Speaking of early, Urahara Kisuke's figure disappeared directly in place under the cold moonlight, and his speed was like a ghost, far exceeding the ordinary captain.

"Urahara Kisuke, Kaido!"

Looking at Kisuke Urahara who disappeared, Aizen sat in the room, and the cold silver moonlight shone on his body, like a silver sculpture.

"It's really interesting!"

After a long time, Aizen gently pushed the glasses and said with some playfulness.


Chapter [-]: Open the Palace of the Spirit King! (fourth more)

The night was thick and far away from the wasteland outside the Jingling Court. Several figures were gathered in an open space. The leader was the burly bald monk, the main soldier.

Team Zero——

The head of the army is a soldier, two houses, Wang Yue, and Yushu Kiryu.

The only three remaining members gathered in this wasteland at the same time, their expressions full of seriousness.

"Ichibei, are you going back~?"

Standing next to the soldier's head guard, the second soldier, Wang Yue asked.

"Yes, we've been away for so long, it's time for us to go back!"

Holding his chest with his hands, the burly bald-headed monk, the head of the army, said with a strong and powerful voice.

"What's more, if you want to deal with Kaido, the current strength alone is not enough!"

"Need to become stronger!"

Staring at the sky with incomparably sharp eyes, a soldier in the main division of the army explained in a deep voice, causing the eyes of the two present to stun, and they were all silent.

Although I don't want to admit it, with the strength of the three of them at this time, they are far from being Kaido's opponents. If they want the opponent's demon, their strength needs to be strengthened.

"Only the Lingwang Palace can make us stronger!"

Ichibei, the main soldier, said this with a confident expression on his face.

"Then, open the road to the Lingwang Palace!"

Saying that, the three soldiers of the main army and the soldiers stood apart, and the whole body began to release an extremely powerful spiritual pressure, forming three beams of light that shot up to the top of the sky.

In an instant, the entire invisible sky began to ripple, like a water surface.

Boom boom boom! !

The earth-shattering vision shook the whole world, and three dazzling beams of light dispelled the boundless night. The terrifying power shook the existence at this moment, causing countless death gods to raise their heads and look here in horror.

"These three spiritual pressures are the main body of the army, a soldier guarding them!"

In Jingling Court, the rebuilt [-]st team building, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai sitting quietly, opened his closed eyes at this time, and looked over in a bit of amazement.

"Are they going back to the Lingwang Palace?!"

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai muttered to himself, apart from this, he couldn't think of why Team Zero would suddenly release such a terrible Reiatsu.

"Is this the spiritual pressure of Team Zero?!"

"What are they doing?"

"What an amazing power, what are they going to do."

At this moment, all the gods of death in the entire Jingling Court, including many captains, opened their eyes wide, looking at the distant sky with shocking expressions, watching the amazing vision and spiritual pressure

- They were all in awe.

"What are they doing?!"

Some captains left the team building and stared solemnly at the sky in the distance, where the terrifying white light dispelled the darkness and illuminated the entire night.

"They are using the power of the 'King Key' to open the Spirit King Palace!"

In the fourth division team building, facing the doubts of the girls, Shutara Senjumaru, who was dressed in gorgeous clothes, explained lightly.

After being slapped by Kaido, she was banned by Kaido, and then threw it to Uno Hanariru, as if she had lost interest.

Fortunately, Shutara Senjumaru used to be friends with Uno Hanariet, and Unoohanagi was not interested in bullying her either.

Therefore, among the women's status, Shutara Senjumaru's status is not low.

"Ling Wang Palace? Wang Jian?!"

Hearing Shutara Senjumaru's words, Matsumoto Ranki, Hinamori Momo, Ise Nanao and other women all cried out in surprise, and they were naturally surprised that they had heard of the Reiwang Palace.

On the other hand, Uzhihualie looked thoughtful, but didn't say anything.

"Once they go back, it's not that easy to deal with them again."

Looking at Uzhihualie with an indifferent expression, Shutara Qianshoumaru said lightly, as if reminding something, which made the eyes of everyone present a little surprised.

"Don't worry, it's just a group of chickens and dogs. If you want to deal with it, let alone the Spirit King's Palace, it's useless even if the Spirit King takes action!" Tamaru said in a calm tone.

With regard to Kaido's strength, Unoohana Lie has a strong confidence, not to mention her own strength, after having sex with Kaido, she has gone a step further.

Even if it is the main body of the army, I can insist on being a soldier for a long time, completely fearless.

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