Jingling Court, the thirteenth division.

"Tread, step, step..."

The crisp footsteps sounded, and a petite figure walked in the corridor, walking quickly towards the captain's house, with short black hair that was curled up and a single bangs hanging in front of him, with beautiful dark purple pupils, which looked like A _ lovely beautiful girl.

"Captain Floating Bamboo, do you have anything to do with me!"

Walking into the room, seeing Shirou Shirou who was sitting cross-legged at the table, Rukia immediately walked up, bowed slightly, and then asked.

"Ah, it's Rukia!"

Hearing the girl's voice, Ukitake Shirou raised his head with a gentle smile on his face.


Immediately, Shirou Ukitake raised his finger and pointed at the table, and said gently.

"Yes, Captain Floating Bamboo!"

Rukia's face turned straight, and then she knelt down opposite Ukitake Shirou Shirou, her posture was extremely upright, and she looked extremely serious.

"Don't be too serious!"

Seeing the girl's serious appearance, Shirou Ukitake shook his head slightly, and said with a sullen smile.

"Yes, Captain Floating Bamboo!"

Even so, the girl still looks very serious, and with that delicate and lovely face, it looks like a contrasting cuteness.

Seeing this, Shirou Ukitake shook his head, feeling a little helpless. He knew this subordinate's character quite well, and knew that she couldn't let go easily in front of him.

"Rukia, I asked you to come this time because I have a task for you!"

When it comes to business affairs, Shirou Shirou, who is gentle to Ukitake, has become serious, and his expression is full of seriousness.

"Please instruct Captain Fukuba!"

Hearing that there was a mission, Rukia's eyes narrowed, her hands on her thighs, and her expression became more and more serious.

"Don't worry, it's not a difficult task!"

Seeing Rukia's incomparably serious look, Shirou Ukitake shook his head and said in a soft tone.

What's more, given the relationship between Rukia and that person, no matter how old-fashioned the central room forty-six was, it wouldn't be stupid to assign excessive tasks.

And this time the task is really too simple, maybe it is to please the person?

Shirou Ukitake secretly said in his heart, maybe it was because that person's strength was too terrifying.

"The central forty-sixth room has issued a mission, ordering you to go to the empty town of the present world to monitor and clean up the voids that appear."

Although he was guessing in his heart, Shiruro Ukitake did not show it on his face, but said in a gentle way as always.


Hearing this, Rukia couldn't help widening her eyes and said in a bit of astonishment.

"Haven't those things been out of sight for years?"

Rukia couldn't help but wonder, as early as a few years ago, the gods of death in Jingling Court noticed something strange, not only in the soul world, but even in the present world, there was almost no false appearance.

This kind of discovery once made the gods extremely vigilant, suspecting that the virtual circle would make a big move, and even raised an expedition force again, trying to go to the virtual circle to investigate the situation.

It was only stopped by Kaido who appeared, and in order to frighten the many gods of death, Kaido shot again, not only crushing the [-]th Team of the Guardian, but even the forty-sixth room in the center was cleaned once.

It was precisely because of that time that Kaido's existence truly made the entire Jingling Court fear him.

"Although the phantoms have not appeared for several years, it does not mean that they do not exist. A few days ago, the Technology Development Bureau once again detected the phantom fluctuations from Kakuza-cho!"

"Remember, Rukia, even if the enemy doesn't appear for a while, don't let your guard down, because you never know why they hide."

Seeing Rukia so surprised, Shirou Ukitake warned with a serious face that he didn't want Rukia to have such naive thoughts.

"What you have taught is!"

There was a hint of shame on Rukia's face, and she said solemnly.

"Okay, the central forty-sixth room has set you a one-month time, which means that you need to stay in Kakuza-cho for a month, and you can't come back until the expiration date!"

Shiruro Ukitake was somewhat satisfied with Rukia's response, and then he commanded slowly, and at the end, he also asked a question.

"do you understand!"


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Rukia suddenly straightened her slender waist, and her face was extremely solemn.


Jingling Court, the door of the Thirteenth Division.


Just as Rukia walked out of the thirteenth division, a voice came from not far away.

"Huh? It's Renji!"

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