But she didn't expect that the broken bee that worried her was not only fine, but also lived well?At least 280 is much better than she imagined.

——Just like this, doesn’t it show that Yoichi’s sacrifice is useless?

Therefore, the senses of the broken bee itself are very complex.

"Yeah, don't be shy, Lord Ye, anyway, following Kaito-sama is much better than that bastard Urahara Kisuke!" The slender palm tugged up the chin of Yeichi, and Shoubee rarely brought a strong attack. With a flushed face, Ye Yi said with a straight face.

Of course, if you ignore the demonic hand that is raging on Ye Yi, you may still be able to believe it.


Hearing this, Ye Yi let out a helpless wry smile, and the originally stiff body relaxed slightly.

——The words of Broken Bee, even the unwilling Yoichi has to agree. Compared with Urahara Kisuke, Kaido is undoubtedly much better in all aspects, and it is not even comparable. Even Yoichi has to agree. Admittedly, she's starting to get a little obsessed.


"I don't have any special relationship with Urahara Kisuke, we're just good friends."

Ye Yi said slowly, as if he was answering Broken Bee's words, but also as if he was explaining someone.

This caused Kaido on the side to evoke a playful smile.


ps: Shit, can't get through this? ? .

Chapter [-] The existence of a higher level - the virtual king! (Second more)

At night, in Kakuza-cho, an abandoned factory.

A group of people are sitting around the construction site, looking at each other with different expressions. The dignified atmosphere makes the surroundings seem extremely depressing.

"It's not been peaceful recently, Chief!"

The silent atmosphere was broken, and a middle-aged gentleman with a mustache spoke slowly, with a bit of solemnity and awe.

What he said, of course, broke out in Kakuza Town twice, and swept the entire Kakuza Town, a trembling Reiatsu.

That is far beyond their power, and it is not an existence that they can compete with.

This had to worry them, because the object of the second Reiatsu outbreak was their enemy, the God of Death!

And they are Bavint, who is not human, not empty, not death, and is free from the existence of the three!

There are a dozen or so amazing spiritual pressures, and even if they disappear very quickly, they can still vaguely perceive the terror, which is no weaker than their leader.

——The mighty power of Kariya God.

"That's right, should we hide from the limelight for a while... After all, those gods of death are not easy to mess with!"

A middle-aged uncle with a beard was also a little worried. After all, compared to the god of death, their power is too weak, and if they are not careful, they will be completely destroyed.

"Yes, I also agree with what Uda Chuan Ling and Koga Gang said. Now this situation is too dangerous. According to my speculation, any of the Reiatsu that erupted a few nights ago is comparable to the real captain. The power of the stock is so terrifying, we can't fight it at all!"

A young man with black hair, handsome appearance, and a Zanpakutō slung around his waist also said, with a strong dread on his face.

Compared with other Bavint who are not the god of death, as a god of death, he can understand the horror of the group of Reiatsu better. None of them are weaker than the captain level. The sudden outbreak of such a large number of Reiatsu almost didn't let him. I thought that the entire Gotei Thirteen had come to this world.

Fortunately, he used to be the god of death, and he felt the spiritual pressure of many captains, and knew that it was not the spiritual pressure of the captains of the Soul Society.

——But that's the case, he is also very puzzled, why there are such a large number of powerhouses suddenly appear in this world, and each of them is comparable to the captain.

"Captain!' ¨!"

Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help but sullen, even the silver-haired middle-aged man at the head had to frown, and there was a strong fear in his heart.

Captain-level, as Bawent, they naturally understand clearly, that is the power at the top of death.

It is rude to say that any captain-level strength is not inferior to Kariya God. Among all Bavints, only Kariya God can fight against the captain.


In the face of everyone's words, the silver-haired leader of Bavint - Kariya God frowned tightly and sighed helplessly.In fact, he also understands that if he faces the power that suddenly appeared, the only way to destroy the current Bawent is to die.

After all, he wasn't ready for a direct confrontation with the behemoth Jingling Court.

"Kariya God, what's your decision!"

Looking at the frowning Kariya God, the only woman among the Bawent, Soma Yoshino asked in a deep voice.


Seeing Soma Yoshino talking, the middle-aged gentleman who spoke before frowned in displeasure, obviously displeased with Soma Yoshino himself, but when he saw the frowning Kariya God, he remained silent and did not speak.


"...then hide it for now!"

After being silent for a long time, in a slight sigh, Kariya God slowly opened his mouth and said, his face was a little dull, obviously this decision made him a little uncomfortable.

"The action will not be launched for the time being, let's wait for a few years to talk about it!"

Sighing, Kariya God put his hands in his pockets, stood up, and stared at everyone present with sharp eyes.

"As for you, hide yourself well and don't expose it."

"Otherwise, even if you are killed, it is your own destiny."

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