'Kaido! '

Thinking of that man, Kurosaki Yixin couldn't help clenching his hands, his heart was full of hatred and jealousy. Thinking of his beautiful wife being crushed under him, Kurosaki Yixin couldn't help but go mad.

In particular, according to Urahara Kisuke, the reason why he was attacked by false assaults and was seriously injured and comatose for six years is very likely related to Kaido, or even he did it himself.

'I will definitely kill you! '

Kurosaki Isshin's face twisted a little, full of resentment and anger.



At this moment, Urahara Kisuke put away the folding fan with a "pop", raised his head and said softly.


Hearing Kisuke Urahara's words, Kurosaki was shocked, and he couldn't help but look over, and saw a beautiful figure approaching fast in the distance, it was his wife, Masaki Kurosaki.

"It's Masaki!"

It had been six years since he had seen his wife, and a look of joy appeared on Kurosaki Isshin's face. He was so excited that he was about to come out, but was stopped by Urahara Kisuke, and he suddenly looked at him with some doubts.

"Calm down, Isshin, now is not the time for you to meet~"!" Kisuke Urahara said lightly when he saw Kurosaki Isshin's puzzled look.

"Wait a little longer!"

At the end, Urahara Kisuke added a sentence to calm down the excited Kurosaki Isshin.

"it is good!"

Hearing Kisuke Urahara say that, Issaki Kurosaki calmed down, took a deep breath, and slowly retreated into the darkness, hiding his figure.


At this time, accompanied by a gust of light wind, Kurosaki Masaki stepped into the void and landed not far in front of Urahara Kisuke, staring at Urahara Kisuke with clear and charming eyes.

"Long time no see, Mrs. Kurosaki!"

Seeing Kurosaki Masaki, Urahara Kisuke was the first to speak, shaking the folding fan in his hand, with a smile on his face, like a fox.

"Urahara Kisuke!"

Looking at Kisuke Urahara in front of him with a complicated expression, Masaki Kurosaki said lightly.

"Don't call me Mrs. Kurosaki, although we haven't divorced, but I don't love him anymore!"

As soon as he finished speaking, not only Urahara Kisuke looked surprised, but Kurosaki Isshin was so excited that he almost didn't stand up directly.

"Why!?" Urahara Kisuke frowned and asked, looking puzzled, and secretly grabbed Kurosaki Isshin to calm him down.

"I'm sorry for him!"

Kurosaki Masaki shook his head without explaining anything, but asked Urahara Kisuke with sharp eyes.

"It's you, Urahara Kisuke, what do you have to do with me!"

For Kisuke Urahara who had been missing for many years and suddenly appeared, Masaki Kurosaki was still wary.

After all, the woman he loved was taken away by Kaido.

"Masaki Kurosaki, do you know how your husband was injured back then?" Seeing Masaki Kurosaki asking straight-forward, Kisuke Urahara shook his fan and said in a mysterious tone.

"I know!"

However, before Kisuke Urahara could sell out, Masaki Kurosaki said it in a flat tone, with a calm look on his gorgeous face.


This time, not only Urahara Kisuke, but also Kurosaki in the darkness widened his eyes in astonishment. He looked at Kurosaki Masaki in disbelief, and was extremely shocked in his heart.

"The reason why Kurosaki Isshin was injured back then was entirely because of Kaido. He sent Kuo to attack Kurosaki Isshin, who had lost his strength at the time, and he was seriously injured!" Heart palpitations. "All this, Kaido told me!"


At this time, Kurosaki Isshin finally couldn't help but came out and questioned Kurosaki Masaki, his tone was full of disbelief.

"Sure enough, it's you, Kurosaki Isshin!"

Seeing Kurosaki Isshin himself, Kurosaki Masaki sighed faintly with a complicated look on his face.

".ˇ Since you mysteriously disappeared from the hospital, I have been aware of it!"

"You really showed up!"

As early as when Kurosaki Isshin disappeared, Kurosaki Masaki had already noticed that it was most likely Kisuke Urahara who took Kurosaki Isshin away.

After all, the only ones who know about Kurosaki Isshin are Ishida Ryugen and Urahara Kisuke.

There is no possibility or reason for the former to take Kurosaki Isshin away, and only the latter, Kisuke Urahara, who was deliberately let go by Kaido, would do such a thing.

"Masaki, answer me, why did you do that!"

However, Kurosaki Issei didn't pay any attention to what Kurosaki Masaki said, but looked at her excitedly and questioned her again and again.

"Did that guy force you?"

Suddenly, Kurosaki Isshin seemed to understand something, with an excited expression on his face, he asked quickly.

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