The indifferent tone was extremely cold, which made everyone present feel chills, but they didn't mind too much. After all, they were the same creature. Except for Soma Yoshino, who was the only one with "maternal nature", the rest of the people were extremely Ruthless, especially Kariya God.

"Yes, chief!"

Everyone replied solemnly, except for the middle-aged gentleman and the old man who were scheming, the others had no dissatisfaction with Kariya God.

"Then, let's disband!"

Kariya God waved his hand and said solemnly.

——Just when everyone wanted to leave, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded.

".々 I'm afraid, you can't leave!"

As soon as the voice fell, a terrifying coercion descended from the sky, suppressing the entire space, causing the faces of the people present to leave who wanted to change drastically, their whole bodies seemed to be pressed against a mountain, almost kneeling on the ground.


Kariya God shouted loudly, and the puppet power in his right hand was activated instantly, forming a violent gust of wind around his body, but this did not make him feel at ease.

From this coercion, he felt the same breath as the terrifying coercion that swept across Japan a few days ago, and realized that the two were probably the same person, and Kariya God's heart suddenly became extremely heavy.

In the face of such existence, how should the incomparably weak Bavint fight?

No, it should be said how to continue!


Resisting the coercion with difficulty, all the Bawents present summoned their own dolls, their pale faces were extremely frightened (got Qian Zhao).

"Da da da……"

The crisp footsteps came, and a slender figure walked in slowly in the sight of everyone, bathed in moonlight, a pair of golden pupils looked at everyone indifferently, and his face did not fluctuate in the slightest, like a high god. The same, honorable and noble.

- It's Kaido!

"Who are you!"

Staring at Kaido, Kariya God asked in a solemn and solemn voice, the muscles all over his body were tensed, and there was a faint trembling, and his eyes were full of horror.

At the first sight of Kaido, Kariya God trembled in his heart, and the instinct from the creature reminded him frantically what a terrifying existence the man in front of him was.

That is beyond the god of death, beyond the void, beyond the high spirit king, a higher-level existence.

- Void King!


Chapter three hundred and eighty-seven snap your fingers!


The surrounding atmosphere was extremely dignified, Kaido's golden eyes with an indifferent look, slowly glanced at the people present, the coercion emanating from his body unconsciously enveloped the entire space, filling the entire space inch by inch, almost about to be present. The crowd overwhelmed.

It can be seen that, except for Kariya God, no one can remain calm, all of them are shaking, looking at Kaido with horror.

"Besides, there is a god of death!"

The young man of death who was mentioned by Kaido was suddenly startled, cold sweat could not help falling from his cheeks, and his heart was full of fear.

He had never felt such a terrifying power, far surpassing those of the high-ranking captains, even the Zanaki Kenpachi, who he hated so much, was nothing compared to the man in front of him.

"Who are you!"

Kariya God stared at Kaido coldly, his hands rolled up a violent wind, with a terrifying power that could tear apart boulders.

It is not too shocking that the visitor can recognize their identity. In fact, it is impossible for the existence of this kind of strength to be unaware of their existence.

——Perhaps, the other party may be the hidden high-level in Jingling Court.

Kariya Shenxin 850 couldn't help but think bitterly that at this time he had no chance of surviving, and he had to fight for his life to bite a piece of meat from the opponent.

"God Kariya!"

Kaido didn't answer, but stared at the only silver-haired middle-aged man who could move, his eyes filled with inquiry.

"Did you kill a young boy a few days ago!"

Although Kaido has confirmed that Inoue Hao was killed by Kariya God, Kaido still asked a question, of course, this is not worried about the wrong killing, just a little curious.

——After all, the leader of the dignified Bavint, a strong man with strength comparable to an ordinary captain, would kill an ordinary human boy, which is really incredible.

"Human boy?!"

Kariya God frowned tightly, and his handsome face suddenly twisted. Despite this, he was still trying to recall that in the face of such a terrifying existence as Kaido, he did not dare to refuse.

- After all, he didn't want to die just like that, if possible.

He didn't want to die until he didn't take revenge on the Soul Society.

"You mean a boy with short black hair!"

Soon, Kariya's expression suddenly became a little suspicious. He really remembered that a few nights ago, he had wiped out a young man who had witnessed his abilities, but he did not expect that it would provoke a monster. .

Hearing the words of Kariya God, not only Kaido, but also the people who knelt on the ground and resisted the pressure with difficulty, all had expressions of surprise on their faces, among which the middle-aged gentleman and the elderly were angry.

With their ingenuity, they could immediately think that the reason why Kaido came here was entirely because of the boy who was killed by Kariya God.

——The innocent lying guns are dissatisfied with Kariya God themselves, and they have great ambitions in their hearts, how can they be convinced.

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