"of course it's true!"

Raising his hand to wipe away the tears from Charlie's face, Kaido said lightly, and then Kaido added another sentence in his heart—

Of course, I'll kidnap the two of you too.

"If you want, you can also try to rely on me, and you can also treat me as your brother!"

Staring at the two girls with tears in their eyes, Kaido comforted softly, his handsome face was full of tenderness, like a gentle big brother.


The two women who had never felt this kind of tenderness nodded heavily, holding Kaido's clothes tightly with both hands, and their faces were full of nostalgia.

——With Kaido's current affinity, the two little Lolitas are not even small guys, so they can easily take them down without wasting any effort.

Therefore, when Kurosaki Masaki came out of the kitchen, what he saw was the two girls lying on Kaido's arms, playing happily.


Masaki Kurosaki looked at this scene with a stunned expression, but he never thought that Kaido would take his two daughters all at once.

——You must know that when she entered the door, she was very aware of the vigilant eyes of her two daughters, but she did not expect that Kaido would take them down in a short period of time and let them accept Kaido.

"When did your relationship become so good!?"

Walking over, Kurosaki Masaki looked at the group of people strangely, her gorgeous face full of doubts.


Looking at the curious Kurosaki Masaki, Kaido raised his index finger and said playfully in the funny eyes of the two little guys.

But soon, Kaido turned his attention to Kurosaki Masaki. At this time, Kurosaki Masaki was wearing ordinary house clothes. The beige long-sleeved top completely surrounded the body, but also completely covered the body. The upright "people's heart" is fully revealed, which firmly attracts people's eyes.

The lower body is wearing a pink over-the-knee skirt, which completely covers a pair of slender white and fair thighs, showing no spring light. However, the more this is, the more it attracts others to explore the "truth". .

On the whole, Masaki Kurosaki looks like an ordinary housewife, but if it is matched with the stunning appearance, long golden hair and mature style, her charm has increased several times in an instant.


Kurosaki Masaki looked at the three of them amusingly, and when he was about to ask further questions, he couldn't help but exclaimed, two blushes and halos quickly appeared on his face, and his posture was very moving.

——But Kaido was already approaching, and a big hand quickly stretched out to the land of "truth", causing Kurosaki Masaki to exclaim out of freedom.

"Ma'am, the night is still long!"

In the suspicious eyes of the two of Charlie, Kaido whispered in Kurosaki Masaki's ear, his gentle voice was teasing.


ps: Try as much as possible today!

Shit's review, this one can't pass! ! ! .

Chapter [-] The meeting of Kisuke Urahara and Aizen! (Second more)

soul world, night

——The full moon hangs in the sky, the whole world is shrouded in the dark night, only the cold moonlight illuminates the whole world.

Jingling Court, the fifth division team building.

"It's amazing, I didn't expect you to take the initiative to appear in front of me!"

In the room, Aizen was sitting on the floor, with a pot of tea set in front of her, and her white hands were slowly pouring tea, with an elegant and calm attitude.

"Urahara Kisuke!"

Reaching out and placing the teacup in front of Kisuke Urahara, Aizen said in a somewhat surprised tone, her glasses-wearing eyes shone with playful light, looking at the figure sitting indifferently opposite.

The cold moonlight shined through the window, illuminating the entire room, and you could clearly see the figure sitting opposite Aizen, it was Kisuke Urahara who was let go by Kaido.

"Don't test me, Aizen, let's work together!"

Holding the folding fan in his hand, Urahara Kisuke said indifferently, his expression did not change in the slightest, with a cold murderous aura, not the usual decadence, "You want to collapse jade, right, I can give it to you."

Urahara Kisuke's eyes were extremely sharp, staring at Aizen tightly, and said lightly.

"Collaboration? Are you kidding me? Urahara Kisuke!" Aizen shook his head, playing with the teacup with his slender fingers, and said in a flat tone, but a sharp edge was hidden.

"The so-called cooperation is a relationship that can only be established when the strength of the two sides is not much different..."

Having said that, Aizen stared at Kisuke Urahara sharply, and the terrifying spiritual pressure slowly radiated out. The terrifying pressure filled the entire team building, and the entire space was suppressed to the extreme.

If the ordinary vice-captain once stepped into the room, he would be directly pressed by the ubiquitous spiritual pressure, and he would not be able to resist this huge spiritual pressure at all.

However, even with such a terrifying sight, there was still not a trace of it revealed to be perceived by other captains. From this alone, one can understand how terrifying Aizen's strength is, far beyond the captain's ability to compare.

"You think you are qualified to work with me!' .?"

"Believe it or not, if I make a move, even you can't escape my palm."

Aizen said indifferently, with absolute confidence.The terrifying Reiatsu rushed towards Urahara Kisuke like a tidal wave. The terrifying pressure caused people to change color. At this time, the originally indifferent eyes were sharp to the extreme, like two sharp swords, piercing Urahara Kisuke's heart.

Bengyu - this is what Aizen is determined to get, not to mention that there is a monster like Kaido now, Aizen is even more eager for the power of Bengyu.

If it weren't for the curiosity that Urahara Kisuke actually appeared in front of him, I'm afraid that at the moment when Urahara Kisuke appeared, Aizen would take action to suppress him.

Therefore, even if Urahara Kisuke proposed to cooperate with Aizen, Aizen was just as dismissive and full of mockery.

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