
Meanwhile, the living room.

"I'm so envious!"

"I envy Orihime for being like Kaido-sensei!"

The craftsman Chizuru turned his body on one side, his glasses-wearing eyes secretly peeping at everything in the kitchen, and he kept talking.

The original cute face now has a crazy: female smile, completely destroying the original cuteness.

"That guy!"

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Arisawa Ryugui caressed his forehead, and said helplessly, feeling a headache for the shameful behavior of the craftsman Qianhe.

"Humph, what a stupid human being!"

Sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed, Lilinette showed her cute little tiger teeth and looked at the craftsman Chizuru with a disdainful expression, with an arrogant expression.

On both sides of the sofa, there were women such as Shabee, Yoichi, and Soma Yoshino, while next to the sofa, Izayoi stood with arms and hands, like a perfect maid.

"I said Qianhe, what are you looking at!"

Somewhat annoyed, he looked at Chi: the female Chizuru, Arisawa Ryuki finally couldn't bear it anymore, he couldn't help standing up, walked over quickly, put one hand on Chizuru's shoulder, and said in a suppressed voice of anger.


However, before Long Gui's attack, he saw Qianhe, the artisan, turning his head, his pretty face under glasses was full of seriousness.

"Be quiet, Long Gui!"


Long Gui's eyes widened slightly, and he didn't know why, but when he saw Qianhe's gesture of beckoning, Long Gui leaned down in anticipation, and followed Qianhe's movements and peered into the kitchen.

It is worth mentioning that, after moving out of the original home of Orihime Inoue and buying a separate house, it has expanded a lot compared to the original narrow room, and the kitchen is even more spacious. Door.

It can be said that unless the door of the kitchen is opened, the inside cannot be seen from the outside.However, for the master craftsman Qianzuru, who is very thick-skinned and comparable to the city wall, it is very simple to open the door of the kitchen to peep.

"Looks like there will be two more!"

Looking at Long Gui, who was full of curiosity and wanted to peep together, Broken Bee, who was wearing modern clothes and had a completely different style than usual, said helplessly.

"Hmph, it's a matter of time anyway, even the little Orihime six years ago, that guy can do it, not to mention the two lovely students who came to the door." As for the broken bees, Sifengyuan Ye One is a cold smile, and her face is full of disdain. At this time, she is not wearing a cat-ear maid outfit, but ordinary casual clothes.

"Hmph, stinky catwoman, if you say that, you're not afraid that you won't be able to get out of bed tomorrow?!"

Hearing Ye Yi's words, Lilinette sneered mercilessly, causing Ye Yi's face to freeze, and then her hair froze.

"What are you talking about, you stinky bastard!"

"Huh? You stinky catwoman, I just said what about you?"


"Stinky brat!!"

"Stinky Catwoman!!"

Just as the situation between the two women became more and more intense, and when the scolding battle was about to break out again, a low-pitched exclamation suddenly came, causing several people to look over.

He saw Long Gui, who was originally curious, covering her face at this time, and her face was flushed with blush, almost making people think she was about to burst into steam.

"Hey, he's still a child!"

"I can understand a little excitement when I see something too intense at once!"

"Humph, what a sin!"

Looking at Long Gui's appearance, Ye Yi and other women stopped arguing and looked at her with some playful eyes, their expressions full of playfulness.

All the girls knew exactly what happened in the kitchen. After all, this kind of thing happened almost every day, or Orihime Inoue, or them, anyway, almost every day, and they didn't mean to be surprised.

It was the first time that Long Gui, who saw these, seemed a little unbearable, and he was extremely shy.

However, after the initial embarrassment: shyness, Long Gui lay down together again, and continued to watch everything in the kitchen, his face flushed red, but he still enjoyed it.

This scene made all the women's faces look amused.


ps: I'm desperate, this review is too strict, and it won't pass! .

Chapter [-]: The Ruthless Kurosaki Masaki

ps: According to this tax, I think it is still complete! (T_T)/~~


On the other hand, when Kurosaki Ichigo became the god of death, Urahara Kisuke raised his head as if he was feeling it, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but evoke a smile.

"He has become a god of death!"

Urahara Kisuke said, with anticipation in his eyes, Kurosaki Ichigo, in Urahara Kisuke's plan, can be said to be the most critical part.


Standing in the shadows beside him, Kurosaki sighed with a complicated expression on his face.

Kurosaki is naturally unwilling to involve his son, but he knows that there is a terrible power in Kuro Ichigo, which is the key to dealing with Kaido.

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