"Totally stupid!"

With a light comment, Kaido instantly shot a finger and pressed it on the head of Liuche Quanxi, and the majestic force instantly crushed it, directly crushing Liuche Quanxi into pieces.

——And all this happened in less than half a second.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

When everyone realized it, Kaido had resumed action, and directly killed the scene of Liuche Quanxi.


Just as Kaido resumed his action, Kuling Teezhai spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was extremely pale, and he was obviously severely injured.

"Aren't you imprisoned!?"

Huling Tezhai stared at Kaido with a horrified expression, his tone was full of inconceivable color. You must know that the time forbidden technique is his strongest secret technique. Once used, it is impossible to break free unless he touches it himself. The imprisoned himself did not realize that he was imprisoned, and his thinking only existed before the imprisonment.


- This is the power of time!

It was supposed to be like this, but the one facing Kaido was Kaido, who also had the power of time, and it was far more than I don't know how many times!

"I have to praise you, you have mastered the time secret technique with the body of a mere Death God, even if it is only the most trivial point, it is enough to show your talent!"

Kaido stared at the puzzled Huling Teezhai, and did not explain anything, but looked at him with some admiration, and said something like this. At the end, Kaido continued.

"However, the last thing you should do is to use this kind of trick to me!"

"It's too small!"

After speaking, Kaido raised his foot and stepped forward, and he came to the front of Giroshi Tetsuhai in an instant. The time consumed during the period was less than one thousandth of a second - this is the power of time!

"Let you see what the power of time is!"

With his right hand resting on the shoulder of Giroshi Tetsuai who had not yet reacted, Kaido said indifferently.


Huling Tezhai suddenly looked horrified. Until now, he didn't realize that Kaido was coming to him, and this was the gap between the two.

Like dragons and ants!

"Time! Speed ​​up!"

Ignoring the horrified grip of Ling Tesai, Kaido said lightly.

The next second, time speeds up!


Chapter [-] Let him go, I will be your pet!

The grand power begins to manifest, one of the greatest powers in the world

——Time, at this moment, showed a majestic gesture.

It can be seen with the naked eye that Huling Tezhai's body is rapidly aging, as if it has accelerated a million times, and it has entered the state of old age directly from the appearance of a middle-aged man. His strong and powerful hands are full of wrinkles and become as thin as firewood. , calmed down and his face quickly withered, like a thin orange, it was terrifying to the extreme.

How long does the god of death live?

Not to mention immortality, you can live for thousands of years without dying. For example, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai lived for more than [-] years, which is enough to prove how long the lifespan of the god of death is.

However, it is such a long existence, but in just two or three seconds, it directly entered the premonition of decline, which is enough to explain the terrible power of time.

Reversing life and death, a thousand years at the click of a finger.

——This is Kaido's power of time now, maybe it can't cover the whole world, but a mere city can still easily do "one and three".

"I...my body...body...body..."

Looking at his hands, he said tremblingly, the strong body in the past has become extremely powerless, as if a gust of wind can blow it down.

However, before he could finish speaking, his skinny body quickly weathered and turned into a puff of smoke in the blink of an eye. Under the erosion of time, it completely turned into fly ash.


"How... how is it possible!"

"Hit Ling Tetsuhai!!"

Looking at this astonishing scene, Urahara Kisuke, Aikawa Rawu, Fengqiao Loujurou, all of them were horrified, looked at Kaido in horror, and their eyes were full of horror.

When they saw Kaido's ghostly power, they could no longer resist, and the anger in their hearts was like pouring cold water from head to toe.

"There are only three left!"

After finishing Girashitsusai, Kaido stared at Kisuke Urahara and the others, his golden pupils flashing indifferent.

"Then, get rid of you!"

After speaking, Kaido raised his hand and punched out, and the violent force formed a terrifying tornado, which roared towards Aikawa Luowu and Fengqiao Loujurou.


The gust of wind raged, forming a ring-shaped tornado, which easily tore apart a large wall, and even the telephone pole was shaky and almost broke.

"not good!!"

This scene made the two people's expressions change greatly, and they quickly dodged to avoid the attack.

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