


Terrifying howls spread all over the sky, one after another with human-shaped bodies, but the hideous appearance emerged from the sky, with hideous eyes, roaring in the air, looking extremely terrifying.


One after another incomparably sharp light arrows penetrated the void, directly piercing a few howling virtual shots, and dissipated into spirits.


Kurosaki Ichigo shouted in a deep voice, the whole person ran and jumped, directly slicing a virtual in half, however, the number of virtuals did not decrease in the slightest.

"Damn, that's too many!"

Kurosaki Ichigo gasped and looked at the Kuo that kept emerging from the void, feeling his scalp tingling.

At this time, the sky is already full of virtual figures, and it is estimated that there are hundreds of them. This is definitely not the number that he can resist.

The only thing that made Kurosaki Ichigo relieved was that these Kudos did not leave the place to hunt for souls in other parts of Kakuza Town, otherwise the whole Kakuza Town would fall into a terrible disaster.

Of course, even so, the incomparably large number still gave Kurosaki Ichigo a feeling of despair. …

"Bastard Ishida, why is this happening!"

With deep resentment, Kurosaki Ichigo roared angrily towards Yuryu Ishida on the other side, his voice full of anger.


He raised his hand and pulled the bow, and a spiritual light arrow shot out, directly piercing a howling void.


Breathing heavily, the originally white fingers were already full of blood when he kept pulling the bow, but Ishida Yulong didn't care about this, but looked at the constantly appearing Xu with a gloomy face, and his heart was full of shock and anger. meaning.

'What's going on, why is this happening! '

'I have clearly controlled the spirit bait well, how can I summon so many ghosts! '

Ishida Yulong kept roaring in his heart, the situation at this time was far beyond his control, and such a number of falsehoods made him almost helpless.

Not to mention, he vaguely felt a huge spiritual pressure coming. It was an extremely terrifying existence. For these two weak existences, it was a fatal crisis.

"I don't know, it's not going to happen!"

Lifting the bow to kill Xu again, Ishida Yulong gasped for breath and said at a loss. The right hand that pulled the bow gradually became weak, and he was almost unable to shoot the spiritual arrow.

The long-term battle has almost exhausted his spiritual and physical strength, and at this time, he is about to lose his fighting power.

"May 5.5 Evil!"

Hearing Ishida Yulong's reply, Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't help roaring, and after slashing the two in front of him with a knife, he finally couldn't help kneeling on the ground.


Looking at the sky that spreads all over the sky, Ichigo Kurosaki said in despair that at this moment he has no physical strength to continue fighting.

"They can't do it!"

Standing on a tree not far away, Rukia frowned, looked at Kurosaki Ichigo who was kneeling on the ground, and muttered to herself.

"Would you like to help them!"

Rukia hesitated a little. It wasn't the time for Kurosaki Ichigo to die, so she didn't want an accident.

"Hmm! This is!!?"

Suddenly, Rukia's face changed slightly, she raised her head and looked at the boundless sky, her face became serious, she felt a powerful spiritual pressure.

That is--

Big imaginary!


Chapter [-]: The Consternation of Ichigo Kurosaki (Second)

At the same moment, Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Yuryu also felt something, raised their heads and looked at the sky, their faces filled with solemn expressions.


A howling sound that covered all the virtual groups came out from the void far beyond the previous one, as if a behemoth was about to appear, which was a pity.


Immediately, in the terrifying eyes of the two, a terrifying and secluded crack suddenly opened in the sky, and a terrifying spiritual pressure that transcended the emptiness of the scene appeared, causing both Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Yulong to feel suffocated. .

"what is that?!!"

Kurosaki Ichigo widened his eyes and muttered.

"It's a big virtual!"

On the other side, Ishida Yulong's face was extremely pale, and he couldn't help but close his eyes and said in pain.

Just feeling this spiritual pressure made Ishida Yulong understand what kind of existence he had provoked.

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