Seeing the appearance of the guardian god soldier, the head of the soldier's head guard, the soldier's expression, did not change, he hugged his hands, and said with a serious and indifferent expression.

"Yes, my lord!"

Respectfully responded, many guardian soldiers flickered and disappeared in the surrounding.

"Now, I'm going to report to the Spirit King, how about you!"

Seeing the disappearance of many guardian soldiers, the head of the army, a soldier, did not change his face, turned his head and asked the other two.

"No, I'm going back to the Phoenix Palace!"

Hearing this, Ermeiwu Wangyue shook her head and refused directly, her black face showing obvious exhaustion.

Although he had only stayed in the Soul Society for more than a year, and had only played against Kaido once, he still felt exhausted from the enormous pressure.

Not to mention, in this operation, they also lost two friends and colleagues who have been friends for thousands of years.

At this time, he just wanted to go back to the 'Phoenix Hall' to rest.

After finishing speaking, Er Meiwu Wangyue did not wait for the two to reply, and immediately disappeared in place.

"This guy!"

The head guard, the head of the army, shook his head, looking helplessly at the two house Wang Yue who was far away, then turned to look at Kiryu Hizune.

"What about you, Kiryu?"

"I'm going to know the Dolphin Hall too!"

Hikishu Kiryu shook his head, but he had no intention of following the past.

"Really, then I'll go first!"

Seeing that the two of them refused one after another, Ichibei, the head of the army, didn't care about anything.


Seeing the departure of Ichibei from the head of the army, Kiryu Hizune did not speak, but looked at the disappearance of Ichibei of the head of the army, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Spirit King...

Does self-awareness really exist?

Was the previous prophecy really given by the Spirit King?

I can't help but wonder about the existence of the Spirit King. The people in the Zero Squad are basically aware of the existence of the Spirit King. The Spirit King has never expressed a clear self-awareness. of.

Before this situation, it was impossible for Kiryu Hizune to doubt it. After all, Ichibei, the main soldier, was the oldest existence in the Spirit King Palace, and its origin was almost equivalent to the Soul World.

However, after the trip to the Soul World and the cooperation between Ichibei and Aizen of the main army, Kiryu Hibune had a slight suspicion of his behavior.

"Forget it, I'll go back to Lying Dolphin Hall first!"

Hikishu Kiryu shook his head, ignoring it, but turned and walked towards the 'Dolphin Hall'.


Phoenix Palace.

When Ermeiwu Wangyue set foot in this palace again, a team of women's materialized "Zanpakutō" filed out and came to Ermeiwu Wangyue...  

"Welcome back, Lord Wuwangyue!"

The beautiful Zanpakutō of various combinations such as Loli, Yujie, young woman and so on said respectfully, and the sweet and moving voice was addicting.

"Well, I'm back!"

Seeing so many women Zanpakutō welcoming him, Ermei Wuwang Yue felt relaxed, and his frowning brows also relaxed, showing a slight smile.

Although I have no idea about these women's Zanpakutō, and I usually don't do anything excessive, but being able to have so many beautiful women welcoming me is enough to make Ermeiya Wangyue feel comfortable.

After all, beauty is always eye-catching.

"Master Wuwangyue, are you in a bad mood?"

Seeing Ermeiwu Wangyue's expression a little dull, a woman with mature temperament stepped forward and asked melancholy.

As they have served Ermeiwu Wangyue for hundreds of thousands of years, they can naturally see how Ermeiwuwangyue is in a mood, and they can also detect that Ermeiwuwangyue is in a very bad mood now.

"No, I'm fine!"

Shaking his head, Er Meiwu Wang Yue didn't say much, but walked directly to the palace.

"Shi Jiang, prepare me some food and drinks!"

Immediately, in the confused faces of the girls, the voice of the two house Wang Yue came slowly.

"Yes, Lord Wuwangyue."

After looking suspiciously at the other female Zanpakuto, a mature woman named Tokiang 0.4 Zanpakuto said respectfully.

"God, Lord Wuwangyue seems to be in a very bad mood!"

"Since it was created by Lord Wuwangyue, I have never seen the expression of Lord."

"Did something happen?"

Seeing Ermeiwu Wangyue entering the palace, a group of women Zanpakuto couldn't help but gossip and discuss, curious about Ermeiwu Wangyue's changes.

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