To Kurosaki Ichigo's question, Rukia did not answer, but looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with interest, nodding from time to time, her eyes flashing with surprise.

According to her observation, she can feel that Kurosaki Ichigo has a fairly strong spiritual power, although it is not clear how strong, but only the spiritual power he perceives is not weaker than the ordinary elite Death God.

If it is the soul of Jing Lingting, it can be regarded as a genius, and there is hope to become a vice-captain-level death god in the future.

"Hey...don't talk to yourself, you haven't answered my question yet!"

Seeing the mysterious girl talking to herself, Kurosaki Ichigo struggled on the ground and said, his face full of unwillingness.

"Hmph, you don't need to know about the God of Death, anyway, I'll wash your memory away soon!"

Rukia shook her head, not wanting to answer Kurosaki Ichigo's question.

The things of the god of death are generally not known by humans. Even if they are discovered accidentally, they will wash away each other's memories.

After all, matters involving the God of Death are not something that mere weak humans can participate in.

"Hey, what are you doing..."

Seeing that the girl stretched her palm to the top of her head, and it was already exuding a radiance, Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't help but said a little uneasy.

"It's nothing, it's just to wash away your memory and let you return to the life of an ordinary person." Rukia replied calmly, without stopping the movement of her hands, and began to talk about the memory of Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Wait, stop... bastard... tell me... who is Kaido and what is his relationship to you!!"

Feeling that the memory of the girl was gradually disappearing, Ichigo Kurosaki said anxiously, and then Ichigo Kurosaki blurted out about Kaido like a blessing to his heart.


Suddenly hearing these two words from Kurosaki Ichigo's mouth, Rukia's face changed greatly, and her eyes suddenly sharpened.

"Why do you know this name!"


In the kitchen, his face was a little melancholy. Kurosaki Masaki, who was washing dishes, suddenly felt a familiar Reiatsu, and his face couldn't help changing.

"It's him?!"

Kurosaki Masaki couldn't help but wondered, that familiar Reiatsu, if he didn't notice the mistake, it could only be that person.

The one who had helped her and was the best friend of Kurosaki Isshin.

"Do you want to meet me?!"

Feeling the faint fluctuations emanating from this spiritual pressure, Masaki Kurosaki hesitated for a moment, then quickly packed the tableware and walked out of the kitchen. After instructing the wanderer and Charlie, Masaki Kurosaki changed into clothes and then Hurry in the direction of Reiatsu.

Although he didn't know the other party's purpose, for the sake of helping him, Kurosaki Masaki didn't mind meeting him.

Even if the opponent has bad intentions, Masaki Kurosaki has enough strength to protect himself and even defeat the opponent.

Having mastered the power of emptiness and having been with Kaido for six years, Masaki Kurosaki's strength has long been unfathomable, enough to rival the top three Ten Blades.


ps: There is one more update later, and the third update will probably be restored tomorrow.

By the way, by the way, I recommend a few comics about the high school of the devil. It should be a little longer, so I can better understand the settings and so on. .

The [-]rd chapter is coming!

Not long after Kurosaki Masaki left, in an open space on the other side of Kuza Town, a figure suddenly raised his head and showed a smile.

"She is coming!"

The cold moonlight shone on his figure, the gold and green hat was on his head, he was wearing a light green coat, and his decadent face had a deep breath, it was Urahara Kisuke.

After six years, Urahara Kisuke's strength became significantly stronger after the two collapsed jades were fused together. His eyes even turned into deep purple, and his body vaguely exuded a terrifying aura.

"It's time to act!"

As Urahara Kisuke's voice fell, not far from the Kurosaki's house, with an ominous spirit emanating from his head, he started rushing towards the Kurosaki's house~.

"Do you really want this?"

Beside him, a man hidden in the shadows asked, with obvious hesitation.

"This is necessary. His power is the key to dealing with Kaido, and only that power can cause heavy damage to Kaido or even kill him!" Urahara Kisuke said grimly to the man's hesitation, no The slightest hesitation, full of coldness, and the former Urahara Kisuke are simply different.

"Still hesitating? Don't forget who caused you to become like this..."

Urahara Kisuke glanced at the man, shook the folding fan in his hand, and said in a low voice.

"Kurosaki Isshin!"


"You mean, Kaido is your teacher!!"

In the room, Rukia folded her arms and sat on the bed with her legs crossed, staring at Kurosaki Ichigo with wide eyes, her face full of disbelief.

"how is this possible!!"

Shaking her head, Rukia didn't believe Ichigo Kurosaki's statement at all. Although Kaido's whereabouts were erratic and only occasionally appeared in Soul Society to find them, Rukia still didn't believe Kaido would go there. Be a teacher to a group of humans! !

It was so incredible, Rukia didn't believe it at all.

"Hmph, that Kaido has long silver hair, noble golden eyes, a tall stature, and looks enchanting!"

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