(Qian Zhao) "Yes, it must be the guy who used the child to persecute you, right?"

"No, no, he won't force me!"

Kurosaki Masaki looked at Kurosaki Isshin with some pity, and said in a very cold tone.

"He never forced me, he told me all this, and it was my decision."

"I'm sorry for you, but I'm already in love with him."

"I'm sorry, Kurosaki Isshin, we have no chance!"

The cold words were like the spear of Longinus running through the heart, making Kurosaki Isshin's face extremely pale, his figure retreating again and again, and his eyes staring at Kurosaki Masaki, the familiar face in the past became extremely strange at this moment.

Not like his own wife at all, but like a familiar stranger.

Once a woman is cold and heartless, she can do anything.


Chapter [-]: Kurosaki Isshin's decision, the turning of the wheel of fortune


Kurosaki stared blankly at Kurosaki Masaki, murmuring in disbelief, his body trembling slightly.


Seeing the appearance of Kurosaki Isshin, Kurosaki Masaki sighed slightly, but there was no fluctuation in his heart. After six years, Kurosaki Masaki had already lost Kurosaki Isshin in his heart.

In Kurosaki Masaki's eyes, Kurosaki Isshin is no different from an ordinary passerby at this time. If it gets in her way, she doesn't mind getting rid of it.

"One heart."

Seeing Kurosaki Isshin's soulless appearance, Urahara Kisuke frowned and couldn't help but drink in a deep voice. The voice containing spiritual power echoed in Kurosaki Isshin's ears, trying to wake him up, but it was of no use.

"Ms. Kurosaki..."

Seeing this, Urahara Kisuke turned his head to stare at Kurosaki Masaki, just as he spoke, he was directly interrupted by Kurosaki Masaki.

"Enough, don't call me Mrs. Kurosaki, just call me Kurosaki Masaki!" Kurosaki Masaki interrupted Kisuke Urahara without hesitation, with an unquestionable tone.

This made Issaki Kurosaki even more sad, because he knew that Masaki Kurosaki really didn't love him anymore, otherwise he wouldn't be so heartless.

"Urahara Kisuke, I don't care what kind of grievances you have with Kaido, I warn you, don't do some smart things, otherwise..." Having said this, Kurosaki Masaki stared at him coldly and said, "Don't blame me. You are welcome."

After finishing speaking, Kurosaki Masaki's originally beautiful and bright eyes turned into dark gold at this time, like a terrifying Vastord-class phantom face, exuding a frightening breath.

As for Urahara Kisuke's purpose, Kurosaki Masaki naturally has some guesses, and with Kurosaki Isshin's sudden appearance, Kurosaki Masaki can already be [-]% sure of Urahara Kisuke's purpose.

Therefore, before Kisuke Urahara could speak, she took the lead and refused, and the reason why she didn't do it immediately was because Kaido once said that Kisuke Urahara was still useful, so it was useful——

That's it.

Hearing this, Urahara Kisuke's brows furrowed tightly, and he couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

His original intention was to use Kurosaki Isshin to pull over an important person like Kurosaki Masaki, and even act as an undercover beside Kaido, but he didn't expect that Kurosaki Masaki had already fallen in love with Kaido, even if it was Kurosaki Yixin himself appeared, and it was of no use at all.

This can't help giving Urahara Kisuke a headache and feeling extremely difficult. As for the threat of Kurosaki Masaki?

Urahara Kisuke has not paid attention to it yet.

With his current strength, as long as he is not against a monster of the level of Kayama Motoyuzhai or Kaido, he is sure to fight against any other opponent, and he can retreat calmly no matter how bad it is.

"Since Miss Kurosaki Masaki said so, I have nothing to say, I just hope..." Urahara Kisuke gave Kurosaki Masaki a deep look and said slowly.

"Miss Masaki, don't forget a few children."

After speaking, Urahara Kisuke put away the folding fan and stared at Masaki Kurosaki quietly.

"You don't need to worry about that."

Even if Urahara Kisuke said that, Kurosaki Masaki remained unmoved. After staring at Kurosaki for a while, Kurosaki Masaki turned around and disappeared directly, leaving only an ethereal voice.

"Isshin Kurosaki, I have nothing to do with you anymore, I hope you don't appear in front of us again."

Looking at the disappearing Kurosaki Masaki, Kurosaki Ichigo was silent, clenching his hands tightly, his veins burst out, scarlet blood flowed from his fists and dripped onto the ground.

"Isshin, you understand!" Looking at the silent Kurosaki Isshin, Urahara Kisuke shook his folding fan, looked at him calmly, and said indifferently, "Only by killing that man, will Kurosaki Masaki be able to return around you."

Even if he could not win Kurosaki Masaki over, the scheming Urahara Kisuke did not miss the opportunity to stimulate Kurosaki Isshin.

It would be better to say that this situation is more beneficial to Urahara (bgbf) Kisuke. Compared to the swaying Kurosaki Isshin, a really crazy Kurosaki Isshin is the most powerful weapon.

"I understand, Urahara Kisuke."

After a long silence, Kurosaki Isshin spoke in a hoarse voice.

"I will do my best to help you and kill him!"

The voice was full of firmness, and the killing intent contained in it was even more chilling.

Hearing this, Urahara Kisuke didn't change his face, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes quickly, and then nodded slowly.

"Let's go."


On the other side, the Kurosaki house.

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