
Hearing this, Shutara Qianshoumaru froze in his heart and nodded lightly in response.

"Team Zero, Spirit King Palace!!"

Team [-], Lan Ran's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the gradually opening dimension with an indifferent expression, and said indifferently.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

"One day, I will trample you under my feet!"

"Spirit King!"



The terrifying spiritual pressure was still impacting, and it was visible to the naked eye. There were ripples in the sky, and then it was like a rag was torn open, and a gap was torn in the sky——

An incomparably vast coercion appeared above the corpse soul world, symbolizing a higher dimension.

Lingwang Palace!

There are only two ways to open the Lingwang Palace. One is the tool that came down from Team Zero before - Tianzhu Ran.

However, that has been destroyed by Kaido, so if you want to return to the Spirit King Palace, there is only one other type left, and that is "King Key"!

The so-called "Wang Jian" refers to the members of Team Zero. After their bones have been reshaped by the power of the Spirit King, their strength far exceeds that of the God of Death. The bones with incredible power are "Wang Jian"!

0 ...

At this time, they are activating the power of the Spirit King of their own bones, and through the resonance with the spiritual pressure, they will open the Spirit King Palace.

"Lingwang Palace, it's open!"

Staring at the torn sky, the power penetrated from a higher dimension, Ichibei, the main soldier, said lightly.

"I'm a little emotional, I'm finally going back!"

On the other side, Er Meiwu Wang Yue also spoke, her expression full of emotion.

"It's just a pity for Tenshiro and Senjumaru!"

As soon as these words came out, the three suddenly fell silent, and the air froze for a while.

The dignified zero team actually damaged two members in the hands of a virtual, and ran away in embarrassment, which can be said to be a great shame.

"Okay, don't talk about it, go back first!"

The soldier's main body, a soldier, broke the silence, staring at the void in the sky, and the first person rushed up, and the tall and burly figure gradually disappeared.

"Let's go!"

The two Wang Yue and Hizune Kiryu looked at each other, sighed helplessly, and then followed suit.

In the end, when the three disappeared into the passage, the passage was quickly closed.

"Team Zero!"

In the distance, a man in a big coat with extremely sharp nails stared at the vanishing squadron, whispered softly, and then dodged and disappeared.


ps: A small burst, as compensation | ω').

Chapter [-] Lingwang Palace! (first update)

Lingwang Palace.

This is the dimensional space where the spirit king and the royal family live. It is higher than the three worlds of the virtual circle, the corpse soul world, and the present world. It is a higher dimensional space.

Historically, only the members who were selected as the members of the royal spy's zero squad were qualified to set foot in this dimension. The rest of the people, even if they wanted to enter, would not have any possibility to enter without the 'Wang Jian' and the Tianzhu chariot. here.

The Lingwang Palace is roughly composed of the Lingwang Palace block, Lingwang Palace Omotesando, Lingfan Lidian, and Lingwang Palace Danai. The area is extremely large, and the density of spiritual children is incredible.

"I'm back, Lingwang Palace!"

"It's really a familiar environment, or the Spirit King Palace is more comfortable."

"Of course, compared to the Spirit King Palace, the density of spirits in the Soul World is too low."

Looking at the familiar Lingwang Palace, the three soldiers from the main army and the soldiers sighed "Five Sanqi". It only took a year or two. A feeling of nostalgia.

This is undoubtedly a very incredible thing. For them who have experienced thousands of years, just one or two years is just a snap of their fingers.

brush brush...

At this moment, black shadows flickered from afar, and their figure was like a ghost. They quickly came to the front of the three people, and then knelt down on one knee, showing their shape.

——The figure wearing a black battle uniform, with a mask on his face, and holding a Zanpakutō, is the guardian soldier of the Spirit King Palace.

"Welcome everyone back!"

All the guardian soldiers said respectfully, and their sonorous and powerful voices echoed around.

In the Lingwang Palace, Team Zero is second only to the Spirit King, and it guards the operation of the entire Lingwang Palace. It can be said that the Zero Team is the uncrowned king of the Lingwang Palace.

Among them, the head of the army, a soldier, goes directly to Tianting, under one person, over ten thousand people.

"Well, back off!"

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