
Chapter [-] The Fallen Kurosaki Masaki (first)

At night, the brightly lit urban area, the Kurosaki house.

"Mom, I'm full!"

At the dinner table, Ichigo Kurosaki put down the bowl and said with a well-behaved face, with a pretty face that was quite cute, without the stubbornness of growing up at all.

On both sides of the table, there are two cute little girls, Kurosaki Yuko and Kurosaki Charlie.

"Mommy mommy?!"

After waiting for a while without waiting for Kurosaki Masaki's gentle voice, Ichigo Kurosaki looked up at Kurosaki Masaki, and saw her chin resting in one hand, her bright eyes out of focus, and her usual bright and beautiful face at this time Quite haggard, the whole person was in a state of absent-mindedness, so he couldn't help but shout.

"Huh? Huh?"

Hearing Kurosaki Ichigo's repeated calls, Kurosaki Masaki's expression was shocked, and he quickly looked at Kurosaki Ichigo and asked.

"July [-]"

"Ichigo, what's wrong?"

With a gentle smile on his face, Kurosaki Masaki said softly as always, and the soft voice made people feel like a spring breeze, full of comfort.

"I'm stuffed!"

Seeing her mother returning to her usual appearance, the young Kurosaki Ichigo didn't want to say much, and said obediently as always.

"Are you full? You're really good, Ichigo."

Looking at the clean bowl in front of Kurosaki Ichigo's table, Kurosaki Masaki folded his hands together and said in admiration with a gentle smile on his face.

"Wanderer, Charlie, why don't you eat?"

But soon, Kurosaki Masaki discovered the two daughters on the other side, but they didn't eat much, and even the food didn't decrease much, so she couldn't help frowning and asked with some doubts.

"Mom! Is Dad unable to wake up?"

The wanderer and Charlie looked at each other, then looked at Masaki Kurosaki, and asked crisply, with doubts in the tender voice.


Hearing her daughter's question, Kurosaki Masaki's face darkened, her lips pursed, and she was speechless.

After a few days, Kurosaki Isshin's situation became clear - a lifelong vegetative state

——Because the injury is too serious, if there is no accident, it is basically impossible to wake up.

When he first heard the news, although Kurosaki Masaki was a little unbelievable, he was unexpectedly not very sad, but had the urge to breathe a sigh of relief.

She didn't understand why she thought this way, and she even thought of Kaido's figure many times in her heart, thinking of everything that happened that afternoon.

——All of this made Kurosaki Masaki at a loss, not knowing what to do, and even felt extremely ashamed for a while.

However, even so, Masaki Kurosaki still thinks of Kaido frequently these days. At any time, even Kurosaki Isshin himself is left behind and completely lost in the shadow of Kaido.

"Let's... don't worry, Youzi-chan, Charlie-chan, Dad will definitely wake up... He's just sleeping for a while, and he'll wake up soon!"

Suppressing the thoughts in his heart, looking at the two daughters who were ignorant, Kurosaki Masaki said in a gentle tone with a smile on his face.

Even if he knew that it was basically impossible for Kurosaki Isshin to wake up, but Kurosaki Masaki still didn't want his two daughters to know... At least, not yet.

"Now, hurry up and eat!"

"Oh, I see, Mom!"

Hearing their mother's words, Wanderer and Charlie nodded obediently and started to eat - they were children and didn't know anything.


Seeing the two daughters start to eat, Kurosaki Masaki breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, if the two daughters insisted on asking, she would be really a little hard to speak.

'Take them to play for a day when they are on vacation in two days! '

Looking at the two daughters who were eating, and Ichigo Kurosaki beside him, Masaki Kurosaki said secretly in his heart.

For young children, nothing captures their interest more than play.


ding dong...

At this moment, a crisp doorbell rang from outside the door, which immediately shocked Masaki Kurosaki, and her bright eyes widened slightly.

"Mom, someone is here!"

Hearing the doorbell, Ichigo Kurosaki's eyes lit up, and he immediately stretched out his hand.

"Well, mom, go open the door!"

Saying that, Masaki Kurosaki stood up, her body in home clothes exuded the temperament of a mature young woman, and under her beige skirt, a pair of slender legs walked towards the door with small steps...


He replied in a gentle tone, Kurosaki Masaki didn't check the identity of the other party through the cat's eyes, but opened the door directly, as if he didn't care who the other party was at all - this is not a big nerve, it just comes from Confidence in one's own strength.

That's right, although a few days ago, Kurosaki Masaki's Quincy's power was taken away, causing the virtual power to run wild and directly enter the virtual state.

However, after Kaido's "treatment", Kurosaki Masaki not only recovered, but also mastered the power of the virtual through a blessing in disguise, and his strength became stronger.

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