightning burst out, with a power that was earth-shattering.


ps: I promised to make up for the update, but I owed another chapter yesterday! (covers face)

I owe 10 chapters! .

Chapter [-] Easily defeated! (Second more)

boom! ! !

A violent roar resounded through the sky, and an earth-shattering beam burst out, penetrating the atmosphere, and blasting towards Kaido, and the blue light illuminated the dark sky.

"Ghost way?! Ridiculous!"

Seeing that Urahara Kisuke actually used ghosts to deal with him, Kaido smiled contemptuously, and when he was about to raise his right hand, his eyes suddenly froze, and at some point, a dozen golden fans of light imprisoned him.

——The Sixty-One-Six-Stand Light Prison of Bound Path!

Kaido raised his eyes and saw that the two chief ghost priests, Huling Teezhai and Yuzhao Tian Bogen, used the binding path at the same time to bind Kaido.

How powerful is it when the two ghost priests use the shackles at the same time?Enough to make the ordinary captain unable to move.

If it were an ordinary person, facing this sudden attack, even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured——

Unfortunately, they are facing Kaido.


Kaido's body was only slightly shaken, enough to imprison the captain's ghost road and shattered directly, turning into photons and dissipating, and then facing the blasting beam, Kaido raised his hand and slapped it directly. .

boom! !

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