The familiar voice made Rukia turn her head, and she saw Asanjing Renji with red hair tied up and tattooed on his face, like a gangster walking towards her.

"Rukia, you are going to the world!"

Arriving in front of Rukia, Asanjing Renji scratched his head and asked a little embarrassedly.

"Well, it's an order from the forty-sixth room in the center. I'm going to Kakuza-cho for a month to clean up the emptiness that appears!"

Seeing that it was Renji Asanjing, Rukia didn't hide it, she shook her hand and said carelessly, looking like a good buddy.


"Then...then be careful!"

A Sanjing Renji said hesitantly, the flamboyant and wanton character in the past is completely useless in front of childhood sweethearts, just like a shy little boy.

"Hey, stupid, Renji, don't think you're qualified to say that when you're a vice-captain, I'm stronger than you!"

Rukia, who couldn't see Renji Asanjing's thoughts, scolded directly, with a proud look on her face.

Even though Rukia is still only three seats, in terms of status, it is not as good as Renji Asane who became the vice-captain, but Rukia's strength has already surpassed that of the vice-captain, and is even comparable to an ordinary captain.

And the reason why Rukia's strength has changed so much is entirely because he often has sex with Kaido.

Yes, after Kaido reappeared in Jingling Court a few years ago and crushed many captains, several female gods of death, including Rukia, were unceremoniously eaten by Kaido.

Among them, Rukia, who is petite and has a strong and strong personality, is most loved by Kaido. Even if her figure is not as good as that of women such as Matsumoto Ranju, but the alternative style of the little loli is Kaido's favorite.

Therefore, after Kaido's many loves, Rukia's strength has long surpassed that of the vice-captain, and even Renji Asanei has lost to Rukia many times.


ps: My cousin came to Dongguan today, and I went out for an afternoon with a few people, and didn't come back until almost evening. Therefore, there are only two shifts today. |ω`).

Chapter [-] Teacher Kaido!

"Yes... yes!"

Being refuted by Rukia mercilessly, Asanjing Renji had an embarrassed smile on his face, and scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

Although he didn't want to admit it, every battle ended when he was unilaterally beaten.

"Renji, if there's nothing else, I'll go first!" Seeing the embarrassed look of Asanjing Renji, Rukia didn't think much, but shook her hand a little casually, then turned around Just go.


Seeing Rukia leaving without any hesitation, Asanjing opened her mouth to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

Although she is flamboyant and wanton on the outside, her heart is somewhat delicate. Renji Asanjing, who likes Rukia, knows that Rukia doesn't mean anything to him at all, she is just a good friend and a good buddy.

And compared to his little "four-one-seven" vice-captain, the man who proudly stands above the entire Jingling Court and looks down on all the gods of death from a height, is Rukia's better choice!

Thinking of this, Asanjing Renji couldn't help but let out a wry smile, thinking a little weakly in his heart.

Compared to that god-like man, he is just an ant. What qualifications does he have to compete with him?

Rukia, who was completely unaware of Asanei Renji's thoughts, was walking towards Kuchiki's house.

Although Rukia is a member of the thirteenth division, if she has a mission, she still needs to inform Byakuya Kuchiki, let alone the mission of going to the world.

——As for why it was the Kuchiki family and not the fifth division, Rukia knew that Kuchiki Byakuya was usually at home at this time.

"Brother, the forty-sixth room in the central office has given me a task, and I need to go to the empty town in the present world to stay for a month!"

Walking into the courtyard of Kuchiki's house, Rukia saw Byakuya Kuchiki who was sitting cross-legged in front of a courtyard, admiring the cherry blossoms. She was shocked and walked over quickly and said to Byakuya Kuchiki.

"In this world?"

Hearing Rukia's words, Kuchiki Byakuya looked slightly startled, then raised his head and glanced at Rukia, then said indifferently.

"Then go!"

The calm tone seemed extremely cold, as if not facing a younger sister, but a stranger.


Seeing Kuchiki Byakuya's indifference, Rukia, who knew his character, was still a little disappointed, and her originally strong and beautiful face showed a look of loss.

"Brother, I'm leaving!"

Although he was a little disappointed by Kuchiki Byakuya's indifference, he showed good tutoring, and after bowing slightly, he turned and left.

"be careful!"

However, before Rukia could take a few steps, an indifferent voice came from behind, causing Rukia to stop immediately. Obviously there was no emotional fluctuation, but Rukia still had a moving mood.

Rukia turned around and still saw Kuchiki Byakuya still looking at the cherry blossoms with an indifferent expression, as if he didn't care about anything, but Rukia could still sense that Kuchiki Byakuya was paying attention to her at this time, and couldn't help but say happily. .

"yes, Sir!"

After speaking, Rukia strode her legs and walked outside.It's just that compared to the loss before, Rukia at this time is full of spring breeze.


Looking at Rukia who is far away, Kuchiki Byakuya's indifferent eyes flashed with a trace of indifference. For Rukia, the sister of his deceased wife, even if he didn't show it on the surface, he still attached great importance to it. He will not forcibly adopt Rukia despite the stubborn opposition of a group of old people in the family.



Kuchiki Byakuya whispered to himself in an inaudible voice, with a little haze in his eyes. Regarding the relationship between Rukia and Kaido, Kuchiki Byakuya didn't say anything on the surface, but he already knew it in his heart.

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