Therefore, even if the person who came here has bad intentions, she can easily defeat the opponent.

"It's you!"

However, when Kurosaki Masaki opened the door and saw someone coming, his eyes widened and he exclaimed, his voice full of surprise.

"It's me, sweet lady!"

Kaido smiled slightly, with a soft smile on his warm Ruyu face, then stepped forward and kissed directly.


The sudden attack made Kurosaki Masaki's eyes widen involuntarily, and the whole person was a little overwhelmed and stiff, and he could only let Kaido plunder until he couldn't help but cater.

After a long time, Kaido let go of Masaki Kurosaki, his golden pupils stared at the pretty face with red cheeks, and asked playfully. 5.7

"Did you miss me! Madam!"

As soon as the words fell, Kurosaki Masaki jumped into Kaido's arms with red eyes, and the anxiety of the past few days was directly released, and he couldn't help crying.

After seeing Kaido's familiar face, Masaki Kurosaki finally couldn't help falling.

"Mom... who is it!"

At this time, Kurosaki Ichigo, who heard the exclamation, couldn't help but came over and asked curiously.Then I saw Kaido hugging Kurosaki Masaki.

"Ah, it's big brother!"

When he saw Kaido's conspicuous silver hair, Ichigo Kurosaki's eyes lit up for a moment, and he couldn't help but say happily.


ps: After two or three chapters, you can quickly skip the official plot and enter the plot. Calvinka is really fucking uncomfortable. _(:з"∠)_.

Chapter [-] Wanderer and Charlie's vigilance! (first update)

"What's wrong? Am I weird?"

Sitting on the sofa, looking at the two little girls who were staring at him, Kaido asked amusingly.

Ever since he stepped into this room, the two little girls in front of him have been staring at him with their eyes fixed, revealing a strong sense of vigilance in their eyes, which is quite funny.

And Kurosaki Ichigo obediently returned to the room to review his homework. As for Kurosaki Masaki, he was washing dishes in the kitchen. There were only Kaido and two little girls in the entire living room.

"Who are you and what is your relationship with your mother!"

First of all, Xia Li, who had short black hair and looked like a boy, asked, with her hands on her waist, her expression was extremely serious, she looked like a little adult, and she looked extremely cute.

"My name is Kaido, and you and your mother are friends!"

Looking at the two little twin girls who were big and small, Kaido spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Nonsense, I just saw you and mom hugging each other!"

Hearing Kaido's words, Charlie was obviously extremely dissatisfied, and her tender and lovely face showed obvious disbelief.

Just before entering the door, the two of them clearly saw the man in front of her hugging her mother, and that scene made her extremely vigilant.

——Even if the man in front of her is handsome, she will not let him take away her mother.

"Charlie, don't do this!"

Seeing Xia Li's fierce appearance, Kurosaki Yuko on the other side was a little timid, with a bunny-like timidity on her tender, tender and lovely face, which was completely different from Xia Li's character.

"Hmph, wanderer, if you continue like this, your mother will be taken away!" Seeing wanderer's timid expression, Xia Li said that she hates iron and steel, and the appearance of that little adult makes people laugh a little bit. .


Hearing Charlie's words, the wanderer exclaimed, closed his mouth all of a sudden, and looked at Kaido vigilantly.However, no matter how vigilant he was, he couldn't hide the cuteness that made him want to be bullied.

"Oh, what a way to steal it!"

Kaido laughed a little dumbly, then looked at the little girl playfully, and asked curiously.

He wanted to see what amazing words she would continue to say.

"Hmmmm...I know what you're thinking, you want to marry my mother, right!" Seeing Kaido asking this, Charlie folded her arms, and her childish and tender face was full of confident confidence.


Kaido was speechless for a while, and he didn't expect that such an astonishing remark would come from a young Xia Li.

"You know a lot at such a young age!"

Shaking his head, Kaido said helplessly, then stretched out his hands, directly picked up the two girls with one hand, and hugged them in his arms amid their exclamations.

"Don't worry, I won't marry your mother, and I won't take your mother away!"

When Xia Li and the wandering child were about to burst into exclamations, Kaido's voice came, causing the two women's bodies to freeze, and then paralyzed and soft in Kaido's arms. Comfortable and comfortable pillows, the whole body is surrounded by a touch of loli body fragrance, which is very comfortable.

"I'm afraid! Dad can't wake up, and I'm worried that my mother will abandon you. I'm very uneasy, right!" Kaido said lightly, holding the two girls in his arms. The urge to cry.

Even if they are young, they don't understand anything as they seem, and they naturally know that their father may not be able to wake up.

Not to mention, they had seen their mother cry in the arms of Kaido, a stranger, before that. Naturally, they were afraid that their mother would be abducted and give up a few of them.

"Really, really!?"

The wanderer raised his head, his cute face was covered with tears at some point, making his cute little face dirty and looking distressed.

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