It's just that Kuchiki Byakuya doesn't like Kaido, but he has to acquiesce to the relationship between the two parties. After all, with Kaido's strength, if he doesn't agree, the entire Kuchiki family will be overturned.

What's more, a bunch of stubborn old people in the family were extremely happy and excited when they learned about the relationship between Rukia and Kaido.

"I hope you will be happy in the future, Rukia!"

Looking at Rukia who had completely disappeared, Kuchiki Byakuya said in a faint voice.


In the present world, Kakuza Town, Kakuza No. [-] Senior High School.

"Ding dong... ding dong..."

The crisp bell rang, representing the school bell, which made the whole dull school start to exhilarate. …

"My classmates, this class is here, and now it's over!"

In class 3 of the first year of high school, Kaido was wearing a modern suit, standing on the podium at this time, holding the table with his hands, and said with a smile, that amazing smile directly fascinated a group of female students.

" can it be so fast!"

"I finally waited for Kaido-sensei's class, and it ended all of a sudden, so I'm not reconciled!!"

"As expected of Teacher Kaido's prosperous beauty, I'm going to have a nosebleed!"

Following Kaido's smile, the group of female students below couldn't help screaming in shock. The excited and unwilling appearance made a group of male students jealous, but they had to admit that Kaido had that capital.

Originally tall and straight body, with a black suit that is completely self-cultivation, coupled with the long silver hair that is rare in Japan and even the whole world, and the dazzling eyes like golden gems, it can be said to be a real heartthrob. .

According to the statistics of some boring people, [-]% of the female students in the entire school are fans of Kaido, and the rest are his fanatical fans.

It can be said that Kaido is the most popular existence in this school.

"Okay, don't make a fuss. Now that school is over, you should pack your things. Those who should go home should go home, and those who should participate in club activities should go to the activities, and don't make a fuss!"

Seeing a group of 0.2 schoolgirls getting a little noisy, Kaido reluctantly pressed his hand and said sternly.

"Yes, Kaido-sensei!"

Seeing Kaido say this, a group of noisy girls said in unison, and then they stopped the commotion and began to quietly pack up their things.

This scene saw the envy of all the boys. Even if they didn't want to admit it, Kaido's popularity was unquestionable. The girls in the whole class were Kaido's little fans.

If Kaido is willing, even if there is a slight inclination, the girls in the entire class will take the initiative to climb on Kaido's bed.

Even if Kaido doesn't have much class for a week, it's more of just staying in the office, or having boring fun.

After all, being handsome means you can do whatever you want.jpg


ps: By the way, how about the next volume is definitely the Devil's High School? |ω`).

Chapter [-]: The Gloomy Kurosaki Ichigo

"Very good, then the teacher will go first!"

Seeing that the girls were not making a fuss, Kaido nodded in satisfaction, then packed up the books on the desk, turned and walked out of the classroom.

"Wow! Teacher Kaido is so handsome!!"

"Especially the scolding just now, it's so handsome!"


Kaido had just walked out of the classroom, and the classroom that had been quiet became noisy again. A group of cute girls exchanged their heads, chatting and laughing with their faces full of nympho, with the smiles of young girls on their faces.

Sitting on the table, Orihime Inoue watched Kaido walk out of the classroom, and then she turned her eyes away and started to concentrate on packing her things. As for Orihime Inoue, who did not participate in club activities at all and was concentrating on the "going home club", after school, except for returning home. Apart from being at home with her favorite brother, there is nothing that can attract her attention.


Just when Inoue Orihime stood up, a voice full of nympho came, and then a pair of white palms stretched out and grabbed / in front of Orihime's chest "", making her unable to help but exclaim. .


The sudden attack made Inoue Orihime couldn't help exclaiming, and both hands subconsciously grabbed the palm of the person who came, and the lovely face was filled with a lovely red and halo.

"Hey hey... As expected of Orihime, this fierce foul is really a big foul!"

A pretty cute girl with glasses on her face hugged and held Orihime Inoue, with a slutty smile on her face, and her white palms tightly grasped the "heart".

Seeing this scene, many people are so envious that they can't wait to replace it with their own bodies.Of course, this is just thinking about it. If it really goes up, I am afraid that even the bones will be broken.

After all, this seemingly gentle and weak girl in front of her is a girl with terrifying and strange powers. She has been seen knocking down several gangsters with her bare hands, even breaking her bones.

"Qianhe, don't do this!"

After seeing the girl clearly, Inoue Orihime breathed a sigh of relief and said helplessly.With a gentle and kind-hearted nature, although she was a little helpless about her friend's actions, she was not too angry, nor did she dare to break free.

After all, with her current strength, even a little bit of strength could break the girl's arm.

"Guhehe, you can let me go if you want, I'm going to your house tonight!"

In response to Orihime Inoue's request, the craftsman Chizuru smirked, with a malicious smile on his face.

"Thousand cranes!!!"

However, Orihime Inoue is unwilling to treat her friends rudely, it doesn't mean that others don't dare. Just when the master craftsman Chizuru was still unwilling to let go, a terrifying shadow appeared behind her, and then a sharp knife came. .

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