This was originally a very funny thing, if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Rukia couldn't believe it at all.

"It's just fun!"

Hearing Rukia's words, Kaido smiled and said calmly.


Rukia tilted her head with a puzzled expression.

"Yes, it's just fun!"

Facing Rukia's gaze, Kaido stretched out his palm and squeezed it lightly in the void, revealing an inexplicable smile.

"I do this just because it's fun, and I don't care about the rest."

Yes, the reason why Kaido traverses the world and does all kinds of things is not only because of power and women, but also because of fun.

Because he thought it was interesting, Kaido deliberately let go of Ichibei, the main soldier. Because it was interesting, Kaido ignored Kisuke Urahara's small movements, and even used his hand to give Bengyu to Aizen to strengthen the opponent's strength.

It's all just because Kaido finds it funny, so he does it.

There's no denying that Kaido is looking forward to Aizen's performance and that they can bring him some fun.


Hearing this, Rukia nodded somewhat vaguely. Rukia, who was still young, obviously didn't understand Kaido's words-although in fact Rukia was much older than Kaido.


"Rukia, what do you think of Kurosaki Ichigo?" At this time, Kaido took the initiative to ask Rukia, his palms gently slid across the white, smooth spine: back, grabbed: hold A smooth and small half-moon appeared, and the wide palm covered it with ease.

"Hmm..." Rukia's body trembled, her face flushed red again: dizzy, she shook her head, and said slowly.

"He is a very mysterious person, not only has an amazing spiritual talent, but also can break free from my ghost, and even plunder all the spiritual pressure away."

Speaking of which, even Rukia showed a hint of amazement.

"It's hard to imagine that he really is a human being."

Being able to break free from the ghost path of the captain, and even take away all the spiritual pressure of a captain, such a terrifying ability, it is hard to imagine that an ordinary human has...  

"Ichigo Kurosaki, that's not an ordinary person."

Hearing this, Kaido showed a mysterious smile, kissed Rukia's doubtful pretty face, and then slowly explained in her shy expression.

"He is the son of destiny who has three bloodlines at the same time..."

After a long time, after hearing Kaido's explanation, Rukia showed an unbelievable expression. Even though she felt that Kurosaki Ichigo's identity was not simple, Rukia did not expect it to be so amazing.

At the same time, he has three bloodline abilities, and he is also the child of destiny, the future savior, and all kinds of things beyond the understanding of ordinary people, making Rukia's head a little muddy.

What shocked Rukia even more was that Kaido even plotted against Kurosaki Ichigo and wanted to nurture him, which made Rukia a little worried.

After all, according to Kaido, Child of Destiny has an extraordinary fortune and a terrifying growth rate.

"You don't have to show such an expression. The so-called Child of Destiny is not invincible. As long as you have absolute power, you can break it!" Seeing Rukia's worried expression, Kaido smiled slightly and saw it all at once. She understood her thoughts and showed a confident smile.

"I am invincible."

3.8 "Hmm!"

Rukia smiled and nodded heavily, but her hands tightened her grip on Kaido.

"In the next period of time, I'll ask you to train him a little." Seeing that Rukia was still a little worried, Kaido did not continue to explain, Kaido had absolute confidence in his own strength.

At this time, Kaido's physical body and spiritual power have both reached the "doomsday" level, and his strength is still increasing continuously, and his overall strength is more than doubled compared to six years ago.

It can be said that the current Kaido is in the "doomsday" rank, and can almost be regarded as a top-notch existence. If he goes mad, he can tear apart half a step of the sky.

Not afraid of all threats at all, the so-called Aizen, Yohabach and the like are just ants that make him a little interested.


Chapter [-] The Growth of Kurosaki Ichigo! (Second more)


Roaring loudly, Ichigo Kurosaki was wearing a black death tyrant outfit, waving a huge Zanpakutō, directly slicing the half-orc-like Void in front of him, and the blood poured out instantly. The earth is full of redness.


The terrifying howls continued, and several human-shaped phantoms were surrounded in the air. They stared at Kurosaki Ichigo on the ground, his eyes humanized and full of cruelty, and the spiritual pressure emanating from his body was comparable to the ordinary elite death god.

Powerful virtual!

In the low-level virtual world, they can be regarded as powerful beings. If they only talk about the spiritual pressure, they are comparable to the elite death gods. In addition to the birth of wisdom, their strength is not necessarily worse than the general death gods.

"Damn death!"

A human-shaped Xu let out a low roar, and his hideous eyes were full of resentment. Even if wisdom was born, some of Xu's hostility and hatred for the god of death would not change.

Not to mention, the birth of wisdom makes them more hostile to the god of death.

"Damn, how come there are several phantoms all at once!"

Standing on the ground, Ichigo Kurosaki gasped for breath, and looked at the 16 dwarfs with a dignified look, feeling like he was swearing.

Counting today, it happened to be a week for him to become a Death God, and the seven days can only be said to be very short. For a Death God, it is not enough to fight several times, let alone a newbie Death God.

But in this short week, as if it happened deliberately, Kurosaki Ichigo encountered Kudo no less than ten times, each time it was an uphill battle. A minor injury.

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