bang bang bang...

The stars collided, and hundreds of "planets" slammed into the shield, making a violent roar, and the terrifying explosion kept resounding, but the shield couldn't help it, showing an incomparable defense. force.


Compared with Inoue Orihime's defense, Yusawa Ryuji was wearing a black suit, with black armor covering all key parts of his body, a pair of fists on his fair hands, and a mask on his heroic face. Covered by a black mask, like a powerful and incomparable Valkyrie——


His body is running horizontally and vertically in the air, his speed is extremely terrifying, and his fists have turned into countless afterimages, blasting the "planets" into pieces and turning them into countless "fireworks" blooming in the air, and the scene is extremely intense. .

Boom! !

On the other side, the craftsman Chizuru, dressed in gorgeous clothes and holding a cherry-colored staff, is not bad. The staff in his hand released countless thunders, blasting the "planets" into pieces.

After Kaido's devil training for a whole month, coupled with Kaido having sex with them from time to time, after giving them magic supplements, the three girls can be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes, and their strengths can be said to be incomparable, perhaps Not as good as the vice-captain, but not bad for the general three seats.

It can be said that two ordinary people and an ordinary person with only ability can grow to this level in just one month. It can be said to be very exaggerated.

Even the poisonous bee Liluka has become much stronger through this, and her strength is not necessarily weaker than Rukia.

"Good results!"

Sitting in the starry sky not far away, Kaido looked at the amazing performance of the three girls, and couldn't help but nodded with a satisfied expression on his face.

Although this is just a random cultivation of Kaido, it is nothing, but to achieve this level, it still makes Kaido look at him.

"Hmph, I'm not bad!"

Sitting next to Kaido, Liluca snorted in dissatisfaction.


Chapter [-] The scene of despair! (first update)

Boom boom boom! ! !

With the earth-shattering explosion, thousands of "stars" were turned into ashes, and the "stars" that originally spread across the entire starry sky were almost swept away, leaving only empty darkness.

"Easy solution!"

Looking at the "stars" all being destroyed, leaving only the boundless dark universe, Aizawa Ryuki, who was wearing black armor, clenched his fist and said with excitement.

Kaido once said that when the "stars" all over this dimensional space collapsed, it was the time when their training was over, and at this time, it was time for them to complete the results.

"Oh yeah, this is overdone, so I'll be rewarded by Kaido-sensei later!" Chizuru, the master craftsman on the side, jumped up cheerfully, his face flushed with excitement, and the gorgeous skirt jumped up with his body. Turn it up naturally, revealing the sexy pink lace fat: times.

"Great, it's finally done."

Inoue Ori "[-]" Ji also showed a smile, the light shield originally blocked in front of him turned into two streamers and returned to the temples, forming a gorgeous six-pointed star hair accessory.

This is a gift that Kaido gave her a few years ago. It has incredible power, and the ability of Inoue Orihime is also awakened.


A clear voice came from above, Kaido and Liluca slowly descended in front of the three girls with a smile on his face.

"elder brother!"

The moment she saw Kaido, Inoue Orihime cheered and threw herself into Kaido's arms, saying softly.

The body full of fragrance and fragrance plunged into his arms, and a burst of fragrant jade suddenly filled Kaido's eyes, and he subconsciously embraced Orihime Inoue with both hands.

"You girl, you are still the same frizzy!"

Looking at the lovely pretty face in his arms, Kaido chuckled lightly, reaching out and stroking his orange hair with a soft smile on his face.


Looking at Inoue Orihime with some envy, Long Gui took off his mask, revealing a heroic and pretty face.

Although in this month's time, she has become Kaido's woman, and even had an indescribable flying with Inoue Orihime and other women, and they have long known each other.

But it's still a bit of a shame to let her, like Orihime Inoue, throw herself directly into Kaido's arms.

"Mo...Teacher, I want it too!" But compared to Ryuzawa Aizawa who couldn't let go, Chizuru, the master craftsman, was extremely bold and directly embraced Kaido's other side, full of smirk.

"They have completed the task perfectly, and the rewards are from others!" After speaking, the craftsman Qianhe looked at Kaido with flickering eyes, with a strong expression of excitement on his face, obviously falling into a state of estrus.

"First of all, let's have a kiss~"

After speaking, the craftsman Chizuru closed his eyes directly, and his delicate and small mouth pouted, looking quite attractive.

"This guy is here again!"

Seeing the appearance of the craftsman Chizuru, and knowing that the other party was starting to estrus again, Ryuzawa Arisawa couldn't help but feel a headache.

"The reward is naturally there, but well, you have all mastered your own strength perfectly, why don't you have a real battle!" The right hand touched the face of the craftsman Qianhe, and he pushed it away with force, Kaido said lightly.

"Actual combat?"

Hearing this, Arisawa Ryuki looked startled, and said in surprise, even Inoue Orihime, who was in Kaido's arms, also left Kaido's arms and looked at Kaido with a puzzled face.

Only the master craftsman Chizuru still hugged Kaido in love and refused to let go, with a nympho expression on his face.

"Yes, actual combat!"

Seeing the suspicious look of the girls, Kaido raised a finger and showed a mysterious smile on his face.

"It just happened that something happened outside, just to verify your results!"

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