"Oni-chan, it's time to get up!"

Just when Kurosaki Ichigo wanted to refute, a crisp and sweet loli voice came from outside the door.



"I'm going to school!"

An hour later, Kurosaki Ichigo stood at the door, said hello to his home, and then turned around and walked towards the school.

"Ichigo Kurosaki!"

Sitting on the balcony on the second floor, Rukia stared at Kurosaki Ichigo who was far away with a thoughtful expression on her face.

Although she didn't say it, it didn't mean that Rukia didn't care. When she helped Kurosaki Ichigo awaken the power of death yesterday, Rukia intended to inject some of the spiritual pressure into his body to help him awaken the power of death.

In the end, I didn't expect that Kurosaki Ichigo's power was so domineering, it directly plundered more than [-]% of the spiritual pressure of her whole body, and almost drained her whole body, leaving Rukia, who was seriously injured, become weaker.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

This is undoubtedly an extremely unbelievable thing. Her spiritual pressure is comparable to that of an ordinary captain, and all the spiritual pressure that is close to the captain's level has been taken away by an ordinary person.

If Rukia hadn't been able to determine that Kurosaki Ichigo was an ordinary person before, Rukia almost thought she had encountered a monster.


At this moment, a vast and boundless spiritual pressure rushed over the sky and covered the earth, surpassing the captain level by more than a thousand times, almost covering the entire world with despairing and trembling power.

Divine might as hell--

This is a power that is truly comparable to the gods, or even surpasses it, and it is despairing just to show it.

"Huh?! This spiritual pressure?!!"

0 ......

However, Rukia, who sensed this power, was not surprised but delighted, and there was a deep joy on her delicate face.

"Master Kaido!!"

Even if Rukia didn't see him, the power alone was enough for Rukia to judge the identity of a person.

"Long time no see, little Rukia!"

The next second, a low and magnetic voice came from her ears, full of charm, and then a pair of big hands wrapped around her waist, limbs, and embraced them, and gave strong arms to the now soft and weak Rukia. Brings a great sense of security.

"Master Kaido!"

Rukia raised her head, looked at the familiar face that appeared in front of her, and the dreamy silver hair, and couldn't help but whispered, her voice full of nostalgia.

"I miss you so much!"

Saying that, Rukia wrapped her arms around Kaido's neck, her eyes filled with misty mist.

"Oh? Then let me check!"

"How's Rukia growing up!"

A smile twitched at the corner of his mouth, Kaido lowered his head, and stopped his red lips: his hands also began to move.


ps: Let me explain here, Kurosaki Masaki's surname is Kurosaki, and Kurosaki Isshin's original name is Shiba Isshin, and his surname is Shibo, which means that he is married.

By the way, I've been catching up with Orihime Inoue in the past two days. It's about a day or two away. If you want, you can ask me for it in the skirt. By the way, the next article is probably Rukia!

As for the update, I will restore it as soon as possible, after all, I also want to make money to support my family! .

Chapter [-]: Child of Destiny, Kaido's Confidence (First)

In the room, a low and melodious music sounded, sometimes crisp and sweet, sometimes pleasant to the ear, sometimes high passion, and composed a soul-stirring piece of music.

After a long time, the passionate music came to an end, and Kaido embraced Rukia lying on the white bed.

"Master Kaido!"

The original strong expression is no longer there. At this time, Rukia is like a weak kitten, lying on: in Kaido's chest: in the chest, the green chest is tight: close to Kaido's chest: in the chest, the voice is calm: Calling his name lazily.

The whole room was filled with wolves: borrowed, the big messy bed, the wet floor, every place was full of traces of the two of them fighting, if it wasn't for Kaido's enchantment beforehand, I'm afraid the nearby residents would be disturbed .

It is conceivable that the battle between the two was fierce, but the room was in a mess. If Kurosaki Ichigo saw it, it is estimated that "[-]" would be half-dead with anger.

While that's impossible - Kaido will remove all traces before he returns - even if it's just traces, Kaido won't let any man see it.

This overbearing possessiveness is one of Kaido's driving forces.

"The body is so warm!" Rukia murmured in a low voice, she could feel a warm force gushing out from Kaido's body, continuously entering her body.

The original serious injury was recovered in a short period of time, and even the spiritual pressure recovered quickly, and it suddenly returned to its heyday, and even faintly became stronger.

"Master Kaido, did you help me with my injury?" Noticing the strangeness of her body, Rukia quickly raised her head and looked at Kaido in confusion with a pretty face covered in sweat, which was different from her usual strength. Smart, the somewhat confused expression at this time is really too cute.

"You're injured, so of course I'll help you recover." Seeing Rukia's confused and somewhat flattered look, Kaido smiled dumbly, reached out and pinched her little nose, and said indulgently.

"Besides, you are my woman, I won't help you, who will help?" Hearing this, Rukia's pretty face flushed, and she nodded with some emotion, her hands tightening.

"Master Kaido, why are you in this world? And..." At this time, Rukia raised her head and asked in confusion. After a while, she said with a strange expression, "It's still a profession like being a teacher."

Even now, Rukia doesn't quite understand Kaido's thoughts. The king of the dignified circle, the invincible who dominates the whole world, actually ran to be a teacher?

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