
Heavy voices sounded, and the hand knife slashed directly on Qianhe's head. The violent movement made people wonder if it would cause a concussion.


Although he has the vitality of Xiaoqiang, after suffering this blow, Chizuru still screamed, his eyes turned white, and he couldn't help letting go of Inoue Orihime.

But the person who came here wouldn't let her go, and directly grabbed Qianhe's hands, and threw it back fiercely.


The severe pain caused Qianhe to scream in agony. Just listening to his voice was extremely tragic, but even so, everyone watching the show had no plans to stop him, except that the girl who attacked Qianhe was a tyrant who was not easy to mess with. In addition, the scene in front of them happens almost every day, and they are used to it.

"Long Guisang, you are trying too hard, Qianhe can't take it anymore!"

Seeing Chizuru being treated like this, Inoue Orihime couldn't help but stop her, although Chizuru's actions were a bit lunatic before, but Inoue Orihime knew that this was just some playful behavior of a girl, and it was nothing at all.

Of course, this is also because Qianzuru is a woman. If she were another man, she would have her hands and feet broken before she got close.

"Hmph, Qianhe, don't think I don't know what you're thinking, you're a jerk!"

The girl named Arisawa Ryuki couldn't help letting go of Chizuru, the craftsman, when she heard this, and said with some dissatisfaction.

Aizawa Longgui has long dark blue hair, tied into a ponytail and placed behind him. He looks handsome and beautiful, but he has an unexpectedly boyish sense of handsomeness.

"Hmph, obviously Longgui, you have an idea, don't think I don't know why your hair is growing!"

Chizuru, the master craftsman who was released, breathed a sigh of relief, and then muttered a little.However, he didn't look angry unexpectedly, it seemed that it was just a frolic among friends.


It's a pity that the craftsman Qianhe underestimated Long Gui's hearing. Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Long Gui's eyes suddenly slammed, and his body exuded a terrible "murderous aura", which directly caused the craftsman Qianhe to shake and dare not speak any more.

"Okay, don't make trouble, come with me tonight!"

Seeing that the two of them seemed to have plans to continue fighting, Inoue Orihime folded her hands together and smiled helplessly.

"Yeah, it's finally Kaido-sensei's home!"

Hearing Orihime Inoue's words, the craftsman Chizuru couldn't help cheering, and his face was full of excited smiles.

Even Long Gui on the side couldn't help but smile, with an uncontrollable joy on his face.

"Okay, let's go together!"

Seeing her friend look so excited, Inoue Orihime couldn't help smirking.


On the table on the other side, 743 has orange hair and looks like a delinquent boy, Ichigo Kurosaki, looking gloomily at Kaido who is walking out, his eyes revealing a complex light.

"Ichigo, do you want to go together!"

At this time, a figure like an iron tower appeared in front of Kurosaki Ichigo, and it was Chadu Taihu.

"Yeah!" Upon seeing this, Ichigo Kurosaki came back to his senses and nodded to him with a smile.

"What's on your mind? Ichigo."

The keen-minded Chadu Taihu immediately noticed that something was wrong with Kurosaki Ichigo and asked directly.

"No, I'm fine!" Kurosaki Ichigo shook his head and said nothing.

"Ichigo, let's go together!"

Suddenly, cheers like a mental retardation came, and then a figure rushed straight from the side, just like the previous master craftsman Qianzuru.


However, Keigo Asano was much more tragic compared to Chizuru, a cute girl, and was hit in the face by Ichigo Kurosaki's elbow, causing him to scream.

"Are you an idiot? Keigo!" Kurosaki Ichigo said coldly.

"Ahhh... Ichigo, you are so ruthless!"

Keigo Asano made an unwilling voice, but was directly ignored by Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Let's go, Chadu!"


Chapter [-]: The suspicious Ichigo, the beginning of the plot!

The sun was setting, and the sky was red.

"Is it so late?"

On the way home, Ichigo Kurosaki looked up at the sky where the sun was gradually sinking, and sighed slightly.

Pedestrians in the surrounding streets are all in a hurry, with numb expressions on their faces, they are busy in this busy city, and they can't stop for a moment.

"Forget it, let's go home!" Shaking his head, Ichigo Kurosaki walked towards the house, the light of the setting sun pulled Ichigo Kurosaki's shadow extremely long.

"This?! This is!!!"

However, when Kurosaki Ichigo had just taken a few steps, a figure passing from the sky caught his eye, causing him to involuntarily widen his eyes, his expression full of astonishment.

It was a petite girl in black clothes. Her delicate and lovely face was full of seriousness. Although she was petite, she had an awe-inspiring aura.

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