But just ten days after his father, Isshin Kurosaki, who was in a vegetative state, suddenly disappeared from the hospital, that is, a few days ago, a man with light yellow hair in a green coat and green hat appeared in him. in front of him and told him everything.

The reason why his father, Kurosaki Isshin, became a vegetable was precisely what Kaido did, and even the reason why Kurosaki Masaki and himself were attacked back then was also done by Kaido himself.

Although Kurosaki Ichigo himself didn't believe it, and went back with a cold sneer, the seeds of doubt had been planted.

Thinking back to his young past, Ichigo Kurosaki, who noticed various doubts, became more and more suspicious of Kaido, and even couldn't help but want to question each other, and the relationship between Kaido and Masaki Kurosaki also became more and more serious. more disgusted.

This is also why Kurosaki Ichigo is so indifferent to Kurosaki Masaki and others. In Kurosaki Ichigo's view, this is his mother's betrayal of his father.

".. huh... Kaido, did you do what happened to your father!"

With his hands resting on his head, Ichigo Kurosaki muttered to himself in a low voice, his tone full of doubts.


At this moment, a black butterfly flew out of the void and flew in the room together, and under the stunned eyes of Ichigo Kurosaki, a petite black-haired girl jumped out of the void and landed on the ground. on the ground.

"Hey, it's you!"

Seeing the girl, Kurosaki Ichigo widened his eyes in disbelief, and said in surprise.

"I sensed it, virtual breath!"

Butterflies fluttered, and the black-haired petite girl didn't care about Ichigo Kurosaki, and muttered to herself as if no one else was there.


ps: The plot has been a bit stuck in the past two days, and the Devil's High School has to be supplemented, so the update is a bit slow, sorry! .

Chapter [-] The quietly unfolding conspiracy!


Seeing that the girl ignored him, Ichigo Kurosaki stood up from the bed with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

"The breath of Reiatsu is approaching, is the target near here?!" Rukia ignored Ichigo Kurosaki, perhaps in her eyes, she didn't think Ichigo Kurosaki could see her, and said to herself. .

"Although it is not strong just to feel the spiritual pressure, it must be solved as soon as possible!"

With his eyes closed, he felt that the Reiatsu was not too strong.Rukia opened her eyes and muttered to herself.

"I told you! Don't break into other people's rooms without permission, and talk to yourself!"

At this moment, seeing Rukia ignoring him again and again, Kurosaki Ichigo, who couldn't bear it, kicked him violently, and was about to kick Rukia's back.


It's naturally impossible to hide from Rukia with just this little action. Almost as soon as Kurosaki Ichigo kicked over, Rukia frowned, and immediately turned around to hide, and then her right hand suddenly stuck out, He grabbed his right foot, and then threw it over his shoulder, smashing Kurosaki Ichigo directly to the ground.


A tremor sounded, and the intense pain caused by the intimate contact between the body and the floor made Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't help taking a breath, and his face twisted a little.

"You can actually see me? 200!"

After subconsciously smashing Kurosaki Ichigo over his shoulder, Rukia was stunned and looked at Kurosaki Ichigo in disbelief.

Because Death is a soul body, if it is not the same existence, ordinary people can't see it at all, just like ordinary people who see ghosts, naturally can't see Death.

However, even so, there are still some exceptions, that is, humans who are born with spiritual power can see souls and death.

Of course, it is because of their natural spiritual power that such human beings are naturally targeted.

And Kurosaki Ichigo is undoubtedly this type of person, and he has extremely powerful spiritual power.

"You bastard!"

Some gritted teeth stood up, Kurosaki Ichigo glared at Rukia, couldn't help rushing up, and punched him.

"Humph, stupid!"

Seeing this, Rukia snorted coldly, with a look of contempt on her face, her slender right hand stretched out instantly, pointed at Kurosaki Ichigo's abdomen, and then swung to the right.

"One of the Binding Roads, Plug!"

Accompanied by Yan Ling's incantation, a powerful force bound Kurosaki Ichigo, who was rushing towards him. Before he could react, (bdbf) his hands were pulled behind him by an invisible force and bound.


Kurosaki Ichigo, who was bound, fell to the ground and struggled like a salted fish.

"What's going on, why can't you move!"

On the ground, Kurosaki Ichigo kept struggling, his big hands exerted forcefully, but he still did not waver at all, and he couldn't help but feel a little exasperated.

"Useless, although I am surprised that you can see me, but the ghost of death is not something that mere humans can break free!"

Facing Kurosaki Ichigo's struggle, Rukia sat on the bed with her right foot upright, with a proud look on her face.

Yes, even human beings with powerful spiritual power are only human beings after all, and generally speaking, it is impossible to break free from the ghosts of death.

"Death? Ghost? What are you talking about?"

Hearing the mysterious girl uttering a term she had never heard before, Ichigo Kurosaki couldn't help but ask.

Kurosaki Ichigo had a feeling in his heart that if he could know about Death, he might be able to discover something from it, and even that mysterious Kaido could know something.

"So that's the case, I haven't discovered it before, so you have spiritual power! No wonder you can see me!"

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