——Of course, Aizen did not underestimate Kisuke Urahara. In fact, he greatly admired Kisuke Urahara, the only person who surpassed him in intelligence. In the original work, he was even more loyal to the "Spirit King" stupid behavior. Extremely angry.

The reason why Aizen behaved like this at this time was that he wanted to test Kisuke Urahara.

"You can't keep me, even if I'm not your opponent, but you keep me!"

"Want to try?!"

Slowly opening the folding fan, Urahara Kisuke stared at Aizen with his eyes, and asked indifferently, without the slightest hint of Aizen's tone and an angry look, and his expression was full of strong confidence.

"What's more, I didn't put Bengyu on me. Even if you shot me, you still won't get Bengyu!"

As soon as the words fell, Aizen's face changed slightly, and he gave Urahara Kisuke a cold look, then slowly restrained his expression, stared coldly at Urahara Kisuke, and asked coldly.

"So, what's your purpose? Kisuke Urahara!"

"If you just want to come and chat with me, I don't mind letting you know, even if I can't kill you, I can make it difficult for you!"

With Aizen's strength and ability, if you are willing, you can completely send out the entire Soul Society and form a terrifying force to hunt down Kisuke Urahara.

At that time, even if Kisuke Urahara cannot be killed, he will be left in a state of embarrassment and flee all over the world.

"I've said the purpose before, I'm here to find you to cooperate!"

In the face of Aizen's threat, Urahara Kisuke still said indifferently, shaking the folding fan in his hand, his expression indifferent, instead of a cold murderous intention, "If you don't believe it, I can't help it."


Aizen was silent. He never thought that Urahara Kisuke's cooperation was serious. If he hadn't been able to detect that the man in front of him was Urahara Kisuke himself, Aizen would have thought that Urahara Kisuke was a fake.

After all, this man is the only person who can make him admire. Aizen is very clear about Kisuke Urahara's temper.

Urahara Kisuke shook his folding fan lightly and looked at the silent Aizen calmly. He didn't intend to disturb him, but looked at him calmly, waiting for Aizen's decision.

——Urahara Kisuke is not afraid of Aizen's rejection. Originally, Aizen was bound to win against Bengyu, not to mention the current corpse and soul world, but also appeared in a terrifying Kaido.

Urahara Kisuke believes that Aizen will definitely agree to cooperate.

"."...How to cooperate!"

After a long silence, Aizen spoke calmly, breaking the silence between the two.

In fact, as Urahara Kisuke thought, for Bengyu, Aizen is bound to win, even if he cooperates with Urahara Kisuke because of this.

"I can give you Bengyu, and even I can let you fuse with Bengyu, breaking the dimension of the god of death and reaching a higher realm." Hearing Aizen's words, Urahara Kisuke shook the folding fan lightly, and said in a low voice (very good). ) way.

"I only have one request!"

Urahara Kisuke stopped moving, and stared at Aizen with a terrifying killing intent. Even if it was as indifferent as Aizen, he felt frightened.

"Help me kill someone!"


Aizen asked, he was almost certain that this person was the reason why Urahara Kisuke became like this, and even Aizen had a faint guess in his heart.

——In fact, the character of Kisuke Urahara in his impression changed greatly, but there was only one person in Aizen's memory.

"The Lord of the Void Circle - Kaido!"

Staring at Aizen with his eyes, Urahara Kisuke said word by word, his tone full of coldness.


As soon as he finished speaking, Rao, who had guessed Aizen, was still discolored.


Chapter [-] Urahara Kisuke's killing intent! (third more)

Even if there was a guess in his heart, when Urahara Kisuke said it himself, Aizen still felt unreal.

When did Urahara Kisuke actually provoke that monster?

What made Aizen even more suspicious was that if faced with that kind of monster, what qualifications did Kisuke Urahara have to escape?

Even he himself is not at all sure of escaping from Kaido's hands.

- The gap between the two is too great.

"You actually provoked that monster?"

Aizen's face became heavy, and she looked cautiously at Kisuke Urahara who had an indifferent expression, and said in disbelief.

Urahara Kisuke was noncommittal about Aizen's shock, and then asked indifferently.

"Are you scared? Aizen!"


Seeing Urahara Kisuke say that, Aizen laughed, her tone full of disdain.

"There is no one in this world that can make Aizen fear me. Even that monster, as long as it integrates Bengyu, I have the confidence to defeat him!"

Pushing her glasses indifferently, Aizen said proudly, her tone full of confidence.

Even after seeing Kaido's destructive power, Aizen still didn't have the slightest fear. Aizen was confident that if he could integrate the complete Bengyu, he might not be weaker than Kaido.

557 - Not to mention fear.

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