Seeing Rukia's apparent disbelief, Ichigo Kurosaki snorted coldly and directly stated Kaido's features, causing Rukia to widen her eyes.

"What did you say?!!"

Rukia exclaimed in disbelief, her face full of shock.

"Could it be that Lord Kaido is really teaching in this world?"

Rukia couldn't turn a corner, but because of her nervous reaction, Kaido's behavior made him a little confused.

The king of the dignified virtual circle, the invincible hand of King's Landing Corpse Soul Realm, the existence that makes the entire Jingling Court tremble, actually teaches in this world? ! !

It was like a dragon playing with an ant, giving Rukia an unreal feeling.

"Master Kaido?!! What does that guy have to do with you!" Hearing Rukia's title, Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes widened, and his body suddenly struggled, like a salted fish, crazy Swinging on the floor, but still useless.

At this time, Rukia is much stronger than the original work, and the power of the ghosts used is not the same, even the ordinary elite death god, can't break free for a while, let alone Kurosaki Ichigo .

Of course, if Kurosaki Ichigo burst out with great power, he might be able to break free.

"Hmph, small mortals, even if they are fortunate enough to be taught by Lord Kai, they are not qualified to know about adults!"

Hiyako gave Kurosaki Ichigo a contemptuous look, Rukia wrapped her arms around her hands, with a strong pride on her face.

Once things involved Kaido, Rukia would inevitably feel proud and proud, because that was her adult, her man.

"But since you asked sincerely, then I will tell you with great mercy!" Rukia stretched out a finger, waved to Kurosaki Ichigo, and began to say.

After a long time—

"That lord..."

In Kurosaki Ichigo's confused eyes, Rukia pointed to the picture with a strange pattern in her hand and said to Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Understood? This is the greatness of Lord Kaido!"

"It is your honor to be taught by Lord Kaido!"

"Be proud!"

Saying that, Rukia put away the blueprint and looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with pride, as if that person was her.

"So, is this Kaido's true identity?" Kurosaki Ichigo didn't pay attention to Rukia's words, and did not complain about Rukia's soul painting style. At this time, he frowned tightly, My heart was full of shock.

Although he guessed that Kaido's identity is not simple and related to the god of death that Rukia said, he did not expect it to be so terrifying.

'So, is Dad's business going to be his doing? '

Inevitably, Kurosaki Ichigo thought about Kurosaki Isshin again, and became more suspicious in his heart.

"Okay, I've told you so much, it's time to wash your memory off!"

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Just as Kurosaki Ichigo was thinking deeply, Rukia, who was still unsure, finally remembered her own affairs. Once again, she stretched her right hand to Kurosaki Ichigo's head, and was about to erase her memory.

"do not want!"

Seeing that his memory was about to be washed away, Ichigo Kurosaki suddenly shouted, and his body rolled over to dodge it. At the same time, his hands began to exert force. Spiritual power began to pour out, and began to impact the seal of the ghost.

"This is?! What a powerful spiritual force!"

Seeing Kurosaki Ichigo's sudden burst of such powerful power, Rukia's face showed a deep look of surprise.

"Ah ah ah..."

Roaring in his mouth, Ichigo Kurosaki tried frantically with both hands, and finally broke the ghost away.



Rukia, who watched all this the whole time, couldn't help but widen her eyes, and it was enough to explain the reason why a human being could break free from the ghost path that could be bound by elite death gods.

"Oni-chan, what's wrong with you!?"

At this moment, the wandering child's delicate and soft voice came, full of doubts, making the gasping Kurosaki Ichigo's expression change, and said quickly.

"I'm fine... I just practiced roaring just now!"

Ichigo Kurosaki didn't want to involve his younger sister. Although he didn't have a good relationship with Charlie, Ichigo Kurosaki was very concerned about the gentle and well-behaved wanderer.

"Oh, Erni-chan, be quiet!"

Following Kurosaki Ichigo's explanation, the lovely voice of a wanderer soon came from outside the door, making Kurosaki Ichigo heave a sigh of relief.

"I underestimate you, you can actually break free from the ghost!"

Shaking her head, Rukia said with some admiration, but after a long time, her face became straight and she said seriously.

"But even so, I want to clear your memory!"

Saying that, Rukia is about to take another shot. With Rukia's current strength, if she takes a serious shot, Ichigo Kurosaki has no strength to resist.

Just when Kurosaki Ichigo was about to fight hard, Rukia's expression suddenly changed.

"Xu, here we come!"

As soon as the voice fell, a terrifying roar came, full of unknown spiritual pressure.


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