
The two voices sounded at the same time, and Rukia and Xu's figures flew out at the same time, smashing through the wall heavily.


Panic screams came from Kurosaki's house, and the collapse of the wall undoubtedly made the two girls panic and scream...  


Seeing that the girl smashed through the wall of his house at once, Kurosaki Ichigo's expression changed greatly, he rushed up, opened the brick, looked at the severely injured girl, and hurriedly asked.

"Ugh, cough, cough..."

Lying down in the rubble, Rukia spit out blood, her face paled for a while, the blow just now, no doubt directly hit her hard.

"Why, my body couldn't move just now!"

Recalling her previous state, Rukia's face was full of surprise. If it wasn't for the momentary stagnation in her figure, she would never have been hit.

"Are you OK!"

At this time, Ichigo Kurosaki's voice came, causing Rukia to turn her head to look at him, and just as she was about to speak, a weak roar came.

"No, that Daxu isn't dead yet!" Hearing this voice, Rukia's heart suddenly tightened. At this time, she was seriously injured and had no strength to act at all, even against the same serious injury. What a great chance, thinking of this, Rukia couldn't help staring at Kurosaki Ichigo: "Do you want power?"


Hearing Rukia's sudden words, Ichigo Kurosaki showed a look of astonishment, as if he didn't understand.

"Don't you understand? At this time, I have no ability to act, and the virtual is not dead!"

"Once the dude resumes action, we will all die, including your family!"

The voice fell, and Kurosaki Ichigo's face became tense in an instant, grabbed Rukia's shoulders with both hands, and asked quickly.

"Tell me what to do!"

Kurosaki Ichigo didn't want to die, let alone die in the hands of a monster inexplicably, and his family was still there, and he didn't want them to be involved inexplicably.

"Become a god of death!"

Rukia said, and then raised the sleeve of Shibaixue in her hand and asked.

"Do you have that determination? A determination to protect your family!"

Staring at Rukia tightly, Ichigo Kurosaki nodded heavily, his face full of determination.


"it is good!"

Rukia smiled, and the tip of the knife instantly pierced out, stabbing into Kurosaki Ichigo.

In an instant, a powerful spiritual pressure rose into the sky, symbolizing the birth of a human death god.

The gears of fate, start turning!


Chapter [-] Kaido's expectations

Just when Kurosaki Ichigo became the god of death, in the kitchen of a house just a few streets away from Kurosaki's house, a young man with long silver hair raised his head and looked in the direction of Kurosaki Ichigo. With playfulness.

"Have you become a god of death? Ichigo Kurosaki!"

The young man is Kaido himself, who is cooking in the kitchen at this time, and his golden eyes are full of deep playfulness.

The plot of Kurosaki Ichigo becoming the god of death was also promoted by Kaido behind the scenes. Even if Kisuke Urahara was behind the scenes, it was because Kaido let it go.

Otherwise, even if Kisuke Urahara has made great progress, how could he be able to hide from him?

After all, let Kurosaki Ichigo master the real power of death and liberate the last crescent moon, but Kaido's goal!

"Ichigo Kurosaki, I look forward to your growth!"

Holding a spoon in his right hand, stirring the clear soup in the pot, Kaido said in a leisurely tone, with a hint of anticipation on his face.

In the entire Death God world, there are only one or two existences that can make Kaido interested Count one.

As for Kurosaki Ichigo's last crescent moon, it is the existence that Kaido is most looking forward to.

Being able to kill Aizen who has evolved several levels with one blow, it seems like a crescent moon that can split everything, so Kaido is looking forward to whether the other party can cut open his body, so that this body has never been hurt. Injuried.

"Oh, brother, what are you talking about!!"

At this moment, an indistinct voice came from Kaido's body, causing Kaido to look down, and he saw Orihime Inoue raised his head and looked at Kaido, with a look of doubt on his delicate and beautiful face.

A head of orange long hair fell from the back, and the big bright eyes flashed, which looked extremely cute. Looking down from Kaido's vision, you could see the "human heart" wrapped in the white shirt.

"No, it's alright, Orihime just keep doing your thing!!" Kaido smiled lightly at Inoue Orihime's question, but didn't say anything.


Seeing that Kaido didn't want to say anything, Inoue Orihime obediently didn't ask, but continued to bury her head in her own business.

"Hum hum……"

Lightly humming a song in his mouth, Kaido placed his perception on Kurosaki Ichigo in the distance, while he was concentrating on cooking and enjoying the gentle service of his cute sister.

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