Boom boom boom...

The roar continued, the earth collapsed in an instant, and the streets were cracked at an extreme speed all day long, and they collapsed completely in a short while.

"Stupid approach!"

Said coldly, Kaido raised his foot and stepped forward, and appeared next to Aikawa Luowu in the next instant, raised his palm and patted it instantly.

boom! !

The terrifying power was vented out, and half of the sky was swept away by the terrifying power in an instant, a large cloud dissipated directly, and a huge roar resounded through the world.

——As for Aikawa Luowu?Not even slag left.

"Luo Wu!!"

On the other side, Fengqiao Loujurou's eyes instantly turned red, and he couldn't help roaring in grief and indignation.

The death of his companions who have been with him for hundreds of years has made him almost mad.

"What a quarrel, it's your turn!"

Kaido's expression was expressionless, and his tone was extremely cold.

As for the enemy, as long as it is not a beautiful woman, Kaido will run over him at will, and there will be no hesitation.

Therefore, Kaido just raised his palm and patted it for Fengqiao Loujurou's grief and anger. In an instant, the atmosphere roared, and the surrounding spirits quickly condensed, forming a giant palm print.

——Thousand Miles of Heavenly Palms!

The huge palm roared and covered the atmosphere. In less than half a second, Fengqiaoloujurou was smashed to pieces, and he didn't even have the ability to escape.


"The Ninety of the Way: The Black Coffin!!!"

At this moment, a low and hoarse voice came, and Urahara Kisuke, who had been chanting the incantation earlier, finally released the completed black coffin.

Boom! !

Pieces of black squares were quickly assembled, and in just a moment, Kaido, who was expressionless, was directly surrounded, forming a huge black coffin.

"Huh... trapped him!"

Looking at Kaido surrounded by black coffins, Urahara Kisuke breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, with a deep look of horror on his face.

Even he didn't expect Kaido to be so terrifying, to kill all the masked legions in a short period of time, without even the strength to resist.

"The black coffin can't trap him for too long, no, I have to escape first!"

Staring at Kaido who was trapped in the black coffin, Urahara Kisuke suppressed the unease in his heart and turned to run away.

——At this time, Urahara Kisuke could no longer take care of Yoichi, and when he could not even guarantee his own life, Yoichi's safety was no longer so important.


At this moment, a crisp voice sounded, causing Urahara Kisuke to turn his head in surprise, and saw that the huge black coffin was smashed open with one hand, the fragments flying all over the sky, and the whole huge black coffin was inside. Quickly shattered and faded away. …

"Is that the only thing you can do? Kisuke Urahara!"

Stepping lightly, Kaido stared at Kisuke Urahara, his golden eyes couldn't show happiness or anger, only absolute indifference, like a god who looked down on all beings as ants.

" do you want!"

Feeling the terrifying pressure coming from all directions, Urahara Kisuke broke out in a cold sweat and said in a panic.

"How? How about killing you?"

With a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth, Kaido said with some playfulness.

Even if Kaido doesn't plan to kill Kisuke Urahara now, he doesn't mind playing tricks on him.


The cold sweat on his forehead kept falling, and Urahara Kisuke clenched the red princess in his hand, feeling a little overwhelmed. With such an absolute strength gap, even his high wisdom would be of no use at all, and he would be lifted up. Hand crushed.

"Since you don't say it, then..."

Seeing this, Kaido sighed slightly, raised his right hand, and he was only halfway through speaking when a hoarse and tired voice interrupted Kaido's words.

"Let him go!"

Hearing this, Kaido and Urahara Kisuke couldn't help but look over. Unlike Kaido's surprise, Urahara Kisuke's eyes were more unwilling and angry.

In the corridor of the apartment, I do not know when, Ye Yi has appeared there, with dark purple hair scattered, a beautiful face with a thick exhaustion and blush, and a white sheet covering her body, covering her body as much as possible. .

But all this can't hide the charming aura that exudes from his body. With just one glance, Urahara Kisuke understood everything and closed his eyes in pain.

"What can you do 5.9!"

Upon seeing this, Kaido didn't say anything, but stared at Yeichi lightly and asked.

Although Kaido intentionally released Urahara Kisuke and didn't want to take his life for the time being, he wouldn't just follow Yoichi's words and let him go.

"Let him go, I will be your pet from now on, at your disposal!"

Looking at Kaido without showing weakness, Ye Yi said word by word.

Hearing this, Kaido's face filled with surprise, looked at her with some surprise, and then nodded.

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