"That's right, you just need to answer me, whether you want it or not!" Urahara Kisuke was noncommittal about Aizen's boast, without refuting, but asked calmly.

As for Aizen's question, Urahara Kisuke didn't mean to explain it at all.

"...No problem, if it is a perfect fusion of Bengyu, I promise you, kill the other party!"

Looking deeply at Urahara Kisuke, Aizen said solemnly, if Urahara Kisuke didn't say anything, he wouldn't break the casserole and ask to the end.

After all, it's not his own business, he doesn't need to pay too much attention to it.

As for verbal promises?As long as Aizen promises, it will be [-]% completed, even if it costs her life for it, Aizen will not hesitate at all.

- This is the pride of Aizen.

Once promised, it is bound to be done with all his strength.

Not to mention, Aizen himself has plans to challenge Kaido, and when he really sees the mighty power that destroys the world, even Aizen is eager to fight against it.

"it is good!"

Hearing Aizen's words, Urahara Kisuke nodded lightly, then looked at Aizen with calm eyes (bdee), and continued to speak.

"Bengyu I will hand it over to you in a few days. At that time, I will set up a restriction with you to ensure the cooperation between you and me."

"Constraint? What is that?"

Hearing Kisuke Urahara's words, Aizen asked in surprise.

Even the knowledgeable Aizen had never heard of this ability, so he was naturally curious.

"This is a ghost way I created based on the power of Bengyu. The ability is a restriction, which can restrict the actions of both parties."

"Once the constraints are set, neither of you and I can violate the content of the constraints, otherwise, you will be punished by Bengyu."

"That level of sanctions, even if you integrate Bengyu, may not be able to withstand it."

Looking at Aizen with a curious face, Urahara Kisuke's mouth evoked a playful smile for the first time, and explained with some playfulness.

"Would you like to? Aizen!"

Hearing Kisuke Urahara's explanation, Aizen's eyes widened slightly, looking at Kisuke Urahara in shock, before sighing after a long time.

"As expected of you, Urahara Kisuke!"

"To be able to create such a ghost way, huh, as expected of a man who can surpass me in intelligence!"

Even Aizen has some admiration for Kisuke Urahara's ingenuity, and being able to create such a powerful contract ghost is enough to prove Kisuke Urahara's ingenuity.

Worthy of the first person in the soul world.

"Okay, it's just a mere restriction, I won't be afraid."

Amazed and amazed, but if Aizen could possibly be afraid of the ghosts of the mere, that's just a joke, and he just accepted it.

"Happy cooperation!"

Seeing Aizen agree, Urahara Kisuke smiled and said.

"Happy cooperation!"

Aizen also responded in the same way, her expression was as gentle and calm as always, only her deep pupils were burning with feverish flames.

——Bengyu, complete collapse jade.

But what he has been looking forward to for a long time, once he has him, his power can achieve rapid changes, and can constantly break the dimension and reach a higher realm.

"By the way, I have one more condition!"

At this time, Urahara Kisuke said suddenly, causing Aizen to frown slightly, then slowly stretched out and asked lightly.

"What conditions!"

Aizen, who was in a good mood at this time, didn't care much about Urahara Kisuke's conditions, as long as it wasn't too much.

"After the fusion of the collapse jade, don't go to the guy too quickly, you must have full confidence before you start."

Under Aizen's gaze, Urahara Kisuke said indifferently.

"that's it?"

Aizen, who originally thought that Urahara Kisuke would say some excessive conditions, suddenly looked a little surprised, but he did not expect Urahara Kisuke's conditions to be so loose.

"Don't be too happy, a complete collapse is our only hope. I don't want you to get too carried away." Urahara Kisuke didn't say anything about Aizen's surprise, and warned in a cautious tone.

He didn't want his only hope of being able to fight against Kaido, so he was swept away by Aizen.

After all, there is nothing wrong with dealing with monsters like Kaido, no matter how careful you are.

"Don't worry about this, I know better than you about that person's power, so it's impossible to be careless."

Aizen is not dissatisfied with Urahara Kisuke's prudence, but Aizen, who is also clear about Kaido's strength, naturally won't be blindly confident.

Without enough power, Aizen would never face Kaido.

"it is good!"

Seeing Aizen's assurance, Urahara Kisuke nodded, then stood up and looked at Aizen indifferently.

"Then, see you in three days!"

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