Gossip is a female instinct, even Zanpakutō is no exception.

"Okay, you guys, don't discuss this kind of thing!"

Seeing the girls talking, Shi Jiang scolded slightly, and when the girls stuck out their tongues, they looked innocent and shook their heads helplessly.

"Come with me to prepare food for the adults!"



Chapter [-] Capture the power of the Spirit King! (Second more)

Inside the Spirit King.

Floating at the top of the entire Lingwang Palace dimensional space, it controls the entire Lingwang Palace space, and is where the Lingwang is located.

The inner hall of the Spirit King is divided into four floors, of which the top floor is where the Spirit King rests.


The gust of wind howled, and the tall and burly figure of a soldier in the main division of the army flew at an extreme speed, and even set off a violent gust of wind.


With a crisp landing sound, a soldier from the main division of the army stepped on the door of the Spirit King's Great Neili. The burly body was like a tower, and it was awe-inspiring.

"I've seen adults!"

When the guard in front of the gate saw a soldier in the main army, he knelt down on one knee and said respectfully.

In the face of a soldier, the head of the army, no one in the entire Lingwang Palace dared to disrespect.


The soldier's head guard, a soldier, responded indifferently, his simple and honest face was full of majesty and indifference, he didn't care about the respect of the guardian soldiers, and walked directly towards the top floor of the 'Spiritual King's Great Neili'.

Even if Ichibei himself wanted to see the Spirit King, he had to walk up from the bottom of the Spirit King Daneli step by step, and he couldn't fly directly to the top. This was to ensure the majesty of the Spirit King.

Therefore, even Ichibei, the head of the army, must abide by this rule, at least on the surface.

"Da da da……"

Along the way, the soldiers and guards of the main army were unimpeded, and they did not encounter any obstacles, and went straight to the top floor of the 'Ling Wang Da Nei Li'.

When a soldier, the main soldier, walked into the main hall, what he saw was a huge oval looming in the center of the main hall, a transparent amber exuding a mysterious and unpredictable atmosphere.

In this huge mysterious amber, you can vaguely see a broken figure lying there, exuding a noble and mysterious aura.

- Spirit King.

The nominal ruler of the Three Realms, the wedge that exists in the Three Realms, and the object guarded by Team Zero.

"Spirit King!"

Ichibei, the head of the army, stepped forward, with a strange expression on his face, and looked at the figure in the amber. The copper bell-sized eyes flashed with unknown light, and there was no respect on his face at all.

Black hair, no ears, no arms or legs, only a pair of eyes like stars, quietly watching all the sentient beings in the Three Realms

- This is what the Spirit King looks like.

Rather than being the ruler of the Three Realms, the supreme king, it is better to say that he is a sad 'incomplete god' like a puppet.

"Spirit King..."

The head of the army, a soldier, stared calmly at the spirit king, who was like a corpse, without the slightest vitality, and said in an indescribable tone.

"Are you really the supreme king? The supreme god who controls the three worlds?"

Staring at the figure of the Spirit King, a soldier in the head of the army had a deep doubt in his tone, as if he was asking the Spirit King.

"I have served you for thousands of years, and I have given you countless orders without authorization, but you have never responded."

"It's as if you never had any will, nor did you show any power, as if the so-called omniscient and omnipotent king was just a rumor made by me."

"Hey, what kind of existence are you!"

Staring at the Spirit King tightly, Ichibei, the head of the army, muttered to himself as if inquiring, his tone revealing confusion and fanaticism.

However, no matter what Ichibei, the main soldier, said, the Spirit King still did not have any fluctuations, lying like a corpse in amber.

A pair of dark eyes, with a white four-pointed star in the middle of the pupil, as if a trace of life fluctuations, like a real "god" of nothingness, quietly watching the main army of the soldiers.

Those eyes seem to be able to see through all the rules of the world and see the past, present and future, symbolizing omniscience.

Even a soldier in the main army, even if he had seen these eyes many times, still felt awe from the bottom of his heart and did not dare to go beyond it in the slightest.

Because the main soldier, Ichibei, understands that even if he can't speak, he can't move, and even his body is incomplete, but the Spirit King in front of him is sealed in mysterious transparent amber.

——It is still beyond the life forms such as human beings, death gods, emptiness, quenchers, etc. It is the hub that maintains the present world, the phantom circle, the corpse and soul world, and even the palace of the spirit king, and it is the truly supreme "God".

Without the Spirit King, there would be no existence of the Three Realms.

Once the Spirit King falls, the entire Three Realms will be affected, and gradually fall into an inevitable collapse, causing the entire world to perish.

"Spirit King..."

"If it was me before, even if I doubted you again, I would still serve you and protect you..."

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